Different Breed Podcast

Different Breed

Josh Cohn + Trista Newton
IFBB Pro Josh Cohn and Trista Newton share their take on what it means to be a Different Breed and how to take your life to the next level. #wolvesnotsheep
Different Breed - New Mindset, New You
New mindset, new you! We are giving you 5 actionable items to start changing your mindset and framework.
Feb 17, 2023
39 min
Different Breed + Self Limiting Beliefs
Josh and Trista take on a group of small business owners to dig deep on self limiting beliefs + how to maneuver through difficult challenges.
Feb 2, 2023
1 hr 9 min
Welcome to the Different Breed Podcast
Listen to Josh and Trista talk about what Different Breed means to them and why mindset is so important.
Jan 20, 2023
22 min