Current Events Podcast

Current Events

Mike Slocum, Jake MacMillan
Two random guys on the internet, one who doesn't know a lot about scifi and one who does, talk about the science fiction TV shows they're watching. Currently, that's Star Trek: Discovery
125: Avengers Endgame
Ah, a classic. We watch it again both as a pallet cleanser after the two previous movies didn't pan out so well and to get ready for Loki.
Jun 11, 2021
38 min
124: Army of the Dead
We watched it so you don't have to. The best thing we could say about Army of the Dead was "at least it's not 4 hours and 15 minutes long". But we had fun talking about it. Join us, won't you?
Jun 11, 2021
25 min
123: Star Gate The Movie
Mike and I take on the movie that started it all, or well, at least thousands of episodes of SyFy TV: Star Gate. It's not as good as you remember it!
Jun 11, 2021
32 min
121: Top 10 SciFi Novels
...according to how important they were to us. Not a definitive list, but lend an ear anyway.
May 15, 2021
56 min
120: Top Ten Movie Going Experiences
This was a fun one. Mike and I scoured our failing memories for the best movie going experiences of our lives. Theaters, movies, places, times, whatever it was that made seeing a movie in a theater a true experience.
May 15, 2021
59 min
119: Falcon And The Winter Soldier Finale
A confused, wonderful mess with no clear ending is exactly what I would expect from a bridge series meant to lead us into the next phase of Marvel movies. Well done.
May 15, 2021
19 min
118: Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 5
Who needs Excalibur, John Walker wonders as he uses his new super soldier strength to create his own shield out of steel.
May 15, 2021
26 min
117: Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 4
Everyone probably expected this politically appointed Captain America thing to go bad, but no one predicted it would go "blood on the shield" bad. Listen as we clutch our fainting pearls in horror.
May 15, 2021
30 min
116: Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 3
We talk about Bucky's unreasonable-sounding but purely hypothetical plan to help noted war criminal Zemo escape prison.
May 15, 2021
27 min
115: Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 2
Boom, what did I tell you? The show gets much better in the second episode and we talk about it, but this time enthusiastically.
May 15, 2021
31 min
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