Dennis Has A Podcast
Dennis Has A Podcast
Dennis Has A Podcast
Episode 609 - "I Can Bring Two Bags of McRibs to Your Office. Is That Cool?"
54 minutes Posted Jun 29, 2018 at 12:30 pm.
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Show notes

I connected with Brian Compton on Twitter over a mutual love of the Mets and wrestling, and was thrilled to have him on the show today to talk about his journey through sports coverage, where the Islanders go from here, interviewing Mike Piazza when Brian was 21-years-old, seeing CM Punk's first UFC fight in Cleveland, why NHL arena music is so great, and so much more!

You can listen to Brian's Isle Seat podcast talking about the Islanders at and follow them on Twitter at @IsleSeatPodcast!

You can follow Brian on Twitter at @BComptonNHL!

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