Diet Culture Rebel Podcast
Diet Culture Rebel Podcast
Bonnie Roney
via Podcasts
So Grateful
I am forever grateful to you, Bonnie, for your devotion to helping us all deal with the destructive forces of dieting. A lot of people would have moved on to enjoy life after working through their own issues, but you have stuck around in a big way to teach us how to face this challenge and find our way through it. You provide access to important information on many platforms and mediums, but the best thing is you genuinely care. That comes through loud and clear! Thank you!!! Dena DukešŸ’
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Eating Disorder recovery
This podcast has helped me so much along with my therapist, and nutritionist in helping me overcome my eating disorder. I am never going back to dieting again and am so thankful I found intuitive eating and food freedom.
Krista Renee'
Loved the Scale Stress Ep
I had not realized but one of the underlying reasons why Iā€™ve been putting off a physical (even though Iā€™m soon going off of my parents health insurance and would just love to have one before that happens) is because Iā€™m anxious about the scale, being told things about my weight, and having to be vulnerable with a new doctor. This episode offered some valuable advice that I will try to put into use.
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Saved Me!
I started listening to this podcast back in October. I was at my rock bottom and could not stand the thought of the next diet I was going to go on. Food took up so much mental space. This podcast provided so much information that helped move me toward finding food and fitness freedom. Bonnie- you are amazing and I look forward to continuing to gain knowledge from your podcast.
Mind blowing!
Just a few episodes in and I feel like I have a deeper understanding of myself - and am not alone. So help, I appreciate Bonnie for making this podcast šŸ™šŸ¼ šŸ’•
Woohoo! Lightbulb moments with Bonnieā€™s content!
I have the IE book and workbook but it just wasnā€™t clicking for me. Bonnieā€™s podcast is helping me ā€œget itā€ ad Iā€™m so glad I found her here! šŸ˜Š
THIS podcast is everything for overcoming diet culture
I started listening to this podcast while on my health journey and I canā€™t tell you how helpful it has been for my mindset about my body. What I love most is how much this can apply to other areas of life too. The diet culture is everywhere and the tools Bonnie is giving in this podcast is GOLD to feeling more body freedom. If you are debating subscribing to this podcast, donā€™t even think twice! - Nicole Stanley (Arise Financial Coaching)
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The best companion to a healing journey
Bonnie and her podcast have been one of the most influential factors in helping me actually take steps to heal my relationship with food and my body. Iā€™ve struggled for a majority of my life with body image and disordered eating. Iā€™ve tried everything under the sun and I feel like Iā€™ve finally found the process that will help me find peace. Itā€™s a journey and this is a great companion to have.
Liz Watanabe
Great, Thoughtful Content
I really appreciate the thoughtfulness and the insights that Bonnie shares on this podcast. Each episode, thereā€™s something new to think about. A great resource for those of us who are on an anti-diet journey.
Ana, The Distracted Gardener
A Favorite
This is one of my favorite podcast. Bonnie and her guests are always informative and insightful.
So happy I found this podcast!
I love that Bonnie focuses on intuitively eating and nourishing our bodies. As a fellow RDN, I have found this podcast to be so refreshing and informative. I cannot recommend it highly enough!
So helpful!!!
I, like so many, have struggled with disordered eating in my life. Living as a slave to the scale and food. I did start to heal some on my own, years ago, but I have really been able to heal more completely by listening to Bonnie. My self-worth is no longer tied to my body size. I am very grateful for this ministry. Thank you, Bonnie!
Diet Culture Rebel Gratitude
This podcast is so incredibly helpful. At times in my life I restricted my eating and overexercised. I only wish I had this podcast to listen to during those times. But now I do. And I am better for it.
Jamie in N.Y.
Love everything about thisā€”I purposefully listen while trying to joyfully move my body
Years of my life stolen my diet cultureā€¦reprogramming my brain by listening while I try to rediscover movement and eat intuitively. Thank you!!
