Today's topic we delve into: Therapy & Confidence!
The intentions of this podcast is to reach any audience. I aim to speak a message in which anyone of any *adult* age can relate to. I wish to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS!
This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope you all reach out to me on my social media or even my email for various topics that you want to discuss! Also, I hope to reach you all with THE various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Jul 12, 2021
24 min
Today on this episode of Etching Scripts 101, the uplifting & venting podcast, we are discussing what it feels like to work so hard that you neglect to appreciate the wins in life. We delve into deep serious topics with absolutely no boundaries. Join a safe space with me!
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
If you are going through any problems in your life and would like my advice, send it me here, with the subject ES101 and whatever else in the subject line:
EMAIL: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Apr 19, 2021
15 min
Today's topic we delve into: DUMB ENCOUNTERS, WORKING FOR UBER EATS, & MORE!
The intentions of this podcast is to reach any audience. I aim to speak a message in which anyone of any *adult* age can relate to. I wish to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS!
This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope you all reach out to me on my social media or even my email for various topics that you want to discuss! Also, I hope to reach you all with THE various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Feb 8, 2021
33 min
Today's topic we delve into our dating styles and why those things needs to change. If you are looking for some results, sometimes we gotta switch things up!
The intentions of this podcast is to reach any audience. I aim to speak a message in which anyone of any *adult* age can relate to. I wish to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS!
This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope you all reach out to me on my social media or even my email for various topics that you want to discuss! Also, I hope to reach you all with THE various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Feb 1, 2021
1 hr 1 min
Today's topic we delve into: LEARNING SOMEONE NEW & HOW Q&A'S CAN BE SO RIGID.
The intentions of this podcast is to reach any audience. I aim to speak a message in which anyone of any *adult* age can relate to. I wish to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS!
This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope you all reach out to me on my social media or even my email for various topics that you want to discuss! Also, I hope to reach you all with THE various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Jan 25, 2021
41 min
Today's topic we delve into: DATING EXPECTATIONS!!!
This podcast intends to focus on various audiences and to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS! This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope to reach you all with the various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come! Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Jan 18, 2021
45 min
Today's topic we delve into the madness we experienced in 2020 and how it has made its way into 2021.
This podcast intends to focus on various audiences and to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS! This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope to reach you all with the various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Jan 15, 2021
41 min
Today's topic we delve into: The two cheeseheads and how we were able to elect one puff to put as president. A very reasonable and highly educated puff might I add.
This podcast intends to focus on various audiences and to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS! This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope to reach you all with the various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Snapchat & Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Dec 15, 2020
23 min
On this episode of Etching Scripts 101, I am introducing to you all to this segment: A Writer's Scope. On my YouTube channel: Whitney's Script, I have this segment that is intended to give a platform to you all to express yourself, your feelings, and to also get my advice. My word is now the LAW: I only intend to help in any way that I can. EVERYONE IS AUTOMATICALLY ANONYMOUS.
Let's figure this thing out together!
This podcast intends to focus on various audiences and to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS! This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope to reach you all with the various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!
Today's topic we delve into relationships and how time is imperative to our growth.
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Snapchat & Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Dec 4, 2020
17 min
Today's topic we are going to delve into relationships and how someone who is not the most mature responds to hurt within these relationships...
THATS RIGHT. I am talking about CHEATING...
This is an episode from my YouTube Channel: Whitney's Script. I intend to share my stories with you all so go ahead and check out the list of videos I have on that platform. I wanted to share this with you guys to give you a taste of who I was once like... and why we should not continue to be these vengeful people... even if it does feel good.
*This podcast intends to focus on various audiences and to hopefully bring a platform where anyone can be comfortable talking about anything and where I can share the most intimate things about myself to you all. NO TOPIC IS OFF LIMITS! This is intended to be a collaborative effort, so with that said, I hope to reach you all with the various topics that will be discussed in the podcasts to come!*
Remember, we are etching scripts one day at a time.
YouTube: Whitney's Script
Snapchat & Twitter: whitneys_script
Instagram: @etchingscripts101
Email: [email protected]
For business inquires only: [email protected]
Dec 2, 2020
40 min
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