What's That Rash?
What's That Rash?
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Get answers to the health questions everyone's asking. Our experts give you the information you need to feel good and make the best decisions for your brain and body.
A single glass of red wine for your health, yeah or nah?
Much has been said about the single glass of red wine. It's good for you, it’s bad for you, it's good for you again. It can be confusing to follow. Norman and Tegan take on this age-old health question — does a single glass of red wine have health boosting benefits? References:  The French paradox: Lessons for other countries Moderate Wine Consumption and Health: A Narrative Review Health Effects of Red Wine Consumption: A Narrative Review of an Issue That Still Deserves Debate
Apr 30
14 min
Your emotional support water bottle is probably too big
Do you have your water bottle beside you right now? How close are you to reaching your daily water goal? It can feel like a slog sometimes to meet the recommended two lites of water a day. Norman and Tegan pour over the evidence to find out whether it's REALLY necessary to drink that much. References: Food and macronutrient intake of elite Ethiopian distance runners Statement of the 3rd International Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia Consensus Development Conference
Apr 23
16 min
How can you boost your immune system?
As the weather cools down, you may be noticing more people around you are dropping from cold or flu. And with COVID-19 also in the mix, it’s understandable that many are wondering how they can boost their immunity to avoid getting sick so often. Norman and Tegan take us through some of the approaches that have the evidence to back them up (and the ones that don’t). References: Nutrition and Athlete Immune Health: New Perspectives on an Old Paradigm Effect of air pollution on the human immune system Current Directions in Stress and Human Immune Function
Apr 16
18 min
Is it safe to dose yourself with pre-workout?
It can sometimes be tough to summon the motivation and energy to go to exercise.  Well, there’s a product for that and it’s gaining popularity. Pre-workout mixtures come in powders, pills, drinks, gummies — you name it, they’ve got it. Norman and Tegan run through what they actually contain, and what the evidence says about their effectiveness… Got a health question? Shoot us a line @ABCHealth on Instagram, or send a voice memo to thatrash@abc.net.au. We'd love to hear from you! References:  Multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements, safety implications, and performance outcomes: a brief review Effects of Beta-Alanine on Muscle Carnosine and Exercise Performance:A Review of the Current Literature Creatine Supplementation for Muscle Growth: A Scoping Review of Randomized Clinical Trials from 2012 to 2021
Apr 9
18 min
How do over-the-counter painkillers compare?
When you get a headache, what do you reach for? Ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol? Over-the-counter painkillers can be difficult to differentiate, but they do vary, not only in their effectiveness but also in their side effects. Norman and Tegan talk us through how these drugs work, and which one might be best depending on your situation. References:  Paracetamol versus ibuprofen – which works best and when? Is paracetamol effective for low back pain? The dangers of NSAIDs: Look both ways
Apr 2
16 min
Restless Legs Syndrome and how it's treated
Restless Legs Syndrome is a common condition with somewhat mysterious underpinnings… While it can be a side effect on an underlying condition, many people suffer for no known reason. Norman and Tegan take us through what we know, what we suspect and some of the treatments for those jittery legs… References: Iron and restless legs syndrome: Treatment, genetics and pathophysiology Iron-deficiency and dopaminergic treatment effects on RLS-Like behaviors of an animal model with the brain iron deficiency pattern of the restless legs syndrome The Management of Restless Legs Syndrome:An Updated Algorithm Got a health question? Shoot us a line @ABCHealth on Instagram, or send a voice memo to thatrash@abc.net.au. We'd love to hear from you!
Mar 26
15 min
Kate's cancer announcement: What do we know about her health?
Kate Middleton announced via a video message that she is undergoing treatment for cancer.  The Princess of Wales has been out of the public eye since Christmas. This is the first official announcement about her condition since she revealed she would be undergoing planned abdominal surgery in January.  So what What do we know about Kate's cancer diagnosis? What is the likely treatment? And, given she is relatively young, what's the message for people who do have unexpected new symptoms? What is preventative chemotherapy? What could treatment look like? What are some of the side effects of chemotherapy? How long does it take to recover from? We're answering the health questions everyone's asking on What's That Rash?
Mar 22
20 min
Is your (artificial) sweet tooth killing you?
Did you know that we're evolutionarily predisposed to seek out sweet treats? Simple carbs were harder to come by in caveman times than they are today. Now, the consensus is we all need to cut down our sugar intake. One way people are doing that is by replacing their sucrose with non-sugar sweeteners. Norman and Tegan explore whether this is actually a healthy alternative. References: Sweetness and food preference Health effects of the use of non-sugar sweeteners: a systematic review and meta-analysis The World Health Organisation on aspartame, and dietary guidelines
Mar 19
18 min
Pimples, spots and pleuks: The who, why and what (to do)
Although it’s often thought of as an adolescent affliction, acne can affect people well into adulthood. But some people seem to be immune to pimples. Why? Norman and Tegan investigate why some people are more prone to pimples than others, and what you might be able to do about it. Got a health question? Shoot us a line @ABCHealth on Instagram, or send a voice memo to thatrash@abc.net.au. We'd love to hear from you! Looking for COVID-19 updates? Don't panic, they've moved over to The Health Report References: Racial Differences in Clinical Characteristics, Perceptions and Behaviors, and Psychosocial Impact of Adult Female Acne The association between stress and acne among female medical students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Seasonal aggravation of acne in summers and the effect of temperature and humidity in a study in a tropical setting Enjoyment of watching pimple popping videos: An fMRI investigation
Mar 12
18 min
Why are mosquitoes so attracted to me?
Some people are mosquito magnets. The blood suckers do, in fact, have their favourites.  And this could pose a major health risk. After all, mosquitoes are the deadliest creatures on earth.  Norman and Tegan take us through the science of why some people attract more mozzies than others.  Got a health question? Shoot us a line @ABCHealth on Instagram, or send a voice memo to thatrash@abc.net.au. We'd love to hear from you! Looking for COVID-19 updates? Don't panic, they've moved over to The Health Report References: Mosquitoes use vision to associate odor plumes with thermal targets Olfactory responses and field attraction of mosquitoes to volatiles from Limburger cheese and human foot odor Composition of Human Skin Microbiota Affects Attractiveness to Malaria Mosquitoes
Mar 5
16 min
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