Julie Noyes
Not everything is a trigger
My goodness gracious. Can someone please start an intuitive eating program that isnā€™t bleeping things out and acting like no one can handle the tiniest bit of Diet conversation. My gosh! I cannot.
Everything thatā€™s wrong with influencer culture
Listened to a couple episodes of this podcast and will, unfortunately, never get that time back. Bonnie is an unqualified ramble artist. It became quickly apparent from her social media sheā€™s a fragile narcissist who gets her self worth from social media. She canā€™t handle genuine questions and is overly sensitive but has a pathetic mob of cyber bullies who validate and defend her for some reason. Truly sad.
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Deconstructing NOOMā€¦that alone turned me onto this podcast!
Admittedly, I have only listened to the most recent episode as of today (April 4, 2023). I loved the deconstruction and takedown of NOOM. I tried this ā€œnonā€-diet a few years ago and lost 15 pounds. I promptly gained it all back after quitting the program and have struggled with even worse food anxiety and body shame than I had prior to NOOM. A major red flag for me was the program shaming users for eating for pleasure and encouraging eating for fuel only. I should have quit the program the day I read that. Sadly I persisted for several months later, constantly being hangry, yet depriving myself to maintain the weight I had worked so hard to reach. This was not sustainable! I am eager to learn more about diet rebel and intuitive eating culture. Thanks for this resource!
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I love this podcast
Iā€™ve been working with Bonnie in group coaching to heal my relationship with food and her podcast has been a perfect complement. Iā€™ve learned so much from listening to this podcast in addition to what we talk about in group coaching. I love how she brings guests in to talk about various topics; one of my favorites was her episode with Dr. Lindsay Kite on body resilience. She presents information in a clear way and brings awareness to issues that need to be addressed more. Thank you, Bonnie!
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This podcast is AMAZING and I seriously think everyone (no matter who you are or where youā€™re at) should listen! It has helped me so much in my intuitive eating journey and Bonnie has so much expertise and brings in amazing guests. The way she talks about disordered eating & dieting is so needed for this generation & she is so positive and lovely. I send this podcast to everyone!! She brings real, scientific information to a real and personal level where everyone can understand.
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The IE journey isnā€™t linear - Bonnieā€™s support keeps me going!
Iā€™ve been practicing IE since 2017 but recently have been wrestling with the pull to diet. Thank you Bonnie for snapping me out of it and helping me to remember why I ditched diet culture to begin with. After listening, I feel on fire again for challenging diet culture and embracing my body!
Love this pod- from a fellow RD!
Diet culture is something we simply cannot escape sometimes! That's why I am so happy to have found Bonnie's podcast where she embraces loving our bodies as they are and eating foods we want with no guilt!
Meg- GroundedNourishment
Overcome your fear surrounding food
This podcast is truly one of the most helpful tools that I have used to recover from disordered eating and thoughts surrounding food. For over a decade I have struggled with multiple issues surrounding food which lead me to a binge eating disorder, bulimia, and chronic on and off again dieting. Needless to say this set me up for pretty poor self-esteem and body image. Bonnieā€™s podcast has helped me to gain confidence in honoring my hunger cues and giving diet culture the middle finger. Her podcasts are extremely informative, well researched, and supported by science and facts. Trust me, you want to give this podcast a listen. I highly recommend it as it has allowed for me to truly start living a life with food freedom. I can honestly say that I no longer worry about obsessively counting calories, going out to dinner with friends, or binging when I have treats at home. I genuinely feel a sense of control again and it is such an amazing feeling. Thank you Bonnie for all that you do!
