Cosmic Gate: WYM Radio
Cosmic Gate: WYM Radio
Cosmic Gate
Cosmic Gate: WYM Radio
Cosmic Gate
Its three words that turned from a rally cry to their fans into an acclaimed artist album, a social media sensation and most recently a record label. Now, magnifying that meaning once again, this April Cosmic Gate are pleased to announce the latest development in their #WYM marque. Bringing a new level of definition to Wake Your Mind’s sound, prepare yourself for Wake You Mind Radio. Across 60 minutes, the fully formatted weekly show will feature Nic & Bossi discussing and airing the tracks that have been setting their floors on fire. It’ll also encompass first-listen music premieres and tracks from the deeper side of the WYM psyche. The show will also feature comprehensive info on up-and-coming gigs, Nic & Bossi’s biggest hitting tune of the week and WYMR will also be a first port of call for breaking news on the fast-approaching sixth Cosmic Gate artist album.
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12 days ago
May 20
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