There are times when everything feels like on repeat. And then, there times when we question ourselves if it's okay to not feel anything even if the world outside is so chaotic. In this episode featuring Day6's Zombie, I will talk about how this things happen to me. I hope you'll be comforted by this. Stay safe everyone! God bless~
Aug 18, 2020
12 min

Aside from deep sigh, today's episode includes rants on how I react when people approach me and confessions of what happens in my mind when that happens. Do you have similar events such as mine? Or is it only me who reacts like this? Stay safe everyone! God bless~ (plus new art uwu)
Aug 12, 2020
10 min

Are you guys heavy laden? Are you tired of fighting and living? In this episode, I hope you'll find the rest you deserve. Virtual hugs to everyone! Stay safe and God bless🥰
Aug 5, 2020
7 min

On today's episode, I will share some of my regrets as a daughter and as a Christian. These regrets made my life harder than it was before, but I'm slowly fixing myself and killing it! Stay safe everyone and God bless!
Jul 29, 2020
8 min

This episode is very close to my heart because not only I talked about one of my favourite DAY6 songs, You Were Beautiful (예 뻤어 ), but I also shared some of the memories I cherish so much. If the people I love is listening to this, please know that I love you so much and I want to make more memories with you. Stay safe everyone! God bless~
Jul 22, 2020
13 min

(Warning! We are incredibly loud in this episode, sorry!) Life is beautiful everyone, even though we face a lot of hardships and bad luck, our life is still a blessing we should be grateful for. Aside from that, these are the things Gel and I are grateful for. Stay safe everyone! God bless~
Jul 15, 2020
14 min

Today's episode is the first kpop related topic wherein Eunice talks about life (again) and a precious thing called Love Poem. This ep. is uploaded a day late (sorry!) but I hope it's not late to touch your hearts and know what and how important a love poem is to an individual. STay safe everyone. God bless!
Jul 9, 2020
11 min

A lot of things are happening today and I've been trying to stay positive as always, but sometimes it just gets so tiring. The problems I have to face on the outside and the battles I have to fight in me just fills me up. There are times that I'm about to give up, but God has always been by my side. He is there to comfort me and give me rest.
So in this episode, I will share some things about the trials we face and I hope these could help you. God bless everyone and stay healthy!
Jul 1, 2020
8 min

Hi everyone! Welcome to my very first podcast, Life Is..., where I talk about life on a maturing christian's perspective with a hint of k-pop to spice it all up.
Jun 9, 2020
49 sec