Dial M for Mueller: Why Brexit Needs an FBI Style Inquiry - with Carole Cadwalladr and Peter Jukes
Dial M for Mueller: Why Brexit Needs an FBI Style Inquiry - with Carole Cadwalladr and Peter Jukes
Duende Productions Ltd and FlameFlower Studios
via Podcasts
So glad you’re back!
Interesting to hear how the international crime syndicate is affecting Britain. Journalism will be our saving grace!
Please Give Us More!
I found this podcast through your interiew on my favorite podcast: Mueller She Wrote. Yours is a well-made and intriguing podcast and I hunger for more. Please tell me that more episodes are coming!
Love the Podcast
Love this Podcast, looking forward to more episodes!
Kirstin in MA
In the States
Really enjoying this Pod, can’t believe all the connections to the mess in the US. The banking and money should be the end of all these people, more episodes please
In an effort to get a more holistic perspective…
…of this point in our history, Dial M for Mueller not only takes on the American investigation of their 2016 presidential election, but goes back even further into how these same players staged another propaganda campaign in favor of Brexit, bankrolled by the Kremlin. I first heard of this pod while listening to Mueller, She Wrote, and now Dial M for Mueller is right alongside it in listening priority. Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
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Informative and compelling
As an American who has been following the Muller/Trump investigation moderately I was intrigued by the idea of your podcast mainly because of my lack of understanding on how Brexit is connected to the Muller investigation. Mainly hoping in a coming podcast you could explain the motivations that the Russians had in wanting Britain to leave the EU. (Is it really as simple as more world power or connected to the same sanctions we had imposed on Russia in response to the Ukraine?) Also where did the idea of brexit come from? We had a smaller Cal-exit that gained in popularity after trumps victory until it was discovered that it was a Russian propaganda thing. Did the Origin of brexit originate in a troll farm or was it really a grassroots thing? Lovey pod! Only issue was it felt like I was jumping into a conversation in the middle. But eventually everything tied into each other. Hopefully a deep dive Russian investigation of brexit will occur and is presented to the people with all the facts.
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The podcast we desperately needed
Brexit isn’t Ashley confusing mess, and so is it’s origin story. A podcast like this one is so important to help people understand all of the intertwined shenanigans that went on to set up the disastrous and illegal pro-Brexit campaigns. The British government has been derelict in its duty to follow up publicly on the cheap and obvious back room dealing that went on before the Brexit vote, and the British public have been poorly served by their mainstream media in their inability to tell this story. This podcast promises to help us understand exactly what happened and exactly how we got into the situation. It is a fantastic public-service that these journalists are producing this content for us. 👏👍
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Two relentless journalists!!!
If it wasn’t for Carol and Peter, the farce that is Brexit and the psychopaths behind it would continue to go unchallenged by the politicians and media in the UK!! They get A LOT of abuse on social media, especially Carol, but are never deterred from telling the truth!!!