Double Feature
Double Feature
Double Feature
via Podcasts
This has been the best year of the show yet. Ace work guys!
First Podcast
Hey guys your podcast is đź’Ż
It's a Review
Reeally good show. I listen every week whether there's spoilers or not.
Here it is!
There's so much stuff cluttering up iTunes. Aparently anyone can call their show Double Feature and just try to confuse shoppers and listeners. Oh well. THIS IS THE REAL DOUBLE FEATURE! You've found it!
The Last Hope for America
I love the most recent string of episodes featuring the Suicide Girls. Perfect weird commentary on the election but something totally different. what a cool colab
Silent Aquiles
Not Like Anything Else
Finally a movie podcast that isn't obsessed with its own opinions. Every movie is good on Double Feature. There's no stars, no thumbs, no reviews, no bloody skulls, just talk about film
Over time, this has slowly become the last podcast holding out on advertising. It's so nice to hear a full hour of content without breaks to talk about underwear and mattresses. I'm so so tired of every podcast running the same three stupid ads.
My Thursday Jam
Every week at midnight this is the place to be. The hosts talka bout two movies some old and some new, and find all the good yummy stuff inside them. It's such a goo dime, I always look forward to it.
The Great Andrea
Alfred says yes
alright so this is the first podcast i ever downloaded but even today its my favorite show Thanks for doing this you guys heres to ten more years
One of the greats
This is probably my favorite podcast. Keep it up!
Just pure great
This is a really fantastic podcast. Couldn't recommend it enough.
New Shows
Thinks for making this show so easy to get into with the yearly "resets." Makes it great for new listeners.
Thanks for fixing the downloads!
Around the time you ran your Kickstarter you had a lot of download issues. I don't know if you were waiting to switch the server or what, but I'm happy you got all that figured out. I've finally ben able to listen to the old years of the show and they're great!
Andrea Davis Jr
Entertaining but has frequent playback issues
I really enjoy this podcast--when it plays for me. The hosts are entertaining and come off as caring about the films they discuss even if they don't always enjoy them. I'd rate the show higher but for ongoing technical issues. About a third of the episodes are 'temporarily unavailable' and have been for over a month. This hasn't happened with my other shows so I don't think it's my device. (If it is I apologize for the docked star.)
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Black spot
This show has been a black spot on the Battleship Pretension fleet of shows since it was absorbed into the fold. Can't understand what Tyler and David (though I'm still not convinced David has ever listened to the show) see in these guys. The two guys behind Double Feature know some of the words that legitimate film critics use, but they don't seem to understand the meaning of those words. In some cases, they can't even pronounce them. This show is an utter waste of time, and will actually make you less informed about film and film culture.
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A not-quite must-listen
The two hosts are devotees of hack fantasy writer and racist serial killer groupie Ayn Rand, but are for the most part still able to divorce their prejudices from their aesthetics well enough to turn out a consistently intelligent and entertaining podcast, which speaks volumes. At the very least their enthusiastically positive approach sets them apart from the myriad bad movie podcasts which otherwise clog the genre.
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Gabriel Ratchet
Satisfying and entertaining
What a refreshing change from the never ending stream of podcasts by film "fans" who make it their mission to simply riff on movies. These guys enjoy movies and they enjoy movieMAKING. It's not a podcast about pointing out continuity errors and/or how things SHOULD have ended, but rather… two guys with healthy respect for the craft, and they can't friggin' wait to talk about it.
Fantastic Format
Eric and Michael really know what they are talking about when it comes to film, and each episode is an inspired pairing. I tend not to listen to episodes if I haven't already seen the films, but when I do I discover great movies!
Been listening to this show for years. It's something I look forward to every week. These guys have a great rapport and I love their approach: every movie is basically the best movie ever while it is on the show. This produces a result that is much more positive and reveals more interesting things than the simple snark that might otherwise emerge without this constraint. Furthermore, it's been enjoyable to follow these two as they have grown over time. They've gone from just talking about movies as a sort of personal film school, to actually making one for the show, not to mention Eric's involvement in real actual films outside of Double Feature. It's inspiring. Highly recommended for thinking people who enjoy films as a means to exploring their ideas about roughly everything.
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Great Podcast
Love the podcast, with an amazing group of producers as well. Provides a good conversation into film, and doesn’t take a typical review approach, but also doesn’t approach it as if they have phd’s in film theory. Though have always wondered: If I don’t want to listen to one of the movies, is there any easy way to skip over it? They aren’t very clear about that...
Kids today...
