Doggy Dan Podcast Show
Doggy Dan Podcast Show
Doggy Dan
Show 28: The Big Fix Uganda: Improving the Lives of Dogs and Humans Around the Globe
44 minutes Posted Mar 17, 2021 at 6:05 am.
] The Mission of The Big Fix Uganda
] The Devastation of the Acholi people in Northern Uganda
] How dogs and humans are helping each other heal
] The Comfort Dog Project
] The Science Behind the Comfort Dog Project
] Charles Healing Story with Dog Ogen
] The importance of names to the Acholi people
] Lucy’s Story
] How the Comfort Dog Project Works
] How you can help support The Big Fix Uganda
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Show notes
The Big Fix Uganda: Improving the Lives of Dogs and Humans Around the Globe
Today’s Guest
Sarah Schmidt - Founder of The Big Fix Uganda
I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Sarah Schmidt, the founder of The Big Fix Uganda. Sarah and her team do incredible work to help improve the lives of the dogs and people in Uganda through providing spay/neuter programs for population control, veterinary care to help fight off disease that can spread to both animals and humans, and dog training education.
All of these elements are essential to helping improve the health and wellbeing of both the dogs and the people of Uganda, all while promoting important human-animal bonds. 
On top of providing care and education, this organization has another amazing program called the Comfort Dog Project. This program is aimed at helping Ugandan war trauma survivors overcome the debilitating symptoms of PTSD.
Sadly, the experiences of Acholi people in Northern Uganda are incredibly traumatic. It wasn’t uncommon for children to be kidnapped and forced to serve in the rebel army either as sex slaves or as gun-bearing soldiers.
These types of experiences truly cause a degradation in the social fiber of the people. You don't have the ability to trust other people, to live in community with other people. The Big Fix Uganda has been a cornerstone in helping heal the people in this community by connecting them with dogs. 
Having these programs in place is a HUGE win-win for both the people and dogs in Uganda and has brought about healing (for both the people and the canines) in ways you would never believe is possible. 
If you’re interested in learning more about The Big Fix Uganda and the incredible ways they are healing communities and improving the lives of both dogs and people you don’t want to miss today’s podcast!
You’ll Hear About:
How You Can Get Involved:
If you’re interested in getting involved with The Big Fix Uganda I encourage you to visit their website. On the website you can learn more about the project as well as the various opportunities to support them by giving financially, becoming a volunteer, or donating supplies. 
Together we can make an incredible impact on the lives of dogs and the people who love them!
Links & Resources
NTV story about Comfort Dog Project:
BBC Video about Filda and Lok Oroma:
Video showing Lucy and Sadik:
Learn more by tuning into the podcast!
Thanks for listening—and again, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes / Spotify to get automatic updates.
~Doggy Dan