As a recovering work-aholic, your Director of Vibes opens up about the deep layers of healing that often needs to take place as we evolve and grow. When it comes to releasing the hustle mindset, there are patterns of guilt, burn out and disappointment to move past.
From getting comfortable with the discomfort of free time and space to releasing the grip of control, many topics are offered up with simple solutions to guide you towards the freedom, happiness, success and abundance you're seeking.May this vulnerable share and honest awareness help bring light to the layers of your healing work as well.
Nov 22, 2021
21 min

There is so much freedom to be found in the present moment.
By tapping into mindfulness practices and immersing yourself in the present moment, you're able to release the weight of the past and let go of all worries about the future.
To help you tap into the magic that exists in the now, this episode offers 5 mindfulness practices that will boost your energy and support you as you continue to Direct Your Vibe.
Nov 15, 2021
8 min

Two years ago, when I was creating this podcast, I envisioned a moment like this. Traveling the world (on our dream sailboat, what?!), providing value to my community from anywhere + being able to share what’s on my heart in an open + authentic way. I am SO fucking grateful for this podcast, for YOU, the listener tuning in week after week! This is why I keep showing up, to provide you with value to direct your vibe, expand your energy + create a life that lights you up! In honor of two years of learning, growing + directing vibes together, I’ve created a special quantum activation to help you dream bigger, open up to new possibilities + continue calibrating your energy towards your dream reality! Feel free to come back to this activation as often as you feel called
Nov 11, 2021
8 min

As you continue to direct your vibe, as you step outside your comfort zone, to live a more activated, fully alive human experience, + follow those intuitive nudges as you reach for your wildest dreams, life is going to serve up challenges. We're opening ourselves up to experience higher highs, and lower lows when we expand beyond the realm of predictability. We get to experience it all. We get to hold space for it all.
Manifesting our dream reality is not about perfection. It's not going to be smooth sailing everyday. That's not the point. And I believe that’s where most of us get tripped up.In this week's episode, your Director of Vibes offers a new perspective on life's most challenging moments and opens up about one of her most recent struggles.
Nov 8, 2021
13 min

If you've ever doubted yourself, hesitated on taking action towards your big dreams or struggled to trust your intuition, this episode is for YOU! As your director of vibes, I’m here to be your guide. I'm here to show you the most effective, most efficient path based on my own experience.
My main goal is to guide you back home to yourself, to connect you with your intuition so you can trust the guidance your receive within you + direct YOUR vibe!
Intro music from the amazing Boot Juice!
Nov 1, 2021
18 min

If you are a chronic over-thinker like me, it’s likely because you’ve been under feeling. You’ve disconnected from your emotions, and likely your body so you spend a lot more time in your head trying to figure it all out. Am I right? Or am I right?! As an Empath, my ability to feel deeply is a superpower I haven't always embraced. Society makes it all too easy to numb, avoid + put on a brave face. I spent most of my life under-feeling. Again, society encourages this every chance it gets. I was avoidant + ran from any heavy or low feeling emotion, which meant I felt less of the light or high feeling emotions as well. And worst of all, it caused me to overthink EVERYTHING.
If you’re called to the Becoming Magnetic Masterclass I hosted last week, there is a replay available and as a listener of the Direct Your Vibe Podcast - you get a special rate! DM me on Instagram @leslieallison33 with the words "BECOMING MAGNETIC" + I’ll send you the link.
Oct 25, 2021
8 min

Calibrating our energy to our desires is about tapping into the emotion that we think those desires will deliver, right NOW!
The world we live in is more focused on information. It tricks our mind into needing logical or physical evidence outside of ourselves to feel confident in the dreams, desire or goals we’re working towards.
All the information is available to you. The key piece that’s missing in order to fully calibrate your energy to your desires is EMBODIMENT.
On today's episode you'll receive three powerful tools for calibrating your energy to your desires so you can take all that information you've gathered and embody it as the master creator of your reality!
If you’re ready to calibrate your energy, to fully embody + stop simply taking in information the Calibrate Mastermind Portal is your next step! There will only be 5 seats available, claim yours today - https://bit.ly/Calibrate_PortalMusic CreditIntro by BootjuiceDance Break by Scott Pemberton
Oct 18, 2021
13 min

No one talks about the difficult parts of manifesting your dream life. It's time! The fears, the doubts, the self sabotage + the deep rooted feelings of unworthiness that rise up as your wildest dreams start to come true. That shit's real + it is challenging AF! I've let these emotions weigh me down in the past. I've let them completely take over my energy, lower my vibe + pull me into old patterns + beliefs, ultimately self sabotaging myself before that dream could land. As I lead myself through this new phase of life, leaving camper life, selling our belongings, leaving my hometown + so much of my past identity behind to pursue a new adventure, ALLLLLL of the fear, doubt, anxiety + deep rooted feelings of unworthiness are rising up right on schedule. Thankfully I've spent the last 4 years strengthening my ability to feel, process + release these emotions without making them mean anything (emotional intelligence ftw) I'm leading myself boldly through these fears without allowing them to pull me down + overtake my energy. THIS is what allows us to be magnetic + high vibe THROUGH life's most challenging moments! With awareness around the shadows of manifesting your wildest dreams, you can hold your energy + become magnetic. I'm offering a free masterclass to help you tap into this vibe so you can activate your personal power + lead yourself through every aspect of manifesting epic shit! Becoming Magnetic will be hosted this Tuesday, October 12th on Zoom. I'm so excited to share all I've learned in the last few years to support you in manifesting the life of your dreams, with ease! Sign up here - https://bit.ly/Magnetic_MC
Oct 11, 2021
8 min

As life continues to shift + calendars start to get filled again, your Director of Vibes shares a vulnerable look at how that’s effecting her self-care rituals + how that can lead to self doubt, ultimately slipping into The Void!
When we’re busy chasing our big dreams, goals + desires, it's so easy to dwell in our fears, to doubt ourselves + get caught up in the narrative of all the reasons why our dreams aren't possible for us. This is how we find ourselves in "The Void" The Void is packed with lies about all the ways we're "not enough." The Void is where fear, doubt + negativity thrive. This episode will help to give you some perspective on this challenging space + provide support to help you leave the void for good!
Free Masterclass on Leaving the Void - https://bit.ly/LeavingtheVoid
Music Credit: Summer Camp by Boot Juice
Jul 12, 2021
15 min

When we feel frustrated with our current circumstances and start to question the timing of our lives, we are closing ourselves off from receiving all of the abundance, success and love the Universe is trying to serve up. In this energy, we are rejecting diving timing by not realizing that what we have right now is already more than enough and it’s exactly what we need for our next steps in life.
This week’s special guest, Nicole Villani is an ex-corporate 9-5er, turned Mindset & Manifestation coach. Her mission is to empower purpose-driven high achievers to free themselves, expand what they believe is possible & gain absolute clarity on what they want & how to get it. Our conversation will serve as a powerful kickstart in clarity + trust within the timing of your life.
Connect with Nicole on Instagram @thenicolevillani and don’t forget to share this episode on your stories to let us know what pieces of you it cracked open!
Music Credit: As It Comes by Mutual Groove
Jun 28, 2021
25 min
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