Craft of Charisma Podcast
Craft of Charisma
Craft of Charisma
Craft of Charisma
Craft of Charisma
Welcome to the Craft of Charisma Podcast! Every week, we publish three new episodes (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), where we interview some of the world’s top experts and thought leaders in the self-improvement arena. Our guests include dating and relationship coaches, health and wellness experts, fitness trainers, psychologists, best-selling authors, and everything in between. Our podcast has one goal: To help you develop the skills that you'll need to live a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life. If there is someone you would like us to interview, a subject you would like us to cover, or a question you would like us to ask, please contact us! Craft of Charisma is a New York-based self-improvement company that focuses on life, dating and relationship mentorship for men.
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Available episodes
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Latest episode
6 years ago
February 6, 2019
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