Election Ride Home
Election Ride Home
Ride Home Media
via Podcasts
Please do this again
This podcast was so good in 2020. Are you doing it again for 2024 Election?
Benchwarmers 33
Love it!
Love it!
Better than every other political podcast
Please start a kickstarter to keep it going. I’m in if you do. I was heartbroken yesterday to hear you’re shutting it down. Please get that kickstarter running ASAP!
I hope this show comes back
I love this show! Every single host was wonderful. Please come back! You will be missed. Thank you for all your efforts and for working for us listeners.
I’ve been listening to this podcast since the very beginning. Its a good way to keep up with news relevant to the election. The new host, Jackson is good, but I still miss the original host Chris Higgins and the debate bingo cards he would make.
Kitty Pogonia
New host, Jackson Bird. Nice.
The Always Iowa joke wasn’t funny as a dad Joke. It isn’t funny when other people recycle the same lame joke. Shelf it please.
Listening again
I listened religiously when Higgins was hosting and I tried hard to give Glenn a chance but, he’s not for me. I decided to give it one more listen before unsubscribing and was pleasantly surprised by Jackson Bird. His succinct analysis is exactly what I wanted and missed from when Higgins hosted. Keeping my subscription.
Used to be better
Going kinda downhill since the new year. It’s pretty eaasy to find the story about $1700 tickets to the South Carolina debate & say the audience is stocked with supporters of certain candidates but for some reason neglected to. Also paying too much attention to fringe candidates now . Don’t care.
Election Ride Home Rises Again!
This pod presented the narrative of candidates seeking the nomination for POTUS. I loved it because I felt like I was listening to West Wing season 8, an inside look at the candidates struggle to get their messages out and connect with voters. It struggled a bit while transitioning between hosts, but is once again my favorite part of my daily commute home!
j tribe
Listened to them all thus far; 4.5/5 currently
Let me start off by saying I picked this podcast up in maybe October or so and went back and binged every episode starting in April all the way up to date. I really liked Chris and his research style and was extremely bummed to see him leave. When Glenn took over, it looks like a lot of people left because of the shift in style; I felt like their was now a much bigger personal bias and the research felt more analytical instead of informative but I stuck with it. Now we are onto our third host, Jackson (I believe). While it took me an episode to get used to, I have really come around to liking him and he feels like a solid compromise between the two prior hosts. A little analytical and still informative— it somehow feels nostalgic. I hope Chris comes back before the general election and can pick up where he left off but until then, it will be fun getting to know the new host better. Thank you for everything you all have done.
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Not What It Used To Be
I listened to this pod from the very beginning, and listened to it daily because the host was engaging and knowledgeable, but with the new host, something is just off. It no longer feels genuine, and I find that I don’t keep up with it much anymore, if I’ve listened to all my other daily pods, I might catch up on one, but sadly it’s no longer a favorite.
Bring a Chris back!
Chris was amazing, I do not appreciate Glenn. The way he explains the news and his voice simply doesn’t resonate with me. Bring chris back please!
New Guy Adds Too Much Spong
I am a centrist. I am a political junkie. I liked Chris Higgins just the facts approach with minimal input of his own thoughts. The new guy is more a talking head than providing basic information. I have unsubscribed from this podcast.
What happened to the neutrality?
The show went from being clearly neutral with a great humor take to having a clear anti-Bernie bias. When he’s mentioned at all (latest episode didn’t even mention him when comparing health plans, disingenuously saying Warren is the backer of Medicare for All), more time gets spent on the anti-Bernie message. This week there’s been nary a mention of Bernie’s rise in the polls, even going so far as to not report on the polls.
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Outside looking in
I appreciated updates from the prior host of the podcast who acknowledged his leanings toward Democrat policies but wasn’t outwardly biased against primary candidates. He was also not terribly biased and offensive to right-leaning policies or the current administration. The new host is much less conversational and takes more pronounced and one-sides positions on most segments in each episode. I miss how this use to be to stay informed - I also miss a host who knew what they were talking about (Chris at least knew how to pronounce names of politicians). I hope all is well with Chris and that he is able to return to podcasting and his goals soon.
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Miss Chris
Sorry, but Chris cannot be replaces. WAY to much about polls and not enough about what the candidates are really doing.
I used to like this show because it was unbiased and just kind of mentioned the polls and candidates updates. Now it has a clear favorite in Biden and ignores all the other candidates. If it does mention them it is always negative. This would not be so grating but now it even ignores polls to push this narrative.
