Dreams for Sale:  Twilight Zone '85
Dreams for Sale: Twilight Zone '85
Weirding Way Media
via Podcasts
I was so very excited to see a podcast about the much maligned 80’s Twilight Zone series. They expressed how much they like the show…then consistently tell us how they could write it better, direct it better, and, conceive it better. Mostly they complain about it’s length of story…the world did not live in 60 second snippets like it does today. They also dislike how “condescending” the show was as well. Odd for the condescending way they speak of the show. It seems to me that they could do with understanding its impact on the time period of when it was produced. It was not perfect for sure…but when it was coming out weekly it was so edgy it was pulled from it’s time slot (that was inappropriate for its material) because of the Nightcrawler (episode 4c) being too much for a family show. The show was ahead of its time for its time. I’ll do my own podcast on the series…less condescending, written better, directed better, and certainly conceived better.
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So Negative. Not fun at all.
I really wanted to like this podcast. It inspired me to watch this series, which was great, and I had the idea that I would go back and forth watching the series then listening to the commentary for each episode. I had to stop listening after I watched A Message From Charity, which moved me. I thought, surely they’ll like this one! But nope. The criticism was so harsh. The hosts hate just about everything and it got so tiring to hear. Such a bummer because the project had so much potential. Adding a star because the hosts are very knowledgeable and inspired me to watch this classic series.
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Fun podcast
I love 80’s anthologies and grew up watching this one! I love how it’s a discussion around the show itself rather than trying to compare to the original TZ (of which I’m a huge fan). I recommend this podcast to TZ, anthology, and sci-fi fans!
Loving this show!
I’m really enjoying this podcast about a show I loved growing up. It’s been a treat rewatching this great 80s show and hearing some great discussion about it. I look forward to rewatching the episodes and listening to the podcast every month. Keep it up guy!
It is incredible to find this podcast about the 80’s reboot of TZ. This forgotten gem was the perfect show for a TZ fanatic like myself. Like the original, this was a writer’s show producing 2 seasons of often scary, but almost always thought provoking stories. The third season - not so much. But it was done to create a package for syndication. You know the quality was there when movie directors like William Friedkin, Wes Kraven, and Joe Dante were willing to do TV when doing TV in the 1980’s was not prestigious like today. Thank you for providing insightful, intelligent, and interesting commentary (aces review for “Shatterday”). This is such a relief. I can’t wait for the next one. I’ve owned the TZ’85 DVD’s since forever (Worst packaging for a DVD set I know)and have watched them time and time again. I wish I could be on this podcast! It’s time this TZ gets rediscovered and I know this podcast will make it so. Looking forward to hearing about “The Shadow Man” and the “axing” of Ellison’s “Nackles”. Thank you all. Tony
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