Sarah Black & Ben Flores
Crime doesn’t stop itself. And it doesn’t watch itself, either. That’s where Kent Montagna and Piper Beckett come in. They’re the masterminds who brought you CRIMESTOPPERS: MIAMI – the biggest show of the 2000’s. And now they’re back with an unauthorized, uncensored podcast that relives the iconic series and reveals behind-the-scenes drama…one action-packed episode at a time.
1.21: 21
Kent and Piper played their cards right when they wrote this one! They recall the penultimate episode of the season, which puts our heroes Cal and Abby in the center of an epic heist-within-a-heist. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by ⁠Alexandre Miller⁠.
Jun 6, 2023
1 hr 8 min
1.20: Squatch
Nobody outpizzas the Hut! And nobody outsquatches the Squatch. In the 2000s nothing was bigger than hot ‘za and bigfeet. Kent and Piper recap a cryptozooriffic episode of Crimestoppers this week. It'll have you licking your chops! CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by ⁠Alexandre Miller⁠.
May 30, 2023
58 min
1.19: The 100 Year Blizzard
Brrrr…it’s cold in here – there must be some Crimestoppers in the atmosphere! Kent and Piper dive deep into the first-ever bottle episode of television that changed the landscape of entertainment forever. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
May 16, 2023
1 hr 2 min
1.18: The Devil Went Down to Miami
The Devil went down to…Miami? In this episode, our heroes learned the dangers of video games first-hand when they try to tackle an epidemic of violence – all while the Bus Stop Killer wreaks havoc on the city. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
May 9, 2023
1 hr 16 min
1.17: Love & Basketball
“You never turn down Shrimp on the House.” Kent and Piper recap the catchphrase-spawning episode in which the governor’s friendly bet goes sideways, with huge implications for Cal’s romantic life. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
May 1, 2023
1 hr 5 min
1.16: Never Forget
It was 2004. It was time for a little shock and awe. People were starting to memoryhole the tragedy that struck the country just three years earlier…then “Never Forget” came along. Kent and Piper recap the very special episode of Crimestoppers: Miami: Infinity that jolted the nation's collective conscience back into reality. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
Apr 24, 2023
58 min
1.15: An AbbyCal Christmas
It’s Christmas in…April! Kent and Piper recap the beloved episode, "An AbbyCal Christmas," and share all the holiday magic that happened both on-screen and off. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
Apr 18, 2023
1 hr 13 min
1.14: The Devil You Know
Kent and Piper rehash the first episode of CRIMEWATCHERS: MIAMI: INFINITY, diving into the show’s new themes and divulging the writing process that led to what happens after Cal and Abby fall into the Hellmouth. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
Apr 10, 2023
1 hr 11 min
1.13: Night Games/Bump in the Night
Everything’s about to change. A bump in the night during the police station’s night games alters the entire course of Cal and Abby’s lives – and, of course, this podcast. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
Apr 4, 2023
1 hr 21 min
1.12: Catwalk
Kent and Piper absolutely werk, slay and serve in this episode recap for “Catwalk,” an action-packed episode exposing a seedy designer whose unsavory practices make a splash in the fashion world. CRIMEWATCHERS was created by Sarah Black and Ben Flores. It's produced by Trevor Drinkwater, and the theme music was composed by Alexandre Miller.
Mar 27, 2023
1 hr 21 min
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