Diet Culture Rebel Podcast
Diet Culture Rebel Podcast
Bonnie Roney
3 Risks of Buying Into Diet Culture That Aren't Talked About Enough
34 minutes Posted Dec 26, 2023 at 10:00 pm.
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The New Year is just around the corner which means lots and lots of pressure to diet. It’s easy to buy into, especially when you have been programmed to diet from birth through generational dieting.

I want to help you break the cycle.  So today, I am sharing three not-talked-about risks of buying into diet culture to help you do that. We're going to talk about how dieting can result in some serious issues, like nutrient deficits and weight cycling.

If you’re looking to leave the diet cycle for good in 2024, my group coaching program is open for new applicants!

I created my group coaching program to give you the tools that you need to break your diet cycle once and for all and make peace with food in a brave, supportive, and judgment-free community.

Learn More & Apply for Small Group Coaching here:

Connect with Bonnie on Instagram: @diet.culture.rebel