I LOVE this podcast. These two have an obvious love of movies… even bad ones. They are witty and inventive (building connections between two seemingly unconnected movies). My only suggestion is… Many times I’ve heard them talk about a movie but then say, “Then another movie did the same…” yet… the movie that did the same was actually the one that did it before the one they are featuring. I get it it… kids today… they see older movies out of release date/decade order! But that’s just a quibble for these guys. Note to the hosts: LOVE the chapters. I know the intro and I love jumping right in!!
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95% Great / 5% Eh?
95% of the time this is great. The SINGLE most charitable movie podcast being made right now. The premise that the movies they are watching that week are the best movies in the world is a great one and it keeps them away from immediately dropping into the self-important hyper-criticism and nitpicking. The 5% Eh? is mostly how sometimes these guys show their age a bit (to me since I'm nearly twice as old as they are) in some lack of what I consider standard movie geek knowledge or sometimes them simply having skipped over some basic, easy to find piece of information about a movie and the discussion hinging on something that the lack of information easily addresses. But that's a minor concern compared to the positiivity on show.
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this is pretty great
i love this podcast; i walked into it during its seventh year, and i don't know if i've ever heard such a binge-able podcast. the episodes are quick -- two movies in less than an hour. the two hosts focus less on the quality of the movie (they advise that you should watch all movies, so if it is on the show, it's a tacit recommendation) and more on the themes and ideas of it. the conversations often go in interesting directions, and listening to the hosts work out movies on-the-spot is a highlight. while they recommend that you watch these movies ahead of time, these episodes are eminently listenable whether or not you've seen them. their love for movies is really infectious. where should you start? just pick any episode in which you've seen the two episodes. the show is consistent, so you can really start anywhere.
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Double Feature podcast
I've listened to a few episodes by these guys and I'm sorry to say this one is not very good. They have enthusiasm for the films and the pairings of films are interesting but in the end the hosts are not that knowledgeable. The approach is the best thing about the show. Someone should steal the idea and do a better podcast. The Manhattan/Do the Right Thing episode made it very clear to me these guys have seriously limited film knowledge and in the case of Woody Allen little knowledge of his public controversy. If you want to hear a few guys ramble for 45 minutes I guess you can do worse but their are much better movie podcasts.
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Special K1988
Intelligent and Important Film Analysis
Okay, I was skeptical that a couple of young guys could teach me things I didn't know about film (as a middle-aged guy that gave up hopes of making films years ago), but this is by far the most outstanding film analysis on the internet. They offer smart, thoughtful and funny insight on the films they cover. I've discovered more incredible cinema than I knew existed because of this podcast and found all knew perspectives on films that I had already seen. Every writer and director making films today (or aspiring to) should be subscribing to this. DON'T STOP! This is definitely one of the most important resources of film analysis available and is making an incredible contribution to the love of the art that is film-making. By the way, been treading on my feelings for ARMY OF DARKNESS for almost 2 decades and they summed it up in one sentence: (to paraphrase) Great film, terrible EVIL DEAD film. Best evaluation of the Evil Dead series overall I've ever heard. Keep it up! Listening for several years now and don't plan to stop.
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Good concept, bad execution
We're so f*cking cool because we f*cking curse all the f*cking time! Grow up, study up.
Colin B. Nels
Best Show I've Discovered This Year
I have noticed the most change in myself as a cinephile in the time since I've started listening to this show. Every week, two films get matched up for thematic similarities or just for the hell of it. Those two films are broken and down and talked up for their virtues no matter what they are, and I've come to find that extremely valuable. Though, it's fun to write off a film I found unsatisfying, these two go the extra mile with having something to say in favor of a movie that most of us would deem a failure. Nothing goes on this show that the hosts don't think achieved something worth talking about, and that's definitely changed how I engage with the movies I watch. I don't recommend any show to more people than I do Double Feature. Give these guys some love because they put on a great show.
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Best Source for Hidden Film Gems
Using a simple concept that is near and dear to my heart, Double Feature pairs together two films, and discusses them in an hour long format. Largely uninterested in the established film canon, Eric Thirteen and Michael Koester for the most part focus on obscure genre filmmaking. Some of the pairings are obvious, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: The Year We Make Contact, while others, like Amelie and Martyrs, are sadistic in the mood swings they elicit. The hosts are largely uninterested in conducting a typical review of a movie, saying whether a film was 'bad' or 'good,' and instead focus on a middle-brow form of academic criticism, taking the films at face value and always looking for new and interesting concepts that a film brings to the table. Currently the show is being produced because of a successful Kickstarter campaign, so the show’s long-term outlook is unclear. But any fan of the trashy, strange, and cult spectrums of cinema needs to be listening to this show.
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That guy who said that thing about the Timex nailed it.
