Dying To Eat Podcast

Dying To Eat

Pete / Scott
The podcast that delves into different cultures and nations throughout the world and time to explore different attitudes about death and food.
Two seas. Sand. No lakes. Sand. No rivers. More sand. ONE Tree. Sand for days... This is as simple as a textbook island paradise as they come, and we are gonna take a walk around. Looking out from the friendship bridge, home of the original colorful-woven bracelet, we explore the island kingdom of Bahrain. #dyingtoeat #Iran #Bahrain #middleeast #oil #island #military #port #paradise #suni #uae #dammar #qatar #shia #egypt #dilmun #recipe #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Oct 11, 2021
29 min
Westboro Baptist Church
Can hate fuel an entire church? Religious freedom... An expression that has been heard a time or two. An expression that has maybe even been abused. Judgements aside, we take a look at the what is behind such the controversial church on this weeks episode... #dyingtoeat #wbc #church #religion #freedoms #unitedstates #baptist #hate #protest #funerals #veterans #scottparish #guyscooktoo 
Oct 4, 2021
28 min
Tibetan Sky Burial
Candles flame from below. Stars burn bright from above. Family and friends celebrate. A Sky Funeral... Sounds enchanting, like the last chapter in a storybook fairytale... Tell this story at bed and don't be surprised if dreams turn to nightmares. Let's broaden our view while we take a gaze from the roof of the world and see all the way down to the macabre, while shockingly being environmentally responsible (not saying to try this at home), rituals of Tibet. #dyingtoeat #tibet #china #india #pakistan #skyburial #lookup #death #dalailama #mounteverest #himalayan #napal #silkroad #vultures #sweet #rice #cashew #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Sep 28, 2021
31 min
Iroquiois Mourning
So here's an interesting question for all of you... If you had to dance like your life depended on it, and not just rebellion dancing where a small town preacher who seems to run the town and makes all the rules like a small town gangster that tells a town "NO", but like an outlaw in the 1800's telling a yellow bellied varmint to dance while taking pop shots at your feet, how do you think you'd do? Here's one way to find out... Dust off yourthat tutu, pull that leotard tight, nail down them tap shoes, and start stretching cause we don't want to hear about no pulled hammy, and listen to this moving custom and more as we explore the Iroquiois Mouring Wars...#dyingtoeat #Iroquiois #indians #clams #corn #recipe #dancing #scottparish #guyscooktoo 
Sep 20, 2021
26 min
Trivia question... Where was the world's first oil tanker launched? Nope... You're wrong... So, are you... I mean, picture an oil rich country..., Let me finish..., with towering mountains..., Not done yet..., long open plains and..., AND..., the rocky depths of the Caspian Sea... Maybe, you just listen as we answer the question along the cultural crossroads of this weeks episode. #dyingtoeat #oil #Azerbaijan #caspiansea #wheatflour #recipe #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Sep 13, 2021
31 min
American Vampires
Take out your Rosary. Splash some Holy water. Say a prayer. Put some garlic around your neck... Sorry, or garlic oil in your diffuser, for today's youth, smh... Either way you better have a stake... We look no further than the woods in our own backyard. Today we look up at those hiding plainly, hanging from overpasses with the looks of rebels and 80's style hair bands as we sink our teeth into American Vampires. #dyingtoeat #American #vampires #blood #sucking #garlic #stake #route66 #recipe #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Sep 6, 2021
26 min
One could look around and have to ask... have you ever known anybody or just any one guy, that was so intimidating, people just start handing any of their belongings to them? Well, now what about even whole race of those men... women too. So hold tight (that's right). There's a lot to learn how tough the great riders of the North actually were. So saddle up, as we learn about the mighty Norseman. #dyingtoeat #North #norsemen #invasion #gimmedaloot #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Aug 31, 2021
30 min
For nearly 2,000 years "the man" has been their enemy. Rebels against those who control. Breaking down authority and trying to look good while doing it. These barbarians influenced politics, architecture, literature, and yes, even music. So, pull the shades, light some candles, and grab that eye shadow as you get ready for this week's episode. #dyingtoeat #goth #barbarians #anarchy #cake #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Aug 23, 2021
29 min
Crystal blue seas engulf this very small group of islands. So small, that the inhabitants living on these islands are even smaller. When you look close, there's always more to see than a postcard picture of vast oceanic surroundings to a tiny, culture rich oasis. In this week's episode, we'll explore a culture that keeps it's ancestors close... So close in fact, if you're not paying attention you might stumble over them here on the islands of Kiribati. #dyingtoeat #islands #kiribati #fishing #mahi #dolphin #delicious #recipe #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Aug 17, 2021
26 min
The Mormon War... Believe me it's more exciting than that sounds. Magic. Seer stones. Fortune hunters. Jailbreaks. So hold on to your patience, and your black ties, as we knock on the door of the LDS Church on this surprisingly wild episode. #dyingtoeat #podcast #seerstones #magic #war #Utah #josephsmith #blacktie #LDS #church #mormon #religion #recipe #funeral #potatoes #scottparish #guyscooktoo
Aug 8, 2021
45 min
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