Creator's Block Podcast

Creator's Block

Marcella Jalbert & Justine Timoteo | IMPACT
The podcast for marketing creatives about doing the work, big ideas, and agency life. Hosted by Marcella Jalbert and Justine Timoteo of IMPACT Branding and Design.
The farewell episode
Creator’s Block comes to you this week with a heavy heart. It’s with all the best intentions that we have decided to take a break from producing the podcast. We have loved sharing this experience with you and being able to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you, but right now it’s time for a change.  So what better way to send off CB than with the originator, the queen of content herself, Liz Moorehead.
Feb 25, 2020
34 min
The power of sharing personal stories
Personal stories draw people in and can be such a powerful tool in marketing. Readers, listeners or viewers can connect with you on a deeper level, building trust and -- ultimately -- a relationship with you and your business. In this week's episode, Marcella and Justine dive into why and how sharing personal stories can be so powerful.
Feb 7, 2020
24 min
Why emotional design is so important
The concept is simple -- tapping into consumers' emotions can help position your product or service as the superior choice when buying. But how? And why is it so important you keep this front of mind during a website redesign?
Jan 20, 2020
25 min
Down with New Years Resolutions, Rethinking Goal-Setting
"2019 was a rough year for me... So, this year I’ve decided to give myself a well-deserved break. The first step towards this: 👏 NO 👏 MORE 👏 RESOLUTIONS." - Marcella
Jan 6, 2020
28 min
How do we measure success in our careers?
What really defines success in your career? Join us as we discuss looking inward to determine how we measure success in our careers and why it's so important to do so.
Dec 20, 2019
30 min
The Anti-Productivity Mindset: How Doing Less is Doing More
Every morning I wake up and will myself to be as productive as possible just to make it through the day, but turns out this may just be part of the problem. - Marcella
Dec 10, 2019
37 min
How to Take Client Feedback Like a Pro
Ever find yourself in endless rounds of revisions? Wondering what you could do differently? In this week's episode, Marcella and I breakdown the 10 tips and share our own insight, especially on one item that both took us by surprise.
Nov 27, 2019
30 min
Why We Should Play at Work
We've covered a lot of different ways on how to re-ignite the creativity flame or find inspiration when the well seems to be dry, but this seems to be one way we have yet to discover. The answer is simple: PLAY!
Nov 12, 2019
42 min
To Become More Efficient, Ask Better Questions
During my professional development time this week, I came across an article by Thomas Oppong titled "To Become More Efficient, Ask Better Questions." I immediately dove in. His approach is intriguing and honestly, not all that difficult. Essentially, you should be asking yourself better questions that can then lead to better and stronger results.
Oct 30, 2019
26 min
The Biggest Misconception of Client/Agency Relationships
All too often, clients think they can outsource ALL of the marketing efforts to an agency and expect to see huge results when the reality is, they themselves need to own a big portion of their own efforts. After all, aren't clients the true experts in their business?
Sep 27, 2019
27 min
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