Conversations with Confidence Podcast

Conversations with Confidence

Divine Hannon
Hello everyone! :) I'm Divine Hannon and welcome to the conversation! Here I will bring a spark of motivation with a dash of my own experiences to the table. Just think of it as a word of encouragement with a friend your catching up with. Now, with this new discovered motivation go love, lead and live with confidence!
Authority Over Your Identity
Do you know who you are? ok ok that's an easy question. Do you know what your doing, right now, that make you to who you are? Identities are not a simple descriptions of what you look like or how you talk, rather it is something that influences everything you do.
Jul 31, 2022
17 min
The Process of Cultivating Towards a Goal (Atomic Habits pt. 1)
Get your pen and notebook ready because were starting a book series called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. Here I am diving into why habits are just as important, if not more, important than the goal itself. Along side this the power of 1% can have with how you use it in your day to day life.
Jul 18, 2022
33 min
WARNING: Now Leaving Comfort Zone
Aww comfort zone... Your just so.. comfortable! Alas, we can't stay there. Here I go in depth in how being comfortable is a reason to being in stagnate state. Alongside, having the mentality of complacency is stunting your growth for elevating your life.
Jul 3, 2022
27 min
Choose Your Words WISELY
In this conversation I will be deep diving in the importance of affirmations and how your language is tied to your mindset. 
Jun 18, 2022
19 min
First Steps
Here the conversation will be on understanding how the first step in progressing towards a goal is crucial. Along with this I give some background on how the podcast came to being here! :)
Jun 5, 2022
31 min
Welcome to the Conversation!
Hello! Thanks for checking out the trailer. Interested to hear more? Go ahead and check out some of the episodes! 
May 29, 2022
1 min