Easy Golf Podcast

Easy Golf

Easy Golf
Easy Golf is a podcast for for new golfers and non-golfers who may become new golfers. Golf is hard, so take it easy.
Episode 15 - The Good, The Bad, & The Easy
All this recent experimenting appears to have paid off, and some good golf has been enjoyed as of late. But things can't always be this good, and what goes up must come down. On this episode, let's talk about the good and the bad, and how to enjoy and learn from both. Plus, visit www.easygolfpod.com and subscribe to the mailing list in order to be the first to know of some big changes ahead for this little show.
Apr 2, 2021
15 min
Episode 14 - Easy Golf Experiment: Playing From The Forward Tees
The spirit of experimentation continues! Some say it's good to move up to the forward tees, if you don't already, and play from there to get comfortable shooting low scores. So let's do it! What happens to your scores when you shorten the course by 15-25% but par remains the same? What is there to learn? What happens when you go back to your regular tees? All that and more, on this episode of Easy Golf.
Mar 16, 2021
16 min
Episode 13 - The Winter Of All This Content
What happens when you spend three months playing golf in bad weather, alternating between two half sets of golf clubs -- one focused on distance and the other built around the short game -- and track stats for eventual comparison? Tune in and find out on this episode of Easy Golf.
Mar 2, 2021
16 min
Episode 12 - This Game is Mental
Golf is like a giant board game played against the pressure that builds with every shot. Isn't that exactly what you'd expect to hear from a podcast called Easy Golf? On this episode, a discussion of the "mental game", meaning golf. Have a listen.
Feb 18, 2021
16 min
Episode 11 - Now What?
This podcast, founded with the mission to provide assistance to anyone looking to take up golf, is running out of assistance to provide to anyone looking to take up golf. Listeners of this podcast know as much about golf as the maker of this podcast. So what happens next? Listen up, and let's find out together.
Nov 7, 2020
13 min
Episode 10 - Statistically Speaking
Advanced statistics have splashed across the sports landscape like a tsunami, and now that it's hit golf, it might be a good idea to put it all in context for a new golfer. A word of warning: this episode goes off in different directions before eventually making it home.
Sep 4, 2020
15 min
Episode 9 - It's A Walk In The Park
Gratitude to golf for reigniting an interest in walking, as well as the case for why walking is the most enjoyable way to play golf, and why walking actually makes a better golfer.
Aug 12, 2020
16 min
Episode 8 - Practice!?!?
Golf is notoriously difficult, and improving at it takes practice. But practice takes time, of which many golfers don't have enough. But all golfers want to improve. So you can see where this is headed. What is a golfer to do? What is an easy golfer to do? Listen up and find out.
Jul 16, 2020
10 min
Episode 7 - Every Golfer Is A Feel Player
Some golfers refer to themselves as "feel players," while some golfers dismiss the notion entirely. What does it mean to be a feel player? What does it mean not to be a feel player? A feel player, as opposed to what? Frankly, every golfer is a feel player, the entire idea is redundant, and it's time to start calling it what it really is. What is it, really? Listen up and find out.
Jul 1, 2020
10 min
Episode 6 - Any Body Can Play Golf
Golf is pretty unique among sports in that it’s played by people who stopped playing other sports, and by people who never played other sports. Good athletes can certainly become good golfers, but so too can bad athletes. Fit people play golf. Fat people play golf. Young. Old. Mobility issues. Special needs. Any body can play golf. Even baseball players.
Jun 9, 2020
17 min
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