Dumbgeons and Dragons: A Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play Podcast
Dumbgeons and Dragons: A Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play Podcast
Dumb Dragons Productions
Dumbgeons and Dragons: A Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play Podcast
Dumb Dragons Productions
Dumbgeons and Dragons follows 4 best friend's game of Dungeons & Dragons 5e that's more than 10 years in the making! The group rolls high on charisma and low on luck as these Canadians fill your ears with laughter, high-stakes action and love. Season 3 is available now with new episodes every Wednesday AND is the perfect starting point for new listeners. Dumbgeons kicks off a new story with new characters in an entirely home brew world! Once you're hooked, go back to Season 1 and 2 to hear our other perilous and hilarious adventures. Season 1 and 2 of Dumbgeons and Dragons take on the Rise of Tiamat followed by the time-hopping Orcus Apocalypse. Hosted by our dungeon master, Russ More, and regular players: the hilarious Amy More, the motivational Carla Maxted, and the charming Tom Laird alongside regular guest adventurers! A hero like you supports Dumb Dragons Productions at www.patreon.com/dumbdragoncast
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Latest episode
3 days ago
May 15
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