CORRUPTION: What happened to Grant Solomon?
CORRUPTION: What happened to Grant Solomon?
Lauren Conlin, PopCrime.TV
via Podcasts
Like, oh my god! Can you believe it? No way!
Just the facts please, leave your self-important, opinionated enthusiasm out of it. What could be a decent show is cluttered with the rantings of an amateur, self-absorbed podcast “journalist”.
Worth it!
I just found this podcast and have been binge listening. I’m glad awareness is being restored for this case. I first learned about the Solomon case from Mandy Matney. Keep doing the great work Lauren. It has torn my mama heart to shreds to listen to what this family has been through. I knew once I heard that 911 call that something was off with Aaron. Telling dispatch what you “think caused” the accident is a dead giveaway that something is not as it seems. I pray that Angie and Gracie get justice.
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This story deserves a better host
I’ve been trying to hang in there with this podcast because of the tragedy of Grant’s death, but the host makes it nearly unbearable. She inserts herself into the show so much… interrupting guests, reframing what they’ve just said, adding silly asides about her father’s opinion, not turning her emails off, how spiritual she is… why would the listener need to know any of this?? It takes away from the case. She’s also continually biased and emotional, rather than remaining professional and simply hunting for the truth. And the cursing… so childish. She needed to cut her teeth on a lighter topic, and realize that she just isn’t ready for this level of hosting.
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No more Rudy
Lauren’s frequent references to her friend Rudy Giuliani hurt her credibility.
Cod light
Here from the Sunlight podcast!
So inspirational and hopeful having these two teams of fighters trying to get justice where injustice is the norm. The world needs more people like you. Thank you for everything you do. I think Grant was a loss for the whole world.
Stop after the first few shows
Poorly researched and filled with wild allegations about DAs, police and, politicians with no evidence. I don’t think she’s even been to the location of the accident. She needs to spend time, IN TENNESSEE, interviewing people before making allegations. Investigative journalism can’t be done from NY.
Chris from Music City
Byron Davis episode
What a great episode!!! The best one in a bit!!! Main pull away as Mandy Matney says STAY PESKY!!! Keep pushing!! Stay vigilant!!!! Such great work!!!!
Very speculative
I love true crime. Appreciate the level of detail. Unfortunately, it’s clear that she is driving her point of view. I really prefer when true crime presents the facts vs consistently speculating. Every visitor supports her theory. And perhaps that was her purpose, which is fine…but not my preference. Additionally, I didn’t love her assertion that corruption in TN (in The Truck ep.) was because of the GOP. Again…she may not be wrong, but automatically blaming police corruption in the GOP didn’t help my feelings about how biased this podcast is.
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Much needed podcast
Thank you for shining a light into the darkness. My heart goes out to Angie and Gracie as they mourn Grant and seek justice.
Purpose vs. Perfection and People Pleasing
Hooked on this podcast from day one because what this case needs is more public exposure, deeper digging and pressure on those who have the ability and authority to open an investigation. Lauren is consistently doing all three, and I respect her work. Most of these negative reviews are written by people who A.) Write the same trash talk on tons of other podcasts or B.) Are true crime podcast junkies who seem more interested in being entertained than genuinely supporting victims. *This podcast is not meant to be the next best true crime thriller click bait.* It is an ad-on to years worth of meticulously documenting the facts, the evidence and the questions surrounding the suspicious death of Grant Solomon. And for those of us who have been standing alongside Angie and Gracie as they courageously fight for Justice for Grant and Freedom for Gracie, we appreciate all of the time, effort and heart Lauren has put into this podcast! She has nothing to gain, and is genuinely committed to helping this family. If her style annoys you, move along. This podcast is for those dedicated to seeing this case through to a just end so Angie and Gracie can finally have peace.
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Amazing podcast!
Amazing research and dedication! I would have never heard this story if not for this journalist! It’s fast paced and interesting. Great interviews.
So impressed 124856
Keep doing what you are doing!
