Doctor Who On Target Podcast

Doctor Who On Target

Greg James
Doctor Who Target novelisations and audiobooks- fan reviews, analysis and information
The Web of Fear by Terrance Dicks
They're back! Bigger, more powerful and scarier than before - and this time, they have web guns! The fabulous Patrick Troughton classic story, recently returned (almost) to the BBC archives is graced with a truly wonderful package from BBC Audio with David Troughton narrating! How could Greg and David resist reviewing this one? They couldn't, of course - so, hit the download button and join as we find out if this Doctor Who is On Target!
Sep 14, 2017
1 hr
Galaxy 4
Galaxy 4 by William Emms is where David and Greg are faced with the beautiful but cold and deadly Drahvins, the incredibly ugly but rather nicely spoken Rills, and are nearly knocked right over by their robotic servants the chumblies. What on Earth will we make of this lost (aside from one recently-discovered episode) oddity from Hartnell-era Who? And of course, we have the very first narration of a Target audio from the original Vicky herself - Maureen O'Brien.
Sep 8, 2017
56 min
Vincent and the Doctor
A live commentary this time for you to watch with us and see if you agree with our views on this story. But first we have a report from Cardiff, and then feedback from our listeners. Write in to let us know what you think of this episode or anything on the world of Doctor Who. email us at [email protected] or tweet us at DrWhoontarget.
Sep 3, 2017
55 min
The Highlanders by Gerry Davis
We go North of border today to find ourselves facing a mishmash of enmity from all over Europe - times haven't changed, have they! Bonnie Scotland is the setting for myriad skirmishes for the control of Great Britain, with pirates, a not-quite-himself Second Doctor and a new edition to the TARDIS crew - download and listen to what we think - but then email, twitter or send us an audio recording to let us know what YOU think!
Aug 13, 2017
59 min
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Can you spot all the connections to see why we've chosen to review this episode? Of course you can - you're a Doctor Who fan... Listen in to hear what we make of this Matt Smith story written by Chris Chibnall - the soon to be show-runner of our favourite TV programme.
Aug 7, 2017
52 min
Doctor Who & the Cave Monsters
Our first Malcolm Hulke review - and it's the Jon Pertwee classic Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters. Join us as we enter a subterranean world of political intrigue, betrayal and personal vendettas - all topped off with a monstrous Tyrannosaurs Rex! Classic Doctor Who indeed - and a real feast for David and Greg to get their teeth into! And don't forget to download or order a copy of Greg's new science fiction novel set in a dystopian future - The Faith Seekers.
Jul 29, 2017
58 min
Jodie Whittaker is the 13th Doctor!
Greg and David discuss the announcement that Jodie Whittaker is the 13th Doctor. Finally, some 36 years of so after Tom Baker hinted that the new Doctor would be a woman, his prophecy has come true - of course, he knew all along!
Jul 24, 2017
37 min
The Giant Robot by Terrance Dicks
We get back to classic Target reviews - and there's nothing more classic than the very first story to feature the 4th Doctor himself - the Terrance Dicks scripted and written The Gian Robot. We think it's one of our best ever podcasts! See what you think and let us know. Oh, and don't forget to download or order a copy of my new book - The Faith Seekers - available now on Amazon, Lulu and iBooks.
Jul 13, 2017
1 hr 2 min
The Doctor Falls
The Season finale is upon us - can Steven Moffat's final episode for Season 10 live up to last week's incredible Mondasian Cybermen epic? Join Greg and David as we watch the episode and record immediately after broadcast.
Jul 3, 2017
57 min
Planet of Giants by Terrance Dicks
Lilliputian shenanigans with an environmental twist this time! No - that's not the latest cocktail - it's Greg and David's review of the William Hartnell story Planet of Giants! One of Terrance Dicks later novelisations for the Target range, let's see how it fare with the new BBC Audio version read by none other than the very first Doctor Who companion - Susan herself - Carol Ann Ford.
Jun 28, 2017
49 min
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