This is the time to engage with your consumers more. Have sensible conversations about how you could help them and not ask for anything in return. All sensible business do that, and you should too.
Mar 31, 2020
2 min
Just because you learnt digital marketing, you don't have to end up in a digital marketing job. Use the skills to build something that you are passionate about or something that interests you.
Start with your niche / passion. Create a blog or instagram account or a facebook page or a Tik-Tok account and start posting or documenting. That's all you need.
Hope this helps.
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Mar 6, 2020
2 min
Stay in sync with what's happening, what's trending and know how you can step up your Digital Marketing game.
Feb 29, 2020
6 min
Do you think Facebook QR Code functionality needs to come to Groups? It makes it so easy and smooth for people just scan your QR code and become a part of the Facebook group. DOn't you think? This podcast just tosses out the idea. Very very curious to listen to your feedback: just email me at [email protected]
Oct 5, 2018
4 min
Finally the episode #2 is here. I am quite happy with the output, at least compared to the first episode. Please watch this and find out the cool updates all around.
Sep 3, 2018
39 min
With so much happening in #DigitalMarketing, one needs to stay abreast with all that's happening and all that's being released. When you look at these updates in silos, it doesn't make sense at first, but when you look all the updates together, it is not just easy to understand, but it is very easy to adapt to things and apply whatever we have learnt to our marketing.
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Sep 3, 2018
1 hr 5 min
We unravel the truth behind the question, Does a Digital Marketer need to know hundreds of tools?
Jun 4, 2018
2 min
This is the episode where we discuss about many places to find keyword ideas than just struggling with tools.
May 29, 2018
5 min
This episode explains the differences between AdWords Express and a regular AdWords account.
Digital Titans.
May 28, 2018
3 min
Discussion in the episode:
1. How does someone create display ads though you aren't trained on photoshop?
2. How do you crack the instagram game?
Subscribe Now!
May 18, 2018
4 min
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