Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Dan Carlin
via Podcasts
Pivotal in understanding the world
I started listening to Dan Carlin, and I believe his recounting of and exploration of the human condition has made me better informed in today’s complicated world. This is history done right.
Simply phenomenal
This show is hands down the best podcast I’ve ever listened to ever. Dan is like the one teacher that says they can’t draw and then draws a masterpiece. I started listening to this podcast when I was 10 and even then he was still able to enthrall me. Anyone who wants to learn about history in a more casual way, this is your show. :)
Jack ,:) :)
Magnificent Amount of Information
Hardcore History is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn about the history of our world. From understanding what ancient cultures were like in the Old Testament to the build up of Japan’s fall during World War Two, Mr. Carlin can take something that is completely foreign to most of the world and explain it to a six year old, which means he knows what he is talking about. He draws from several different translations when working with writings other languages so as to get a better understanding of the events, and I would recommend it to Christians and Non-Christians alike. This can also be used as a history curriculum for homeschool parents who are studying these subjects with their children. Some episodes are not entirely child friendly, but most of them are. It also depends on your own decision of what your children can handle, so maybe listen to them before you let your child. A big thank you to Mr. Carlin for the amazing explanation, and for making everything history more interesting. If the Gaelic storytellers were still seen as higher than the king, you’d be the emperor.
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Poetic Linguist
The Finest
Former instructor of History, elected official, and life-long student of history here: This is the Finest. History. Podcast. Full stop.
Way too long. Windy and sometimes biased.
Title says it all.
Longtime listener disappointed in Dan
You know why, Dan. You know you’re on the wrong side of history. Carry on victim blaming and advocating for gen oh side.
TDS Dan is straying from historical facts!
I really used to love this show. But when you start in on insane rhetoric like, “The far right government of Israel.” I can no longer take it seriously. Dan is not uneducated nor ignorant. So, he doesn’t have the excuse that he doesn’t know the difference between the right and the far right. Lumping them all into one category is a lack of intellectual integrity on Dan’s part and he should be ashamed of himself.
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The best history content on any medium
We don’t deserve Dan Carlin. This is hands down the best of the best historical content on any medium available today. Long live Dan.
Not good
I’ve given this guy multiple shots on various topics and I can say with great confidence that I’ve never heard anybody use more words to say so little than this guy. I imagine he would take an hour and a half to explain how to pour a cup of coffee. Getting to the pouring part would only take twice that. If you need hours and hours and hours of unobtrusive background noise, however, this is show is golden.
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Really well well done!
My only complaint is that the creators takes so long to release each amazing episode, but I'm so excited when I finally get to listen to the final product!
Booming Enthusiasm
Immersive and enthralling podcast on history. Dan Carlin delivers a lived-in history. He takes figures, dates, and places and weaves them within the context of the situation and culture in a meaningful way. -It’s entertaining when he quotes someone:)
Dan’s voice is a hug
I absolutely love Dan! To listen to violently horrific historical accounts in his voice it’s a strange sensation of comfort. Dan, you’re absolutely my favorite! In a world full of garbage empty calories of entertainment, your podcast is a comfort of quality equating to peak cognitive nourishment. 5 stars always.
Very nice
It is very educational and I found it helpful in my studies for my college history class thank you!!!
j dog!!!
Well worth the time
Such amazing stories well told and summarized by Dan. Love his humble acknowledgements “I’m not a historian” but he weaves the different sources together so well and gives them their due. Just an awesome show!
Neal Nett
My favorite
Dan is my go to history podcast to learn the nitty gritty details. Just make sure you have lots of time to immerse yourself in the topic.
The best
Simply the best. If you like history you'll love DC..its the elite echelon of listening
I have been listening for several years and I support the podcast through a monthly payment to Audible. This is the best podcast out there, bar none!
Accurate, in depth, well spoken Simply the BEST!!
Daddy Tabor
Where did all the episodes go?!?
I love this podcast! I’ve been listening for years. Last week I went to go listen to one…. and there’s only 15 episodes left. What the heck happened all the content?
The Best history podcast out
I been listening to Dan Carlin for some years now and I even listened to the same episodes repeatedly because of his delivery and vast knowledge on topics and I love how he goes to the ground zero level of these horrific subjects and not gloss over them like text books in public schools. I appreciate that.