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Real Ryde
Newbieā€™s Best Friend
I came across Diet Culture Rebel scrolling through my insta reels one day a couple months agoā€¦ I was nearly a year into Noom and was maybe 5 lbs down on the scale. I had just ā€œrecommittedā€ to the program and had heard of Noomā€™s intuitive eating, but was not familiar with the original intuitive eating theory. I listened to maybe a dozen of Bonnieā€™s podcasts (including ā€œwe should be talking about weight bias not weight lossā€ which I recommended to multiple people). I cancelled Noom. I got a refund. I put my scale in storage. I bought Intuitive Eating. This podcast opened my eyes to how I had been fat shaming myself for decades. Every picture. Every food choice. Every time I saw my reflection. Iā€™m probably the same size as I was when I stopped Noom, but I feel so much better in my body nowā€¦ I notice the good when I see myself. I see satiety in food and not the enemy for which I have no control. I still have those diet/fat shaming thoughts, but im starting to make peace with food and my bodyā€¦ one of my 2022 goalsā€¦ that I now know wonā€™t come from losing 20-30lbs like I wanted. Keep it up Bonnie!
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amped up!!!
such a helpful show in my healing journey!
ty bonnie!!
Not scary, encouraging and easy to listen too
Enjoyable even for a very sensitive topic for me. Helpful and highly recommended
K Wetsell
Helping me on a path toward a better relationship with food
I didnā€™t realize how unhealthy my relationship with food was until I started listening to this show and reading Intuitive Eating. Thanks for such a great podcast, Iā€™m excited to go on this journey and am glad to have your new episodes as I repair my relationship with food!
Life changing
There really isnā€™t enough space to list how your podcast has truly changed my life. At 41, my body had been dragged through every diet, every gym, every early morning weigh in. To top it off, my mental state was worse. Constantly feeling bad in my body. Canceling plans with loved ones, not wanting to be seen, shame in ā€œfailingā€ every day because of my own silly food rules. The best thing Iā€™ve learned from you that would finally repair it all was how to have a healthy relationship with food. Seems so simple yet it was overlooked the better part of my whole life because I was too busy chasing diets to notice. The freedom I have found is almost euphoric, and I never expected to feel this way in this lifetime. Iā€™m so grateful to you, Bonnie ā¤ļø
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Cee Cee from Atlanta
So Glad I Found Bonnie!!
I absolutely love Bonnieā€™s podcast! Iā€™ve been struggling with diet culture & body image since I was 6 yrs old. Iā€™m 51 now & still struggle. I even had bariatric surgery a few years ago to ā€œcureā€ my issues, however I still struggled. My surgeon wanted me on a low carb diet following surgery & for the rest of my life. When I found that this was just not realistic for me, I felt like a total failure & have gained about 40 of my 100 pounds lost back. Finding Bonnie & intuitive eating has given a bright light at the end of my tunnel. Iā€™d never heard of intuitive eating until recently & Bonnie has made it very easy to understand. Thank you so much for the work you are doing! You are an inspiration!!
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How does she know me so well?
I love Bonnieā€™s podcasts. I feel like she gives me language for how Iā€™ve struggled most of my life. Iā€™ve learned a lot through her content about whatā€™s happening inside my brain and body and gives incredible suggestions and insights on how to start the process of healing my relationship with food.
Excellent health convos
As an RN and intuitive eating counselor myself, I really appreciate the science based and compassionate discussion about diabetes and nutrition on this show.
this podcast has changed my life!
I had never heard of intuitive eating before coming across bonnieā€™s instagram reels and the podcast is so helpful! I have such a positive relationship with food because of her! listen to this podcast and it will change your life!
Highly Informative and Great
I discovered her through Instagram as I was looking to learn and heal my own relationship with food. I always learn something from her podcast and feel better in a world that sometimes is stuck in diet culture, weight stigma, and health canā€™t be obtained at every size.
Found this podcast at the exact right time in my life. I look forward to listening thank you Bonnie! šŸ’–
ciara pickley
So much wisdom!
Bonnie is an amazing host and facilitates insightful conversations that cover a wide range of topics related to food, body image and health. I love that guests are from all walks of life/experiences!
Intuitive Eatingā€¦ and Drinking?!
Hi Bonnie. I love your podcast. Throughout the years of yo-yo dieting and hating my body, I finally found success through intuitive eating. One thing I donā€™t think that has been discussed yet is intuitive DRINKING. Beverages, alcohol, coffeeā€¦ whateverā€¦ kind of distorts satiety and hunger cues. What would you recommend for an IE approach to drinks? Thank you!!!
