Crimson Talks Podcast

Crimson Talks

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This is Crimson Talks, a podcast about randomness but mostly otaku culture, being a student, and bishounen booty! Want to be a guest? Find me on my blog Support this podcast:
Ep #3: Lady, La Vendedora de Rosas (Seller of Roses)
My first impression on the first 40 episodes of the Spanish Drama/Novela Lady, Vendedora de Rosas (Lady, Seller of Roses), which is based on the life of Leidy Tabares. Beware some spoilers! I tried to split the audio on here, feedback? --- Support this podcast:
Jun 13, 2018
30 min
Ep #2: An Inuyasha Fangirl Moment
Welcome back to Crimson Talks! I was originally going to talk about what anime stuff I've been up to and some con-updates but my fangirling got the best of me. Here's a bit of Inuyasha fangirling and a quick update for the blog and podcast --- Support this podcast:
Jun 4, 2018
13 min
Ep #1: What Does Friendship Mean to Me (OWLS Squad Blog Tour)
For today's episode I talk about what friendship means to me. Beware, it's going to be extra cringy! Part of the OWLS Blog Tour. This month's topic was "Squad" (aka friends & friendship) --- Support this podcast:
Mar 31, 2018
24 min
Ep #0: Introducing Crimson Talks
The first episode of this podcast! *throws confetti everywhere*. Basically me introducing who I am, what I plan to do, and rambles Find me on social media: Twitter ( Facebook ( Blog ( Instagram ( Ko-fi ( --- Support this podcast:
Mar 25, 2018
23 min