Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? What is God's plan for us? You asked, we answered.
Jul 24, 2016

If God is so powerful why does He allow tragedy and suffering? Tim does a great job at answering this question from a biblical perspective.
Jul 17, 2016

The elders of Encounter answer many of your questions.
Jul 10, 2016

You asked; "What does the bible say about alcohol?". That is a great question!
Jul 3, 2016

You asked; "What Is The Difference Between Believing In Jesus And Following Jesus?"
Jun 26, 2016

You submitted your questions about faith and life. First we must establish the origin of truth and what keeps us from believing the truth. God reveals Himself generally to all and specially to those whom He saves. Before we will ever believe in Him and His truth, God must remove the barrier of sin that keeps us from knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Jun 12, 2016

Haman allowed his joy to be determined by what people thanked about him. Your significance is found in Christ.
May 8, 2016

Mordecai is great in the kingdom and growing in power. The enemies of the Jews are destroyed and peace is brought to the Jews. Jesus is a greater Mordecai. His greatness and power exceeds that of Mordecai and he brings peace now only to the Jews but even to His enemies.
May 5, 2016
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