Thank you!
Itā€™s because of Bonnie coming across my IG feed that I even found IE. Iā€™m forever grateful for learning that I donā€™t have to diet my whole life to stay a certain size. This podcast has become so helpful as I learn to embrace all of the IE principles over time and as I unlearn dieting. Bonnie also gives great recommendations on other books and accounts to follow which I love.
The best! Learn so much and eyes have been opened to a new way of thinking towards food and my body!
She is awesome!
Episode 84
Loved it and so much truth! Thanks for sharing!!!
Life changing
This is a must if you are interested/pursuing intuitive eating! I love the testimonies and discussion.
Nurtures a positive & respectful mindset
I randomly saw something you posted on Instagram and now I have been listening to your podcast for a month now. I love the name diet rebel as I do not like doing whatever is told or expected of me. Believing in dieting as something everyone does has been the single most destructive and damaging aspect in my life especially as I navigated culinary school, career, and extreme curiosity for food/cooking. I generally love doing better for myself and I love that this fits right in and has totally transformed my life! You are amazing. This is amazing! You will begin to heal with this down to earth podcast/IG account. Ps. I have told my roommates, friends, and church group about you and the idea of intuitive eating. We all struggle with some form of this and speaking out and being transparent is the best way to cut diet culture to itā€™s knees. I am tired of talking to my friends and getting praise for whatever new diet I am on and the small amount of weight I temporarily loose. As if this is self care. I hope to lead by example and raise kids that are well educated and loved regardless of their weight. Thank you!!
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Bonnie is a GREAT host. Loved following her on IG and so thankful for this additional resource. Hearing from her past clients is so comforting and uplifting. Bonnie, thank you for leading the way in authenticity, truth, and compassion! Your wisdom and your passion is changing lives.
chloe grac
So thankful I found this podcast. Iā€™ve been listening for awhile now, and love the content Bonnie presents! Itā€™s helped me change my perspective and feel so much less alone.
I needed this!
Thank you so much!
Has helped me so much!
As someone who is recovering from disordered eating, this podcast helps me stay on track and remember that I can eat what I love and not feel so guilty. Bonny has helped me heal so much through these podcasts and her Instagram and truly understand myself even more.
So freeing and peaceful!
This podcast is so helpful to me. Bonnie's approach helps me honor myself as a woman.
You wonā€™t be disappointed!!!
Bonnie Roney is simply amazing! Every one of her podcasts are informative and extremely interesting. She sheds light on so many important issues in regards to diet culture and makes us feel like we are not alone out here! I look forward to her new episodes every single week! Thank you Bonnie! šŸ˜
MorningStar 15
Empowering awareness
This information is so valuable in helping me see the pervasive lies that I have been fed my whole life by diet culture. The fact is that I intuitively knew diets didnā€™t work. The billion dollar diet media sure helped fuel some disordered eating habits for me that I was barely aware of. Thanks Bonnie. I am a physical therapist and seriously considering taking the IE certification course. I believe this message can improve quality of life for everyone who can grasp the concept. Sincerely, Beth Allen
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K r y s t i
All the validation and reassurance you need!
Bonnie has such a way of not only educating the listeners on intuitive eating topics, but also validating all the fears, uncertainties, and emotions that may come with breaking up with diet culture norms! Inspiring and engaging. Highly recommend if youā€™re on a food freedom journey and want to feel like somebody ā€œgets youā€. šŸ’– thanks bonnie!
Such a beneficial podcast!
Love listening to Bonnie and the guests on her show! So much of the information is helpful when you are switching to an intuitive eating mindset. I listen to this when Iā€™m walking my dogs. It helps keep me grounded and moving forward. I especially love listening to this podcast when I need a little extra help.
Best podcast!!!
This podcast has helped me in so many ways. Bonnieā€™s Instagram page and her podcasts have helped me heal my relationship with food. I recommend this to anyone and everyone!!!
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