I miss Chris
I gave Glenn a chance, even though I didn’t find him engaging from the beginning. Unfortunately his anti-Bernie bias is obvious, Jan 27 episode, after 5/6 polls showing Bernie at the top in IA and NH (while leading in Cali) Glenn believes there is no clear path to victory, for the candidate with biggest fundraising totals and probably cash on hand in the top 4. I can’t tell if this is serious or not!? Glenn might be a great guy, but he is not suited for a podcast like this one. I am certain MSNBC would love to have him so he can trash Bernie
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Not a fan of the new guy
I really liked the way Chris approached the podcast with some neutrality. I’m over this new guy’s opinions and may stop listening.
Chris Higgins was a much better host
I used to love this podcast. It was one of my daily listens...then Chris Higgins left. The new host is not as engaging, and I get quite bored listening to the podcast now. I feel really bad because the new host is from Seattle, and I am a proud fellow Washingtonian. I gave him a few weeks, but unfortunately it’s not worth my time anymore and I just unsubscribed. The content is still great though. It’s just the delivery that Chris Higgins had that really kept my attention.
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Used to be one of the best political podcasts
Chris Higgins is sorely missed. I hope things improve but I find myself just not connecting with the new guys style and I just don’t want to listen. I’ll check in from time to time but I’m no longer a listener. :( Lisa
Chris Higgins
I liked this podcast because of Chris Higgins. And now that he is gone, I cannot listen to it anymore. I am going to unsubscribe. Please bring Chris back.
Bring Chris Higgins Back
Chris Higgins style and approach can’t be replaced, something startlingly clear now that he’s gone.
Chris Higgins was Fab
This new guy just doesn’t cut it. Lacks energy and substance. So long!
New guy
The new guy is trash. His bias is so OBVIOUS. “We know Trump would obviously side with a man,” he said about the Warren/Sanders dispute. What’s that supposed to mean? Smh. Probably done with this pod.
Best Way to Keep Up
If you are trying to follow the election news this is the best daily podcast. Informative and entertaining, with facts that help you keep up. Coverage of the finances of the campaigns as well as the positions. Easier than going to dozens of articles or hoping you’ll get something on the nightly newscasts. As things get closer it’s even more important to have this information.
Gone downhill
The content is good but the tone is blah. It used to be good but the shift in hosts makes it hard to listen to. And let’s be honest, debate bingo was a highlight and without it I will just go back to more mainstream media for coverage.
New Guy Doesn’t Work
Unfortunately Chris Higgins is what made this podcast worth listening to. I was even able to forgive Chris’ horrible repeated use of an awful transition music clip between every story. Without Chris, I won’t be able to listen any more.
Good while it lasted
I was really bummed that Chris Higgins was leaving and will probably just stop listening now. Nothing against the new guy, he seems like a nice smart guy but let’s just say he has a voice for print. Monotone, too fast, too whispery, rambling references, mispronounced names. Basically everything you don’t want from a podcast host. If he has a personality its hard to tell due to his delivery. I’ll miss having a quick summary of the election but considering I can barely follow what this new guy is saying I’m not getting anything out of it anyway.
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Crabby Comcast customer
Awesome Podcast
i LOVE this podcast. Succinct smart coverage exceeding expectations. I am the only person I know -- and I ask! - that can name all former and present Democratic candidates. (Handy when you can't fall asleep) I will miss Chris Higgins terribly. I hope all turns out well for him and his. Robin Rafaelidys
New Host 👎🏼
Chris H. honestly made the election news fun, engaging and entertaining. The new host leaves a lot to be desired. Too many/long clips and cringeworthy Lord of the Rings references. Hoping he finds his footing soon.
Oh NO!
Listen, we all hate change. And as a fan of Chris Higgins, I know it will take a moment to get used to this new dude. But can someone please give him some coaching? He currently sounds like a student reading a book report to his class. There’s no natural flow, and he often sounds monotone, except for forced flourishes to sound engaged. Admittedly, it might be unfair to judge someone out of the box, but early feedback will help keep folks from unsubscribing. Not everyone is patient enough to hang in there with dozens of others competing for listeners.
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Great until it wasn’t
Old host was knowledgeable and engaging. New host is knowledgeable, yet less succinct and extremely tangential. Why is he talking about Lord of the Rings? One more try and then time to unsubscribe. Pod Save America is much better now.
Ride Home podcasts rock!
