Craft Industry Alliance
Craft Industry Alliance
Abby Glassenberg
via Podcasts
3.5 stars
This show is somewhere between 3 and 4 stars for me. I like Abby, I think she’s smart and inquisitive and asks good questions. But I have two complaints. One is the overall sound quality. I’ve been listening for years and it feels like it’s never improved much. With so many podcasts in my ears every week, this show stands out as feeling pretty amateur in terms of sound. The second and more substantive reason, is that so so so many of the interviews revolve around knitting and yarn. I don’t knit, my craft business does not involve yarn, and while of course there are lessons to be learned from those interviews, I find it less and less interesting to hear yet another interview about something knitting-related. I honestly find myself skipping many episodes lately due to this, and I’m considering unsubscribing all together.
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wish they let us write individual reviews
today with dana episode ever. for woobles: i am an advanced crocheter but i loved doing these and learned some nee things. i used the patterns with small thread to make minis which my grands love! i love this program. i don't cross stitch but LOVED your talk with stephanie rohr. she is just an awesome sounding creative!
LeeLee Lauree
Love it!
From great tips on how to turn your craft into a true business, to inspirational stories and tricks of the trade, The Craft Industry Alliance Podcast is a must for any small business owner!
Scented Designs
Sound quality.
So I love the content but this sound quality has gotten so bad. I can hear typing and a static in the background throughout the whole interview. Volume is all over the place. Abby’s mic is so back I had to stop listening. I wish this would get fixed because the content really is generally good.
Ep 227 with Amy Small
Sorry for the 3-star rating but the sound quality was lacking (tinny, distant) and I had to quit listening. Otherwise, what I was able to withstand was very interesting.
Loved the interview with Brittany Jepson!
Frances Lll
Oh Wow
Love your show…first time listener here and now repeat customer.
Laura Trotchie
Crafty Industry Alliance
Love Abby's interviews, interesting people and topics.
A fan and love your interview question format
Abby’s Craft Industry Alliance Podcast is one of the most valuable connections I receive from our membership. And it is FREE. Muezart ~ Yarn & Fiber is a newbie and we have learned so much from Abby and all of her guests! I finish each episode inspired and dreaming. Yes it is hard as a startup, especially in our remote location... but please know you are part of spurring our team along. ~ thank you
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Happily Hooked
I came across the While She Naps podcast a year ago, and loved the episode so much that I went back to start from the beginning and am now enjoying working my way through the many interesting folks in the creative world. I'm on #86 so far, and have learned so much about the industry, about being a maker, and about creativity from Abby and her guests. The recommendations at the end of each episode are a lovely touch and have introduced me to many interesting devices, tools, and media to explore more. Thanks, Abby -- what a wonderful resource to have!
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Cricket Chats
Not very informative but with lots of vague statements —
I’m left wondering how these women ever succeeded in business! Plus very annoying voices.
I’m hooked!
I discovered this podcast a few weeks ago and now I listen all the time during my commute. The content is amazing- education, inspiration and fun. For makers and small business owners and those who aspire! Abby does a great interview.
Awesome interview questions
I am really impressed by the questions and conversations. Very enjoyable!
Episode #88 Mimi G
Loved this interview!!! You have an excellent speaking voice, seem really down to earth and I love how you facilitate your podcast sessions! Hope you decide to podcast for weekly inspirational messages or meditation podcast because you have a very soothing speaking voice for it! (Smiles) Planning to subscribe and listen to more podcast!
Traveling Educator
Love learning more from Abby!
Abby is a stellar interviewer! I love all of the information she shares and learning more about people in the industry. I love how varied the guests are and how much I learn every time I listen! Thanks, Abby, keep up the good work!
There’s something special about the While She Naps Podcast with Abby Glassenberg.
Abby’s podcast was one of my first podcasts to ever listen to. Several years later, I still get excited when I see there is a new episode! No matter what the topic or who Abby interviews, I always learn unique and interesting things about the world of making, crafting, sewing, quilting and business. I actually don’t quilt and I really don’t sew but I love textiles, patterns, color and anything entrepreneur related. Recently, I’m getting the itch to learn to sew and feel empowered to do so because of the great resources I have heard about. But even if I never sew a stitch, I just enjoy Abby’s style of interviewing. She asks questions that are in the mind of the listener and the interview becomes more transparent and real. If you’re considering starting a new hobby or especially starting a business, you can come away with a clearer understanding of what is really involved. I love hearing Abby’s guests inspiring stories and learning about new products, tips and techniques. And I always come away from each episode motivated and inspired which makes my day happier. So thank you Abby!
