Doggy Dan Podcast Show
Doggy Dan Podcast Show
Doggy Dan
Show 29: Mutual Rescue: The Incredible Healing Power of Dog and Human Relationships
42 minutes Posted May 18, 2021 at 12:43 pm.
] The Mission of Mutual Rescue
] Carol’s Story
] The Power of Animal Connections
] Eric and Peety’s Story
] The Science of Animal/Human Connection
] Josh and Scouts Story
] Doggy Day Out Program
] Mike and Abby’s Story
] How Animals Help Us Tune Into Ourselves
] How you can get involved in Mutual Rescue
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Show notes
Mutual Rescue: The Incredible Healing Power of Dog and Human Relationships
Today’s Guest
Carol Novello – Mutual Rescue
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Carol Novello, the founder of Mutual Rescue. Mutual Rescue is an organization that is devoted to demonstrating that when people adopt animals, their own lives can be dramatically transformed in positive and often unexpected ways.
Carol’s perspective on rescuing dogs (who go on to “rescue” their humans) is brilliant and is key for helping heal communities of people who are struggling with anxiety, depression, health issues, and more!
During our time together Carol shares some beautiful stories and illustrates how important our canine companions truly are. From a dog that helped his human lose weight and finally regain his health to a pooch that helped his owner cope with job loss I have no doubt you’ll be moved by all the “tails” that are shared.
I really hope you’ll join us to hear first hand how communities are being transformed via dog and human relationships. Who knows…you might even see yourself in some of the stories that Carol shares!
If you’re interested in learning more about Mutual Rescue and how this organization is working hard to heal both dogs and humans you don’t want to miss today’s podcast!
You’ll Hear About:
How You Can Get Involved:
If you’re interested in getting involved with Mutual Rescue I encourage you to visit their website. On the website you can learn more about the project as well as the various opportunities to get involved or help support the amazing organization.
Together we can make an incredible impact on the lives of dogs and the people who love them!
Links & Resources
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~Doggy Dan