Debra Gets Red Pilled
Debra Gets Red Pilled
Adam Alamano
via Podcasts
Listening to Billy Ray and his reasoning is off about Biggs. Just because Biggs said “I took back the Capitol” doesn’t mean that he took back the Capitol. Under his water bottle analogy, he should have said “this bottle of water has explosives in it” when it really has only water in it. Should he be arrested for SAYING he has explosives? Many people confess to murders they didn’t commit. I don’t know Bigg’s mental health, but he can say whatever. You can’t “take over” the Capitol by breaking windows lol. You can get them for vandalism. Maybe the worst kind of vandalism you can be charged for. But 17 yrs is mind blowing (if this whole trial business is even real) Billy Ray doesn’t get that these laws can be directed at him for saying the government is lying ABOUT ANYTHING on his show. That’s undermining the US government, right? I will never vote for Trump, but this is ridiculous.
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OC California
Good job…
Glad to see you back!
I real enjoy the openness and honesty of your podcasts! I am so glad to see you back! You have been missed!
A lot of potential but needs more substance
Started listening when this podcast first came out. Love the concept, Debra is a sweetheart and Adam stays true to himself. But I’ve lost interest and have listened less over time because sometimes I feel like there’s hours of talking without much to learn from. There’s podcasts that are just people hanging out and talking casually which is totally fine but at least for me when I am listening to a podcast covering conspiracy theories or controversial topics I expect some takeaways I haven’t heard before. Something new, shocking, or eye opening. I am always waiting for that moment in this podcast when I click on an episode I think is going to be groundbreaking. But I get half an hour of small talk, a thousand “yeahs”, and the same surface level points from when I got into conspiracy theories as a teenager. I’ve actually become less red pilled because there’s not much tangible evidence convincing me to not be a normie. I haven’t learned anything new in this space. And it’s not only this podcast. I was real excited to hear the episode about punk music but was disappointed to hear grown men complaining about posers. Really no true commentary of the evolving of punk. Just dudes trying to justify how punk they still are. I’m really not trying to hate for no reason just trying to be honest.
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This is one of the best podcasts out there! Adam and Debra are amazing! I absolutely love this podcast! One of my go to’s! Keep up the good work! -🍑
156 is a great episode
I loved your interview with Mikey Jayy (you spelled it with one “y”). It’s nice to know we have people in society that are not only awake to our hidden history but also work in the corrupt education system. There is hope for our children after all. Keep up with the great content!
Thicky Holden
On the fence
Some of the content and guests are good
Hypocritical, Small-Minded Tyrant, Prejudiced Towards Christians
Let’s face it: Adam speaks in a very monotonous, low-energy tone that can become unbearable at times. Almost grating. There are better shows out there for this array of subject matter. In facts, shows like his are a dime a dozen now, so it’s really only some of the guests and subject matter that are probably drawing a crowd at all. It also helps that his show has been mentioned on larger, more successful platforms by podcasters that are more kind than this guy frankly deserves. He’s doing some cool things in his personal life, the homesteading talk that he incorporates into the show is great and is poised to make a difference in this Nation. But, he is rude on his show, rude to the listeners in his Telegram and tyrannical in his snobbish views of how a difference can be made. How can you call this a “Value For Value” show when you don’t respect the values of others(he shows a particularly unmistakable disdain for Christians), and you pretend to join the ranks of what is actually a quite diverse and generally respectful Truther community when clearly you only value your own opinion. If you speak out against others for stifling opinions, but then show an equal or even more blatant display of the same vulgar censorship and intolerance, then you are a hypocrite and need a reality check on your ego and how you treat other human beings.
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Weird reviewers lol
How are you gonna get into a podcast and get upset with music choice or a goofy comment here and there? I heard CNN sticks to a topic and script sometimes for months at a time. This show is great and the hosts are killin it. Don’t change anything and keep having fun 🔥
Been listening for a while and I’ve been digging the show, but I gotta ask what’s up with your choice of intro music and the ‘all skrewed up’ moniker Adam? Are you trolling?
Great show!
Still killing it! Long time listener. Adam gets some awesome guests on the show and asks them the right questions, kinda Greg Carlwood style. He is quite informed on a lot of different things and it shows in the interviews. I almost forgot Chudx, a great addition to the show, it’s a nice dynamic they got going. On a side note, when I saw the goofy 5g trees I thought the same thing, they look like a pixelated Minecraft or LEGO tree, haha. Keep up the great work!👍🏻👏🏻
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Hello from Everett
Monica Perez from the propaganda report was talking about this show. Big fan of the paranormal and the great reset resistance.
Great show. Enjoy listening and the only reason for the 4 stars instead of 5 is that sadly I am not able to share the podcast with many of my friends due to someone on the show that tends to take the Lords name in vane (cringe).
I miss Debra
This podcast lost a lot of its charm when Debra left. I used to love it, but now I just like it. With the addition of Chud-X it has become a podcast just like all of the other conspiracy podcasts. The day Adam confronted Debra by being so harsh to her, that was the end. I can see why Debra left the show. No one likes to feel beat up. Although I do feel his frustration since I have dealt with that firsthand with my family members. It’s very hard to deal with. I’m a boomer who is completely red pilled, and I know many more who are. The boomers get put in the “closed minded” box all of time on this show.
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awake to the truth
Sir, you are unpleasant. You make me cringe especially when you when you speak to Debra. So many times she attempts to ask a question of you or the guest and you dismiss her, make a snarky comment, interrupt her, or something that completely doesn’t help your cause as someone trying to “red pill” someone, as a host, as a son in law. You are rude and selfish so I unsubscribed.