I have recently found this podcast and I am ALL IN so to speak! I I think that you are doing a great job, Lauren! I personally like the fact that you have your own opinions and aren’t afraid to share them. If I wanted to listen to the local or national news report on this, then that’s what I would do. (But wait, I can’t because they AREN’T reporting on this) I don’t know all of the details in this case but I personally think that from what I have seen and read, it doesn’t add up. That IS THE POINT. It just doesn’t add up. I hope and pray that someone who has the power to do a thorough investigation will do so.
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Much needed coverage
Grant’s story needs to be told and Lauren is doing just that. Regardless of whether you like her “style” of podcasting or not, she is absolutely bringing awareness to this case. I will admit when I first started listening, it took some getting used to her style but she has a heart for this case and that’s what is important. I live in TN and without her coverage I would have no idea all of this was going on. Because of her I am now aware and have donated to the gofundme and signed the petition. I am sure I’m not the only one her podcast has informed and I would say she’s doing an excellent job even if she’s only brought awareness to one person. Is very obvious she works tirelessly to bring awareness to Grant’s case.
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Important Story, Horrible Host
She continually says she is sticking to facts and then adds her opinions, interrupts experts, and inserts herself. Very unprofessional, makes listening hard. The story is wild though and needs more attention!
Good and bad
Glad to hear this investigation being covered. I wish it were just about the investigation - that would be my one complaint. I am not sure why the investigative reporter needs to discuss political events in TN or other issues that don’t have any relation to this case. Also I find it strange that the investigative reporter believes that corrupt DA offices, child sexual abuse cases, etc run rampant in TN and nowhere else. These cases and issues are in every area in the US. This case definitely has a ton of corruption behind it - focus on that specific corruption and this case. Otherwise it takes the focus on what is being reported and what you are trying to highlight.
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Incredible story poorly told
I appreciate the host’s intention to help this family but she jumps all over the place, CONSTANTLY interrupts, and overall is just not a good storyteller. I can’t finish it; It’s like listening to a friend try to gossip and squirrels all over with the information, as well as gets distracted (i.e. “sorry, I always forget to turn my email notifications off”). In addition, she does not do her research as far as terms referenced in police and hospital reports. It’s clear she cares, but she is not professional. I hope this family gets the justice they deserve but I can’t continue to listen to this podcaster.
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This podcast has continued to keep the horrific events Grant and Gracie have experienced at the forefront!! Thank you Lauren
Thank You!
My gratitude is overwhelming me right now! I am so grateful to Lauren for her service to Grant ,Gracie and their mom Angie in covering their story. I’m also grateful to her for the many victims of sexual abuse, victims of violence against the innocent and victims of gang stalking by the evil powers in places of power. Unfortunately for me, and so many others, there was no one like Lauren when we needed a voice to defend and battle for us. But the time for change is now! Lauren, thank you. My prayers are for your future success in this case breaking wide open. God is with you and justice will prevail. We know what Jesus said about those who harm the innocent! It ain’t pretty.
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I’m sad that such an important story was ruined by a TERRIBLE host/reporter. Lauren is awful. She acts like a teen. Taking to a reporter and she says “stopppppp” like?! She ruined this story. She is immature. No one cares for your opinion when it’s spewed out like a 13 year old.
My heart goes out to Ms. Angie and Gracie. I’m on the “Angie’s Story” episode and it’s gut wrenching to hear Ms. Angie share the horror she and her children went through. I’m so very sorry.💔
On 2 thought. Chris Mclemore
I wrote a review a couple months ago. However after the last couple episodes, I had to get some things off my chest! Lauren does nothing but put her whole heart into this! Yet those that criticize her do so in a hurtful and personal way! She gains absolutely nothing for herself, except the satisfaction of telling Grant,Gracie and Angie’s story!!!! Those attacking her, I have a question. What are you doing with your life, to make a difference in the world!!!!! I know if I were ever abused by the system, I’d want Lauren speaking on my behalf!!!!!!
