ダリルのEveryday English Podcast

ダリルのEveryday English

DJダリルと一緒に8回シリーズでやさしいフレーズを学びます。 登場人物は、福岡市の青年ダイスケ。外国人と話す機会は少ないけれど「いつかは流ちょうに英語を話して、友達を作りたい」と願う27歳ウェブディレクター。
Scene8-5 帰りの飛行機でばったり!
「ダリルのEveryday English」は今回で最終回。おつかれさまでした!ぜひ繰り返し聴いて英語を身につけてくださいね♪ LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 12, 2012
Scene8-4 帰りの飛行機でばったり!
A: OK! I'll be sure to check it out. Q: Here's my business card. Let's be friends on Facebook. A: Thank you, Darrell! I'll be sure to find you online. LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 12, 2012
Scene8-3 帰りの飛行機でばったり!
A: Have you ever been to San Francisco? Q: Yes, but it was a long time ago. A: Where do you recommend I visit? Q: Well, there's the Golden Gate Bridge, of course. LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 12, 2012
Scene8-2 帰りの飛行機でばったり!
Q: So how long are you going to be in San Francisco? A: For six days. Q: Is this your first time? A: Yes, I've never been out of Japan! LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 12, 2012
Scene8-1 帰りの飛行機でばったり!
Q: Excuse me….oh! You are…. A: Hi Darrell! Q: Hey - Daisuke! What are you doing here? A: I'm going on a sightseeing trip to San Francisco. Q: Oh really? Through Narita airport, right? A: Yes! That's right. Q: Me too! Do you know how long this flight is? A: Sorry, I don't know. Q: Here comes a flight attendant…. Excuse me, how long until we arrive? E: We will arrive at Narita airport at 3 o'clock. Q: Oh thanks. How's the weather there? E: It's cloudy now, but it's going to be fine later. Q: Thank you! LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 12, 2012
Scene7-5 オススメのおみやげは?
今回は「オススメのおみやげは?」編のおさらいをします。 LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 6, 2012
Scene7-4 オススメのおみやげは?
Q:Can you gift-wrap it? A:Yes we gift wrap for free. That'll be 2,700 yen. Q:Here you are. A:Thank you, sir. Here's your change. I'll rap it now. Are you ready? "yo yo yo! Check it out!". Q:That's the wrong "rap"! LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 6, 2012
Scene7-3 オススメのおみやげは?
Q:Do you have a smaller size of this doll? A:Yes, we have a smaller size over here. Q:OK, that looks just right. I'll take it! A:Thank you very much. Please come over to this counter. LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 6, 2012
Scene7-2 オススメのおみやげは?
Q:What's a popular local gift? A:Well...these dolls are very popular. They are called Hakata Dolls. Q:What are they made of? A:They are made of clay. Q:Oh, I see. They are beautiful! LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 6, 2012
Scene7-1 オススメのおみやげは?
Q:Hi, can you help me? A:Yes… Q:I'm looking for a souvenir for my mother. A:Souvenirs? Our store is a souvenir specialty shop! LOVE FM 76.1MHz http://lovefm.co.jp/
Nov 6, 2012
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