Episode 74! Adam, I keep having these conversations with loved ones. It hit home! The realist podcast episode I’ve ever heard!
What A Ride
Good show
Eee Em Bee
True Entertainment!
Adam and Debra are a real treat to listen to during these crazy times! They’re guests are awesome and every episode is true entertainment!!
Frosty Bliss
Very Original Conspiracy Idea
Great idea for a conspiracy themed podcast! How many of us have tried to convince our Normy family and friends of what we perceive to be the truth? Kudos to Deborah for joining Adam on this wild ride!
Debra’s shift gives me hope
One of my favorite podcast going right now! I love the concept and Debra’s openness and progress gives me hope that I will eventually get through to my own mother. Thanks for the amazing content, keep fighting the good fight.
Needs energy and structure and a better mic
Invest in a better mic. If you’re serious about podcasting, you need to sound interested in your’s kinda painful to try to get through an episode with the current set up. We all start somewhere! Keep improving!
Class act.
I’ve been in on your pod since just about the start, and I find the two of you not only enjoyable and relatable, but refreshingly honest and real. I talk about you guys to my husband like you’re my family because I’m rooting for you all in your endeavors on your road to Liberty! We have family members who are definitely entrenched in opposing ideologies and beliefs to ours, and we never give up on talking truth to them, even though they’re no ways as open-minded as Debra. Your love for each other, and even your frustration sometimes, come through loud and clear though, and for us it makes us feel like continuing to speak truth to our loved ones is worthwhile. Keep it up, Adam, Debra, and Emily. We love you.
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Great Podcast!!!
Great Podcast!!!
Good concept and Debra seems nice
But Adam is the drunk guy at the bar who won’t shut up about his idiotic, unfounded theories. A true Bay Area/Oregon kook.
Love watching it all unfold
The only constant is change, I suggest that you brace for impact. All these seeds being planted, will begin to sprout and eventually grow. Deb may end up with an instant pole shift and come out on the other side with enough momentum to shift the paradigm for the whole PNW.
Great show, Debra is crushing! Keep the episodes coming
One of the best!
I heard you on the up is down podcast and I’m working my way through all your episodes. Great podcast!
My new favorite podcast
I found you guys 2 weeks ago, I have blown through all your episodes! I love the concept of this podcast, obviously I’m not the only one trying to wake up people I love. Adam and Debra you are both pretty darn awesome!
What A Great Show
Kudos to Debra for doing this with Adam. I love the show and have been listening for several months now. It’s such a great concept and Adam’s voice really adds to the over all aesthetic. Keep up the good work Debra and Adam.
Love the show!
I love the show. I also have a mother in law who I am attempting to red pill 💙
feral needham
My Mother in Law is next
She’s going to be with us a lot now that we are expecting our first child. I can’t wait to scramble her brain with all of this truth. I’ve been trying to get her onto the dangers vaccination but unfortunately she already got the first Pfizer jab.
What a unique podcast
Can we talk about what a great sport Debra is!?? She gives everyone a chance & asks thoughtful questions. Adam is a great host in his dual role as interviewer and guide. I love how close these two are. Both very genuine & compassionate. Great guest and great topics too. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who questions the mainstream narrative or is just a little curious about taking the red pill.
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Big fan!
Hey guys really enjoying the show and loving the dynamic between you and Debra! I wanted to suggest a guest you should have on. Steve Quayle is a go to Christian man who has spoken on various topics(Antarctica, nazis, giants and the Golden Age and etc) seriously this guy knows his stuff. Sorry I didn’t know how to get a hold of you guys. Thanks!
hazy giraffe
Great show concept and awesome guests.
I’ve listened since the beginning (heard about you from TFH’s Patreon) and it’s been fun hearing Debra be introduced to all of the ideas you’ve had shows on. I have to give her a ton of respect for even entertaining these ideas and being open to listening to things from another perspective. Also, a ton of credit to Adam for being able to land all of the guests that he’s had on. Keep up the great work!!!!
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What a team
I love the way you talk to Debra. You stop to ask how she’s doing , and if she understands.....I NEED THAT! Thank you
Great Podcast!
Love the podcast, it’s a dope concept! I’d really like to hear an episode about what really happened with the Titanic!
Do they want to be there?
I’m 4 episodes in and it sounds like both people just rolled out of bed and are under duress to make each episode. No energy. Hard to listen to.
Great podcast!
I enjoy this podcast quite a lot! The concept is absolutely perfect in today’s goofy political atmosphere and red pilling family members is difficult work. Can’t wait for more!
On point
Wake up America. How do we let the masses see the truth of our government. Debra and Adam are truly the people next door that want to spread knowledge. Great guests. Authors, researchers and journalists are many of there guests. Training wheels to seeing deeper. Love the podcasts
Great concept of a show, a video version would be dank
Great podcast
I really enjoy the dynamic between hosts Adam and Debra.
Go Deb Go!
Love it. Best idea for a podcast in a while. Get it girl!
Great idea, great personalities, crucial info!
Great listen! Real people with real information that needs to be brought to light. Keep it up Adam & Debra.
Jerry J Jankins
Real talk about real things
I look forward to this show every week. The premise is great, and my heart goes out to Deborah. It’s tough material to digest, and it’s honorable to walk the path. Sometimes I wish I could hug you both after listening. :)
This is the best premise for a show on the planet. Debra is delightful, and Adam is very knowledgeable. Definitely worth your time!
Good stuff
Debra taking down the truth!!! Give her all of the red pills Adam!
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