Encouraging Christian Fathers: Parenting Advice for Men With Vision
Encouraging Christian Fathers: Parenting Advice for Men With Vision
Joshua Sheats & David Sheats
29-How to Train and Teach Children When You Have a Bunch of Them All at Once!
43 minutes Posted Sep 21, 2016 at 4:05 am.
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Today on ECF, we answer this listener question:

Hi there!

My husband and I have listened to a few of your podcasts and have enjoyed your perspective...while you offer some useful tips for parents who may have parenting issues with one child, the issues you address and other parenting issues are much more complicated to deal with when you are dealing with more than two or three or four children.

In my humble opinion, it is easy to have one on one conversations regarding behavior and faith etc with a child...but when you have several children in one room or situation (and unable to isolate the child who is having the issues/ needs), not only does the issue/ problem behavior often become exponentially worse, it also makes addressing the issue extremely challenging. : ) I would really enjoy hearing more insight from your father- a father of many (and a father of children older than a 4 year old) as well as other fathers of multiple children- maybe even fathers of multiples?

In no way do I mean to discount your advice or experience, and I do believe the same biblical principles can be applied. However, young children are pretty easily influenced by their parents/ adults and parenting more than one or two children (meaning being outnumbered) or exceptionally challenging children often require different/ more creative techniques. Thanks very much! : P

Thank you,

from parents of 5 (6 months, 4, 7, 9, & 11)


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Joshua's other podcast: http://radicalpersonalfinance.com

Dave's other podcast: http://anchoroftruth.com