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Vaughn B.
The best
While She Naps is the best sewing/quilting industry podcast. Abby Glassenberg is a great journalist and interviewer. She researches her guests well, asks great questions and best of all let’s them answer without talking over them. I love the mix of artists and entrepreneurs. Through her interviews I have a deeper appreciation for richness of quilting and sewing world. I’ve been introduced to artists that I now follow, great books, new products and what it takes to be in this business. Take a listen. You won’t be disappointed.
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Great podcast for all sewists
I really like Abby’s style. She is a great interviewer and her guest are all super interesting and engaging.
Excellent interviews with creative people
I always enjoy listening to Abby’s interviews and learn so much about really interesting people in the creative industry.
Love While She Naps!
I discovered this podcast a few months ago and have listened to almost every episode. I learn something new with each podcast. The interviews are interesting and informative. I love Abby’s interview style. Such a great listen, especially while sewing! Thanks Abby!
Excellent craft podcast
After listening to the recent episodes, I'm working my way through the entire archive. The podcasts are great. Abby chooses interesting guests and engages them in an informative and entertaining way. Even when I don't think I'll get much out of listening to a particular interview, there's always something of value.
Black Locust Virginia
So glad I found this podcast!
As the title here says, I am so glad I found this podcast! I have absolutely loved the episodes I've listened to so far and am excited to get to go back and listen to some older ones. Wonderful advice, relatable stories, and very entertaining
In-depth stories about Many Aspects of the Quilt World
Abby conducts interesting and very "organic" interviews. I appreciate that each interview is tailored to the individual.
Entertaining and informative
Abby Glassenberg is the consummate podcast host and interviewer. She meticulously researches her guests, asks well thought out questions and allows the guest to answer each question in their own way. Abby dialogs meaningfully with each guest by encouraging them to add additional thoughts and by adding her own comments where appropriate. I find myself looking up each guest after the interview and perusing their website even when the subject matter is not something I am particularly interested in. The sponsors of the podcast are also well curated. More often than not I look them up as well. This is my number one podcast. I NEVER miss an episode.
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Abby's podcast has introduced me to so many artists who are now a daily source of inspiration & who have helped me shape my own ideas about how I can best contribute to the world. I started a feature on my Trashmagination Facebook page called Trashmagination artist crush of the day because of this podcast. So often I find myself smiling when her guests have shared the trials & triumphs of being professional artists.
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One of my favorite podcasters!
Abby Glassenberg is a wonderful interviewer! Her podcasts are like eavesdropping on a conversation between 2 friends because she seems to genuinely like her guests and find them interesting. All of her guests are interesting, no matter their area of expertise and are inspiring to creative entreprenuers. I love the way Abby ends each podcast - asking her guests to share recommendations on apps, products, etc. While She Naps is in my top 3 podcasts that I generally listen to the day it comes out.
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Stefani Tadio
Where have I been?
I recently became aware of this fabulous podcast and am spending my commuting time catching up. Hearing how others began and manage their creative paths is helping me prepare for my next chapter after retirement. Love the recommendations from her guests. Thanks for a great show!
NYC Beader
Interesting guests, great host!
Abby does a wonderful job of interviewing people who really matter to creatives and small business owners. She manages to be personally present in the discussion without monopolizing the conversation, which is surprisingly difficult for most folks to do! I love the variety of guests, and the excellent way Abby ferrets out information we all need, while integrating sponsors and recommendations without them feeling forced or awkward.
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My new favorite crafter podcasts
This podcast has been filled with inspriation for me related to my Etsy shop and my creative journey. One of my favorite episodes so far is #53 the interview with Sherri Lynn Wood of the Improve Handbook. Abby is a great interviewer and provides valuable insights herself from her experience as a blogger, crafter, book author, retailer, etc.
Wonderful podcast
Very enjoyable to listen to. Perfect for small or large business owners... She gets to the heart of the business and understand what creative business owners and hobbyists want to hear. That's a tough mix and pull it off easily.
Fantastic Resource
I am a hobby quilter and I love this podcast! It would be invaluable for anyone that wants to break into the craft industry, as this focuses a great deal on industry issues. I've listened to all the back issues.
Love this podcast!
I enjoy this podcast. I appreciate how Abby digs into the business end of the crafting community as well as enjoying the artistic side.