Robert Cummings
so happy someone gave proper attention to the new Child’s Play, well done!
Jonathan Alterman
Incredible Find
Every show the hosts conduct a thought experiment where they pretend the two films they’re covering are the greatest two films ever made. This lets them find the best things you’ve never considered about the films covered!
Dont think too much
I enjoy the excited way they talk about movies. And I LOVE THE INTRO THEME! It perfectly captures the dark mysticism of sci-fi/survival horror/grindhouse/etc, for me anyway.
Funny, Fallible, and F$&king Awesome
These aren't the most knowledgable film enthusiasts I've ever listened to, but they may be the funniest, most honest, and most passionate. The bad reviews here have got it all wrong... I have been a working film professional for over twenty years, and this is the only film podcast I listen to regularly. Yes, they get their facts wrong from time to time, and no they haven't seen everything... but they don't pretend to. My hats off to what they've accomplished with this podcast. Viva Double Feature!
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Double Feature is consistently captivating. Eric and Michael weave & explore their way through two films that may often be connected by the thinnest thread of a theme possible. This is the only podcast I can comfortably rely on for laughs as well as some thought provoking questions. Big fun!
Double Good
Double Feature is more than a review of films, it's a look into what makes a film work and what doesn't. Our two hosts dig deep into the films they talk about and often offer insightful glimpses into the mechanics of the film and film history in general. They're also good for suggesting films I might have overlooked.
Caermon Durgae
If you're looking for the usual, lame, simple review show, this is not it. These guys are incredibly entertaining, and they go off the beaten path to discuss films in a way that not many other outlets do. I guess, if you're like Mr. Konatus below me, and you need some more cliche "thumbs up/down" simplicity for your itty bitty brain, then they may not be up your alley. If, however, you're up for some really interesting film discussion, give Double Feature a listen or 200.
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Best movie podcast on the web
Eric and Michael do an amazing job every week. Funny, insightful....I look forward to it every week. Well done gentlemen!!
the Sure & Right Show Podcast
What follows is a brief transcript of every Double Feature podcast: Michael: "Like...right?" Eric: "Sure." Michael: "Sure. Right" Eric: "RIGHT! SURE!" Michael: " Sure." Eric: "Sure. Sure. Right. Right?" Michael: "Sure. Right sure sure." Eric: "Right...sure. Sure right right sure right sure." Michael: "Sure. RIGHT! Sure sure. sure SURE!" Eric: "Right?" Michael: "Like sure." Eric: "Sure sure. Right. Sure right sure right right sure sure sure right sure right right." Michael: "Like... sure right sure. Like... right! Sure right sure sure. Like..." Eric: "Suuuuure. Sure." Michael: "Like...right?" Eric: "Sure." If you think I'm exaggerating in any way randomly download ANY episode and see for yourself. It's staggering. If you were to play a Double Feature Show "Sure & Right" drinking game you would be blackout drunk 5 minutes in. It's honestly unreal. As of late these guys have taken to panhandling from listeners in the sleaziest "used car salesman-esque" kind of way. Hearing them grub for $7000 is just pathetic. In the "The Cell/Valhalla Rising" episode they actually ask people that have already donated to go back to their kickstarter page and donate MORE. Download the "Special Message" video if you want to dry heave into your keyboard. Outspoken atheists acting like evangelists...pretty ironic. The podcast itself is basically a waste of time. They barely discuss the films. I know how strange that must sound but it's completely true. Between begging for listener's loose change, plugging the one guy's band, and incessantly repeating "sure" & "right" until you want to hammer nails into the floor with your own face, there just isn't time. There is so much better stuff out there. Pass on this one.
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G. Caplan
Awesome Show
Great show give it a listen!
Me likey long time
I have been listening to this show for two years. I am impressed with their inteliigence and singular wit. The guys are obviously tight friends with common interests and lexicon. it is a treat to hear people unapologetically declare their political and religious non-beliefs without a trace of apology or pandering in the context of a review show. It helps that I come from the same Michael Shermer/Penn Jillette school of nut-job atheist/libertarian views. I also think it is prescious when the boys declare their complete ignorance of certain things that someone about 15 or 20 years older lived through. They come from a time post-wikipedia, and imdb, and it shows. That is okay with me. We can't all be geezers who grew up in the 80's with three channels on the tv, record stores, and Atari VCS's. They do not pretend to be the most knowledgable people on the subject of film and music, but they approach it from a place of joy and respect for the craft. They are often insightful funny and occasionally hilarious, and I am a proud listener.
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Xtian C.
