How Leaders Lead with David Novak
How Leaders Lead with David Novak
David Novak
How Leaders Lead with David Novak
David Novak
David Novak lets you be a fly on the wall and learn from the best CEOs, founders & entrepreneurs in business, sports and entertainment to talk about how they lead and get such incredible things done. Past guests include Tom Brady, Condoleezza Rice, Jamie Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase), Deion "Coach Prime" Sanders, Alan Mulally (former CEO of Ford), Indra Nooyi (former CEO of PepsiCo), Stanley Druckenmiller (#1 investor in the world), Carol Tomé (CEO of UPS), Ginni Rometty (former CEO of IBM), Ken Langone (co-founder of The Home Depot), Dude Perfect, Roger Goodell (commissioner of the NFL), and many others. David, a former cofounder and CEO himself, has been asking great questions and learning from top leaders his whole life. Now he breaks down the key learnings so that by the end of each episode, you’ll have something simple you can apply as you develop into a better leader. That's what this show is all about!
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Every few days
Latest episode
2 days ago
May 29
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