Inspiring inspirational & educational on creating as a business
Whatever aspect of craft/art related to textiles is covered with in-depth interviews. If you only listen to one podcast this is the one (of course don't limit yourself but start here) I continue to learn so much about publishers, PDF patterns, retreats, conferences, blogging, media exposure... It is a great education even though I just create at home. Better understand what is involved in many aspects of the textile world.
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Great podcast for creatives
Always informative. Full of tips for craft business owners.
Great Professional Interviews with a Casual Conversational Tone
Abby finds great subjects from a wide variety of areas for her podcasts. Then she asks great questions and gives them an opportunity to answer thoughtfully. I’ve enjoyed every episode… even the ones with people I’m not familiar with. In fact, especially the episodes where I’m introduced to a new person, business or creative concept!
Deborah Boschert
Love listening to While She Naps!
Loved her blog and now love her Podcast! Great resources and talks to the most amazing creative professionals! Must listen for the crafter/maker/artist!
Abby is Awesome
I love this podcast! This is a great podcast that gives insight into the business end of the crafting word! I love the favorites at the end!!
Great interviews with inspirational creatives!
I love listening to all the people Abby interviews. She’s such a great interviewer, always asks the right questions, and is always very entertaining. I really enjoy this podcast and listen to it while sewing. Definitely subscribe, you won’t be sorry!
Reyna L
Outstanding Podcast
Absolute BEST interviewing style. End result is informative interview that makes you feel apart of it all. She asks all the things you never knew you wanted to know! Outstanding never miss!!
Black Twig Studios
Lucy Jennings
Abby’s podcast is easy to listen to, and I look forward to every episode. It’s inspiring to hear how other artists, crafters, and creative people have found their own ways to make money without losing their passion. Abby is low-key, down-to-earth, and makes you feel like you could just sit down and sew with her!
Lucy Jennings
Love this show!
A great mix of creative tips and inspiring expertise.
Kristina @nerdysewist
fiber artist/poet
I never miss listening to one of Abby's podcasts. She has a variety of folks as guests, always is prepared forthe interview/recording with a good knowledge of her guest and their work. The interviews go smoothly and ever so much worthwhile information is in every podcast.
Birding Besty
Great mix of guests
I love Abby's professional approach to podcasting and how thoughtfully she selects her guests. The only reason for 4 rather than 5 stars is my wish that she would more frequently engage the guests in conversation among the three people on the phone rather than just trading off interviewing guest one then guest two. Also her "recommendations" section initially didn't interest me but after hearing how she was inspired by Amy Karol's blog style it somehow made more sense to me and allowed me to appreciate it more. Overall, this podcast is a must for crafters, especially those with small creative businesses!
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All Around Great Podcast
Abby Glassenberg stands out among a sea of bloggers turned podcaster. Abby sets herself apart with her friendly but professional style that is always well prepared to interview industry leaders.
Great podcast
Abby does a great job at introducing you to other creatives! I love when she asks them for recommendations and such. So much great info! Great job Abby! Stephanie from modern sewciety
Love this podcast!!
Abby is a clever stuffed animal designer a creative business guru. I love her podcast because it gets into the nitty gritty of running a creative business. Abby invites a variety of successful creative business owners to share their start up stories, struggles, and successes. My favorite part of the podcast is that she has her guests share the top 5 things that they are interested in. I'm always learning about helpful books, products, apps, and services that I never new existed.
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Sarah - Blue Susan Makes
Abby is a great interviewer that brings together amazing creatives to share their experiences, advise, and recommendations. Each episode is entertaining and inspiring.
Episode #23
Loved hearing Abby speak with Ann Wood. The two of them are engaging, funny, and interesting.
SEMM usa
Informative, Entertaining, Engaging
While She Naps with Abby Glassenberg is hands down the podcast I enjoy the most - and I listen to roughly 10 different shows a week. Her guests are always interesting and I take loads of notes during every show. I learn something new and useful from each episode, in fact, I listen to each episode more than once. While her guests are members of the craft business community, I believe that any business or creative person could learn new tricks and tips from listening to this show. Abby, thanks for creating something that I look forward to each time I update my iPod.
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Great inspiration for all creative makers and thinkers
Abby is charming, articulate and funny - it is a real pleasure to listen to her. Her guests represent a wide range of artistic backgrounds, and the conversation is full of tips, tools and motivational strategies for independent creative makers. Highly recommend!
Jean A. S.
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