Yours Truly, Mosby Podcast

Yours Truly, Mosby

Trying to find my place in the world, when I'm lost in the dark and just floating in a limbo of randomness and chaos. I guess I'm an existentialist since I act like my life has meaning though every morning I wake up, I remind myself, that nothing has meaning, or at least nothing needs meaning in the first place. And I thought, why don't I share some of my thoughts to the world? Tell me yours. I'm interested in listening.
Can an Atheist believe Life has Meaning? ft. Ty Wilson
Ty Wilson is an atheist with some different views on the question of the meaning of life and how that applies to a worldview without a belief in God. We talk about where we beg to differ concerning whether people can attain meaning in life without God.
Sep 19, 2022
51 min