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Chris Mclemore
Blown away by this podcast
This is so sad to listen to. Lauren does such an amazing job being descriptive and explaining the entire background of the situation. I also see this podcast is promoted through Angie Solomons (freedom for gracie) social media accounts. I also am blown away at the fact Lauren Conlin came all the way to Tennessee, simply to support Angie & Gracie, as well as he as factual as possible. First podcast to bring true awareness to this investigation. Everyone !!!! Please educate yourself on this matter & listen
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Most Factual Podcast about Grant
This is one of the best podcast I’ve heard in a long time. Lauren has spent so much time with Angie & Gracie learning as much as she can from the source. If you’re looking for a direct podcast correlating to an investigating into Grant Solomon, listen to this podcast !!! I can’t stress that enough. Thank you Lauren for who you are, and everything you’re doing for this family. This podcast is a must list. Anyone who disagrees MUST not be following the @freedomforgracie social media accounts, because this podcast is posted as a credible source.
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Definition of tenacity. Incredible that this type of thing can happen in this day and age. Thank you for bringing this to us. #justiceforgrant #justiceforgracie #justiceforangie
A Godsend
Lauren ‘s work is tireless for Grant, Gracie and myself. She is determined to see justice just as we are. Her podcast dedicated to Grant is thorough, thought out, researched, and delivered with the honest integrity journalism requires. She is moving mountains, for this, we cannot thank her enough. Please listen in and join us in our fight. Angie, Gracie AND Grant
Angie Solomon
auty home
This is such a great podcast!!!
I absolutely love this podcast! She seems to be genuinely concerned about the terrible things Angie, Gracie, and Grant have been through. This is a must listen to podcast!! I feel like Lauren has done and continues to do a great job with eve try thing she covers!! Do yourself a favor and listen!!! I promise you will not regret it!!
Lauren has spent many hours advocating for the investigation of Grant Solomon’s death. While also bringing truth to the sexual assault of a child from her father. The cruel way he treated his wife. The way this story has been ignored by investigators is so wrong. May her commitment continue and soon the truth of this tragic death be brought to justice.
tennesee and in love
I’ve been hooked since the first episode. My heart breaks for this family. I’m sure they are very thankful to have someone as vested as Lauren is to cover this for them and get the truth out. I’m so happy that there are other people covering this now, but to have updates from Lauren weekly is amazing!
Wonderful podcast
The most informative podcast covering the Solomon case! Lauren has definitely done her research.
This is a great podcast!
By far one of the most informative podcast I have listened to in regards to this family and everything they have been through. This is a great podcast!
Grant’s death and his sister’s accusations need to be investigated. Sadly, this podcast does nothing to help these issues - Lauren is insincere and is not investigating.
Neenee 19
Sad story and the family is nuts but this podcast is a stretch. What a joke
Great Story
Really invested and intrigued by this case, but it needs to be covered by someone professional with a less cringey voice. The interviews are messy and Lauren interrupts CONSTANTLY. Her voice is loud and her biases are very apparent. I’d love to hear it covered by an actual investigator as it has great potential.
Love this!
Having lived in nashville for the last 30 years, I am extremely familiar with the far right “Christians”. You are doing the work that NEEDS TO BE DONE. This is all WRONG. It breaks my heart. DO NOT let the naysayers get to you. What they have done and continue to do is NOT what Jesus would do.
Makes no sense. If something was wrong, a real journalist or citizen sleuth would investigate and present the story
Is all exposure good?
Case needs a lot of attention, but not like this. Host is ghastly with no interview skills. The worst so far is the episode analyzing the 911 call. The guest is British, the host is a New Yorker, and they think if someone says “he was DRUG under the truck” it probably means the caller was thinking about drugs-“hey he was a baseball player, maybe performance enhancement drugs?” Good grief. Bring in the professionals. And maybe check on a few pronunciations (Casada for instance)
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Quel the belle
Good podcast in terms of bringing light to this case. But Lauren’s “reporting” and interviewing is maddening to listen to. She interrupts all her guests, tries to finish their thoughts, puts words in their mouths….it’s truly hard to listen to. The amount of times she says “I” is ridiculous. I respect her passion for this but her skills have to get more professional. Thank God Mandy Matney and the True Sunlight and Cup of Justice team is taking on this story so I don’t have to cringe to catch up on details and can stop listening to this one. Seriously, work on your interview skills.