The Election Ride Home is one of my daily go-to sources of news. Relevant and timely info delivered with charm. The Ride Home podcasts (check out Techmeme, too) have quickly become an essential and enjoyable part of my 25 hour days. Keep up the great work!
Is 5 days a week too much?
I already listen to The Daily and it’s phenomenal so I was very reluctant to adda another podcast that comes out so often. But it came highly recommended on Best of the Left a podcast I’ve listened to for years so I gave it a try. I’m hooked. It’s always interesting and the episodes fortunately are short. But what’s going to happen after the election? Having such a specific topic means finality, at least to the title. I’d like too see it advertised more. It deserves a place on the Top 200 and is providing a true service. I consider myself well-informed but he never fails to tell me things I’d like to now. I also like that he’s clearly on the left but not really cheerleading for any specific candidate. I don’t wAnt him to either. I live abroad and don’t have every media form as readily accessible so this run-down gives me what I want to know and more.
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Timely & Relevant
This podcast is truly the best mix between fact-based journalism and political commentary. I love the links in his notes and how he covers the campaign, the impeachment process, and understanding polling. I’ve downloaded the bingo cards for the debates and it really does help follow the arguments. I’m so grateful for this podcast!
Love the show! One correction on taxes...
This show is by far my favorite politics podcast. I did want to point out one small issue with the recent episode involving Biden’s tax plan. When you were explaining the step up basis rules for inheritance, you mentioned it applies to gifts. That is actually not true, a donee’s basis in a gift (during the donor’s life) has a carryover basis (meaning the same as the donor’s basis). It is only stepped up when the property is inherited. Small issue, but I’m a tax nerd, so I just wanted to clarify! Thanks for putting together a consistently great show.
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Great Information and Insight
I love this podcast. It is very informative about the candidates for the 2020 Presidential Election. I read another review about the tone of the podcast, and I didn’t understand the issue. I listen to the podcast at 2X speed, so I found the announcer bouncy and exciting. When I slowed down the podcast, I did not find the podcast to be as lively and exciting.
Info 👍 Tone 👎
LOVE the insight and info this pod brings me. HATE the cadence and whiny tone of the voice. Peace & Love! Peace & Love!
Rev. R. McGlinchy
The Candidates’ Responsability
Love your show! Please impress on the candidates the imperative need to explain the impeachment as trump’s attempt to influence the next election, just as he did in the 2016 election. Using murky characters & foreign intervention. Don’t avoid the topic!!!
Great Podcast 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
This is one of my favorite Podcasts! It’s a quick glimpse into the 2020 election! Chris really gets it right and sticks to his point! Definitely check it out!
No offense.
Centrist's Ride Home
If you are a progressive, this podcast is going to give you a headache. I've always noticed a tinge of establishment bias coming from the host Chris, but yesterday's coverage of the 4th Dem Debate was laughable. Chris was helping falsely frame M4A as radical and a moderate healthcare plan as "more politically viable." At first, I thought he was just echoing Amy Klobuchar's stance, and then it set in that he was actively advocating for a centrist take on healthcare. We have tried centrism — big news: it didn't work! This podcast is just another Washington-bubble neoliberal take on the elections.
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Liberal Election Ride Home
Enough said
Achieves perfectly what it sets out to do
Quick, clear, and personable updates on the daily goings-on with the 2020 Democratic candidates (with need-to-know details from the GOP side when relevant)—a wonderful companion to my longer weekly political podcasts. Thank you!
Best podcast about the upcoming election
This truly is the only podcast you need if you want consistent, informed, and non-bias information on the 2020 election. The show covers everything election related and takes deep dives into polling data, election security, campaign fundraising, the many complexities of Iowa, and even the republican primary. Chris Higgins is truly doing america an incredible service with this show. If you’ve ever wanted to be a more informed voter than this podcast is for you. I eagerly await every day and when I get to listen it’s always the best part of my day. Thank you Chris Higgins for your invariably brilliant journalism.
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Coverage of election security was phenomenal and absolutely central to 2020. Please more news on voting rights and election security (like Stacey Abrams’s fair fight initiative) when you’re able to!! So important and essential.
Clearly superior
Host’s insights are illuminating both for their content and his clarity. Doesn’t cover everything but you can’t in 20+ minutes. I’m better informed for listening.
Long time daily listener
Great podcast. The host is personable and easy to interact with. I hope it sticks around for the long haul.
Great podcast!
I get the rundown on what’s happening in the primaries in a quick, not-overly-biased podcast.
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