Two friends talking about movies
They say quite a few times during thier 4 years of podcasting that this isnt a review show. So if you are looking for a movie review this aint the place. But, if you wanna listen to a couple of young guys just chat about films, like they know what they are talking about then it can be a decent humourful waste of time. I enjoy the podcast more than I probably should. I almost deducted a star just on the fact that EVERY episode they feel like they need to explain what "chapters" are. I'm not entirely sure if thats an inside joke for them, they just think we are idiots, or they think they are providing a service. Guys, please stop with the talking about chapters already!!
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I don't watch every movie, but...
They have lead me to a bunch of films, from the so bad it's good Teen Witch to The Man from Earth. Although they talk about movies it's not boring film reviews. The discussions are range from deep thoughts to long running jokes. Their current project to pair all six Rocky movies with Asian cinema to America and back again is nothing short of brilliant. The tend to talk about genre films like horror, sci-fi, and exploitation. If that's not your thing then you are probably boring and wouldn't like this show. Looking forward to season 20 of Double Feature.
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Changing the way I watch movies!
This podcast has changed how I watch movies, if I can't think of something to watch I think "oh yeah, the Double Feature for this week!" I've even gone back and re-watched movies and then listened to the podcast again, it has made me appreciate the films that much more. To be honest, I love Double Feature and want to tell everyone about it but, it's so great I want to keep it to myself. Great work guys! (don't worry, I tell people, I just wait to see if they are true movie fans first)
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The Winklevii is one guy? Shut up
Really interesting stuff unearthed from the commentary on The Social Network. So much, in fact, you need to take notes. Don't. Just listen to it a bunch of times.
The Follies of Youth
I enjoyed some of the more recent episodes, and (like many other critical reviewers here) I started realizing these guys were really young, and had very little knowledge of films and their history. Sometimes they seem to make up their minds about a movie on the fly, usually to one extreme or the other, and extemporaneously work to reinforce their point, which becomes obvious to anyone out of their twenties as one of the follies of youth. In the episode where they cover the Social Network, one of the hosts talks about how much the world has changed to embrace geek culture since they were in college - then admits that they're in their 20's. How much time could have passed - six years? Ouch. Then I went against their advice and listened to an older episode reviewing Twelve Monkeys, and it really became apparently how little they knew about movies - even taking into account that they were a whole two years younger at the time of that review (an epoch in their minds, to be sure). I like their enthusiasm, but their views are too in synch with each other, and usually go unchallenged. A bit of humility would go a long way.
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Plasmic Steve
Decent podcast
Just wish they would cut done on the unnecessary left wing propaganda they feel obligated to force into almost every show, even when the movies dont warrant it. Not all of your listeners buy into your politics.
Check it out if you love movies
This is a great podcast for movie fans. The 2 hosts give their opinions in a fun, interesting way while analyzing the films from multiple angles which I think is great because they make me see things in a film from another point of view. They do a good job explaining a movie, usually I'll want to go home and watch whatever movies they discussed that night because of all the interesting points they make and it gives you more to look for when watching the films.
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Little Burzum
Not the best movie-themed podcast you could find
When you hear somebody who is underwhelmed or flat-out unimpressed by the likes of Carpenter, Argento, Kubrick, but they rave about people like Eli Roth and Rob Zombie, know you're in for a rough listen. The first episode I listened to was one about Rob Zombie's Halloween 2. For the record, I loved Devil's Rejects and liked House of 1000 Corpses, but I could practically write a book about why H2 is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. These guys raved and raved about how awesome it was, and for a long time I thought they were setting up a joke. I kept waiting for the punchline to drop and the real review to begin. But they were serious!! I was absolutely stunned. At that point I knew that I was operating on a completely different level from these 2 guys, but I still enjoy listening to the shows while I'm at work. Pretty entertaining, even though sometimes frustrating. They haven't a clue what they are talking about, but that's part of the fun.
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carnivorous lunar activity
Great podcast!
I've been listening for about a year, you guys are awsome. It's great to listen to whenever I've seen one or both of the films you talk about. I really like the Killapaloozas, you guys should do more of them. Keep up the great work!
These guys Know their STUFF!!!
I listened to roughly 120 shows back to back and they know their stuff. These guys are my morning and afternoon drive talk show hosts. They point out alot of things that I missed or might have seen but, did not think twice about it and they explain why it was there. While I might not agree with them all the time, they put things in another light. I highly recommend this show to people who like films and movies. Oh yes there is a difference. I thank the fact that they did a show on Repo and I found out about them that way. Michael and Eric(k) keep up the awesome job. PS. What are your favorite movies if you could say that in your next episode that would be awesome!! Talk about more F#$%ing Film Bye.
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Denny Wiseau
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