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Report the School Officials
Federal law dictates that school district officials and representatives of are mandated reporters. If there is proof that would legally stand as such, you have several avenues to report those officials. They will be deposed at the very least. You may get to some truths after all. 1. File a Title IX complaint with the feds for failure to investigate reported abuse possibly involving school officials, staff, and coaches. 2. Report those who neglected to fulfill their obligation to report to the federal government. File the complaint with the feds. 3. File a civil rights complaint with the feds. 4. Report those officials to the state department of education for failure to report and ethics violations.
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Jen A all Day
Call Mark Tinsley in South Carolina. He was involved in the Murdaugh Boat Case. He is a bulldog!
Listener 1122
This case is crazy!
This is the first I’ve heard of this case. Thank you for bringing at attention to it. We need to mAkE sOmE NoIsE!!! So this case can get picked up by Dateline. Something stinks here! BIGTIME!
This is such a sad story. Thanks for staying on top of this awful case. I sure hope Aaron has heard all this crap folks are sharing about him and his actions. He needs to be under the jail. Mac was a great source of information and we learned a lot from her that was done incorrectly. Tennessee deserves all the crap being said about them. Not one person in law enforcement has stood up to do the right thing. Not then and not now. No wonder you are emotional- it is horrific. Keep digging. I am from SC so we just came through the Murdaugh saga. If not for podcasters this case would have not been so throughly investigated. The local cops and SLED were great. And it just keeps growing. Those haters can listen to someone else. You are doing the right thing
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Just starting but…
I am just starting this but what is the music in the background on ep1? It is very distracting. I’m assuming it’s part of the pod but it sounds like someone is watching a horror movie in the next room. This sounds terrible!
Awesome podcast
This is a great podcast, and Lauren is tackling tough issues from a variety of perspectives, which keeps things interesting. More important: Lauren’s good people and a loyal friend—exactly the sort of person you want in a case like this. Keep up the great work, Lauren.
Eric B123
Story needs to be told by someone else
I echo what has been said by other reviews, the story needs to be told by a professional. The host yells vs talking and is overly emotional with her own opinions and bias. She comes across as a privileged New Yorker.
Great work
Great work and interviews on this. Praying for justice.
Needs better experts
Please interview a forensic pathologist not a CNP and some actual accident reconstruction experts. This case needs real facts. Adding to this after the ‘interview’ with the other mom. Horrible interview skills. It’s a mess, I wish a real journalist/podcast would pick up this case. This podcast is hurting this case because the host is so unprofessional, scattered and not very bright. Visions and fake experts. Gallatin is a city of over 41000 people. Franklin has over 82000 and is called small town.
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Justice for Abby and Libby
Personal Bias Is Way Too Prevalent
I want to like this pod more but the host really needs to stop putting in her own personal feelings. She comes across as an incredibly small minded privileged New Yorker and everyone else is beneath her. I also find it highly inappropriate to constantly say that you’re “so pro-police” in today’s environment; it’s an unnecessary & insensitive comment that has no relation to the story. I’m grateful that Mandy Matney & Liz Farrell are taking on this story because it deserves to be told appropriately and professionally, without the constant influx of personal speculation. The reason Mandy & Liz are so good is because they call out the broken system for what it is. The biggest issue with this pod is that the host spends most of her time throwing out her opinions on things while acting shocked that TN is a corrupt state 🤔
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Interesting and perplexing case
I have enjoyed this podcast and am intrigued by the case. Couple of issues- podcaster “dogs” Tennessee on the regular while comparing to New York! As if New York has some stellar low crime! She appears to take great comfort in her home state and their excellent legal reputation. What? Keep it in perspective. Crime IS everywhere- crappy police work exists in many places. Good ole boy network is not just a Tennessee thing. May appear ‘southern’ but woman- there are some northern cities that can take crime to a new level. Just stop the dramatics when you address Tennessee- not excusing the issues in case- just keep perspective. Otherwise interesting and I do pray there is some resolution for the family….and yes, I am from Tennessee and have issues with Bill Lee and Jack Johnson (and his judge wife).
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Great podcast!
Megs Mahan
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