Dutty Sink Drama Podcast

Dutty Sink Drama

Jaqi Loye-Brown
Chat, discussion, spokenword, about identity - a Windrush generated identity. Informal stories from the now middle-age offspring, that grew up in postwar Britain among the working classes of the inner cities. Jaqi Loye-Brown's anthology of the same name will be the starting point for all discussions in the series of these hybrid lives. Writer, Jaqi Loye-Brown coined the phrase, a derivative of film genre, Kitchen Sink Drama, which depicted post war working class Britain, the lack of social mobility and opportunities, not dissimilar to the West Indian experience, a genre in itself.
Dutty Sink Drama EP - Live Spokenword by Jaqi Loye-Brown
Jaqi Loye-Brown reads excerpts from 'Dutty Sink Drama Anthology', (MT Ink, London, 2021). 1. You Told Me I Was British  2. Where From I? 3. Brexit Mean Brexit l  4. Brexit Mean Brexit ll 5. Take A Look At This Face Activism poetry inspired by post Windrush (Hostile Environment), post Brexit, post BLM. Written between 2017 to 2020, the topical themes explores identity and remains current. Jaqi Loye-Brown, born in the UK, a descendant of the Windrush generation, presents prose from a place of authenticity as the changing cultural landscape of a reluctant Britain emerges.
Dec 18, 2022
15 min
An Ital Jamaican Brit Made With Love, with guest Diana Brown
From London's W9 to 90's popstar star, this episode features a very special guest Diana, of The Masterplan, Diana Brown & Barrie K Sharpe fame joins Jaqi in an open discussion about how she navigated her Italian and Jamaican heritage. She also shares how living in the area she did helped shape her identity, her career and her recent foray into the literary arena. The first track released was Blind Faith, followed by, Yes It's You (Sweet Charles cover) but it was the third single, Masterplan that really took off to become an all time dance floor classic.   Album: The Black, the White, the Yellow and the Brown (FFRR 1992)  https://youtu.be/mWZmGMbq39w
Nov 26, 2022
29 min
Dutty Sink Drama Pod Play - Palliative Scaring (A Monologue) 2022
A woman is provoked by the juxtaposition of grieving and caring for an elderly parent in a nursing home when she is coerced to sign a Liverpool Care Pathway, assisted palliative care. She finds the concept alien and struggles to navigate the process while she is at an emotional low yet having to be pragmatic.   Written, Directed & Produced:  Jaqi Loye-Brown (Dutty Sink Drama) Co-written & Actor: Scorpiane 
Nov 25, 2022
6 min
Elements of Amusing & Disturbing with Lïsa
From little ‘coloured girls’ into black womanhood they’re speaking their truth A conversation on identity growing up in the UK post Windrush. Emerging singer, Lïsa tells Jaqi how she finally found her voice. Find her on Instagram https://instagram.com/lisa.objet_d_art
Nov 19, 2022
27 min
Recruiting The Young, Gifted in Tech with Mark
A conversation on matters of heritage, identity, formative years and the drive to pay it forward for the next generation. Jaqi Loye-Brown caught up with Mark, a family man from Birmingham, with a long career in Tech. After the events of lockdown, working from home prompted his journey in cultural diversity within the technology space.
Nov 11, 2022
32 min
Migration: Trauma & Temerity With JA Lovelock
JA Lovelock, a fellow podcaster  (Behind The Yellow Tape), is not used to being on the interviewee side of the table. A non-fiction writer, 'Let Me Tell You Something', (Michael Terrence Publishing); a blogger and among other things, she's a barrister-at-law. Jaqi Loye-Brown pinned her down for a chat where she shared what it was like for an 11 year old in Manchester, during the Windrush era, she reminded, 'I didn't come on no boat!'
Nov 5, 2022
32 min
Rights, Revelations & Resolve with Angela
Two black women, one conversation. In this episode Jaqi deliberates contrasting family histories with Angela. What do they really know about the Windrush generation or the generations before them? How may it have impacted their outlook on identity and destiny. 
Oct 27, 2022
29 min
Dumplings, Drumming and the Death Stare with Myrah
Two black women, one conversation. Myra talks to Jaqi about her family, their heritage and how that has informed her identity today. How have they navigated life in Britain under the media narrative set out for them. They chat about elements of cultures they cherish and adopted.  Myrah’s Browncherub Music is on Spotify and books on Amazon. Follow her on TikTok @MyrahDuckworth
Oct 21, 2022
32 min
Dutty Sink Drama - Introduction
The podcast hosted by Jaqi Loye-Brown, has released an anthology of the same name - Dutty Sink Drama (2021, London, MT Ink). It is an anthology of poetry, spokenword and short stories exploring identity. The series focuses on themes surrounding the Windrush Generation in Britain. A cold hard look at what the West Indian heritage experience has been, with authentic voices sharing their stories.  Listen in on informal chats and discussions on growing up with mostly working class peers in the inner cities. Jaqi unpacks the achievements, despite adversity and the struggles, still facing many, generations on. Dutty Sink Drama's mission to delight with funny stories and enlighten with the darker ones.  Jaqi Loye-Brown lives in London, is a writer, spoken word poet and speaker. With an MA Creative Writing, she is currently unrepresented, with fiction WIP manuscript has an expression of interest from an agent.  linktr.ee/JaqiLoyeBrown
Feb 4, 2021
6 min