Twiz Taylor
Great show
Amazing show with tons of information. I’ve bought every single episode and I love it. I just wish that he cared more about it so he would put out more episodes. I understand that they take a lot of research but I wish it was more than 1ish a year.
This is one of my favorite podcasts.
VR4 Black
Missing WWI
Loved Dan’s WWI series but it was removed. Not sure why would love to listen againz
My rate
I love it and things like this I don’t like it but this is amazing
arianna unbdb
So good!
These episodes are incredible. The WWI episodes are some of the best media I’ve ever consumed. And you’ll find yourself wanting to relisten to episodes again. Thank you for this amazing service you’ve provided over the years, Dan.
Excellent deep dive history podcast
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History is perfect for folks who are curious about specific empires, civilizations, and cultures. It is also perfect for folks who have studied history at the college level. His level of specificity, detail, and insight provide an elucidating experience even for those who are well-educated and highly educated in the field, which makes this podcast perfect for humanities academics who too. One of my all time favorite podcasts. Wish he would put out episodes more frequently, but I’m not complaining. I just love ever second of Dan’s deep dives.
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Romulo (not Remo)
Do non WW2 Southeast Asia next!
Great show like all the others. Do mainland Southeast Asia next! There aren’t many good in-depth analysis outside of world war 2, especially going back several hundred years!
Meandering and exhausting
Man, this guy loves hearing himself speak. I believe he thinks about Rome five times a day.
Be weary, you may find yourself succumbing to bankruptcy via purchasing books mentioned here. Quiet a tremendous podcast, 6/5 stars
Best history podcast period
By far the best history podcast out there.
Our historical narrator
Fantastic to hear your voice again. What tales you unravel for us. Thank you. Your references across centuries are so on point.
What if….
You were born at another location and time in mankind’s history? This podcast is your guided tour, putting you in such a situation and realistically speaking, giving a new perspective on how and what would have shaped you as a human. Give it a listen
The podcast is late! Can’t wait so excited love history! Happy holidays!
seal santa
Awesome as always
Dan Carlin is my favorite podcaster. Has been for years. The posting of a new episode is like a holiday! Hey Dan-Have you checked out The Dawn of Everything ?. (Graeber/Wengrow)
SS Marx
Glad He’s Gone
Dan Carlin gave me an STI and he’s a pig. He mil my sister.
Smooth d tickle
The Best
It’s impossible to compare Hardcore History to other podcast. What Dan Carlin and company produce with each and every episode is an ACHIEVEMENT.
Guess this podcast ran its course. I’ll miss it 🙁
Couldn’t listen
Way too slow and what voice is this? Just speak…please.
Amazing ability to explain complicated events in history. Fabulous !!!
SNB Walter
Needs to come back
Wonderful pod
Simply the best podcast
Nothing else comes close to delivering history so compellingly.
The best podcast!!
By far the best podcast out there. Been listening for years and still can’t get enough. Thank you Dan.
SSB master👌
Amazing Podcast!
As someone who is intrested in history, this is the best history podcast around.
Jay EP
Content: Great / Downloadability: Convoluted Mess
Fascinating content delivered with insight and wit. However, most of that content lives beyond a paywall. Paying for those episodes is smooth as silk (of course), but actually downloading those episodes to your phone app is a convoluted odyssey (of course). The instructions for navigating that mess are grossly insufficient / unclear / confusing (of course). So yeah , a “5” for content and a “1” for lousy access / usability via a poorly designed website. That said, call it a “2”roverall. The free epiodes are great but I recommend not paying for the other episodes until the website / download mess is fixed.
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We was kangz
We was kangz
The default history podcast
Only complaint is it’s hard to plan enough justified road trips to consume these in a single shot!
Wonderfully addictive
These shows are amazing. I’m through almost all of them. I enjoy the facts, the voice changes, “grading on a curve” needs to be trade marked and that thought should be explained to all kids while they learn anything in history
The best history podcast out there
More entertaining than tv there are hundreds of thousands of free podcasts this is the only one I’ve ever paid for and well worth it
Just awesome
By far the best story telling history podcast.
Like to listen 2 shows - Learn stuff that I was never aware of- A GREAT podcast- I really enjoy listening
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