Congregation of the Living Word, a Messianic Jewish Congregation
Congregation of the Living Word, a Messianic Jewish Congregation
Congregation of the Living Word (Kehilat Devar HaChaim) is a Messianic Jewish fellowship dedicated to honoring God and His Messiah Yeshua by studying the Word, living His Torah, and following His Spirit. If you love Israel and want to study the teachings of the Messiah from a Hebrew context...if you can’t attend a Messianic Synagogue on Shabbat, Passover, or another major feast...if you want to dig deeper into Purim, Chanukah, Tisha B’av, or one of our other traditional festivals, look for our free sermons in the Podcast app or in the iTunes store. To listen to episodes that are older than 4 months, visit Many sermons are available in English and Spanish.
Celebrating Passover:  Part 6   The Passover Seder Plate  -  English and Spanish
Celebrating Passover:  Part 6   The Passover Seder Plate  -  English and Spanish.  What foods do we place on our seder plate? Join us as we examine the mechanics of this part of the Passover.  This is a rebroadcast of a sermon originally posted on March 25, 2021. Celebración de Pésaj: Parte 6  El plato del séder de Pésaj - Inglés y español.  ¿Qué alimentos colocamos en nuestro plato del séder? Acompáñenos a examinar la mecánica de esta parte de la Pascua.  Esta es una retransmisión de un sermón publicado originalmente el 25 de marzo de 2021.
Apr 17
20 min
War in Israel  Part 23:   Iran's Attack Reveals The Difference Between Israel And Israel's Enemies  -  English only
War in Israel  Part 23:   Iran's Attack Reveals The Difference Between Israel And Israel's Enemies  -  English only.  Iran launched the largest drone attack history has ever seen. Israel's rush to assist the one individual who sustained serious injuries sends a strong message to the whole world.  Recorded April 15, 2024.
Apr 16
3 min
Parshat Tazria:  Leprosy and Sin...Is There a Difference?  -  English and Spanish
Parshat Tazria:  Leprosy and Sin...Is There a Difference?  -  English and Spanish.  Can leprosy be a metaphor for sin? Recorded April 13, 2024. Parshat Tazria:  Lepra y pecado... ¿hay alguna diferencia?  - Inglés y Español. ¿Puede ser la lepra una metáfora del pecado? Grabado el 13 de abril de 2024.
Apr 15
9 min
Celebrating Passover:  Part 5  The Passover Diet  -  English and Spanish
Celebrating Passover:  Part 5  The Passover Diet  -  English and Spanish.   The Passover seder consists of more than bitter herbs and unleavened bread.  It is food for your soul.  Recorded April 13, 2024. Celebración de la Pascua:  Parte 5 La dieta de Pascua - Inglés y español.   El séder de Pascua consiste en algo más que hierbas amargas y pan sin levadura.  Es alimento para el alma.  Grabado el 13 de abril de 2024.
Apr 14
23 min
Celebrating Passover:  Part 4  Accepting The Bitter Herbs  -  English
Celebrating Passover:  Part 4  Accepting The Bitter Herbs  -  English.    The Scriptures command us to eat bitter herbs at Passover.  A study of the word 'bitter' in the Bible provides eye-opening insight behind this simple act!  This is a rebroadcast of a March 22, 2003 sermon from our archives.
Apr 13
49 min
Introduction to The Torah Part 2:  Kosher  -  English only
Introduction to The Torah Part 2:  Kosher  -  English only.  Our series continues, introducing the Biblical foundation and the Biblical reason for eating Kosher.  Recorded April 3, 2024.
Apr 12
8 min
The Land of Israel  Part 3:  In Search of Capernaum -  English only
The Land of Israel  Part 3:  In Search of Capernaum - English only. How do we know that the town which tourists now call Capernaum, is really the site of ancient Capernaum? Join us as we explore the world of archeology and history in a search for the Town of Messiah!  Recorded April 5, 2024.
Apr 10
13 min
Celebrating Passover:  Part 3  The Passover Deliverance  -  English and Spanish
Celebrating Passover:  Part 3  The Passover Deliverance  -  English and Spanish.  In the midst of uncertainties, the Scriptures offer Passover as an eternal solution to our fears and anxiety. This is a rebroadcast of a sermon originally posted on March 22, 2021. Celebración de la Pascua:  Parte 3   En medio de la incertidumbre, la Escritura ofrece la Pascua como una solución eterna a nuestros temores y ansiedad.
Apr 8
23 min
Parshat Shemini:  And They Offered Strange Fire  -  English only
Parshat Shemini:  And They Offered Strange Fire  -  English only.  Aaron's two sons died because they offered strange fire before the Almighty. What does this mean and how does this story apply to us?  Recorded April 6, 2024.
Apr 7
13 min
Introduction to The Torah Part 1:  Shabbat  -  English only
Introduction to The Torah Part 1:  Shabbat  -  English only.  Join us as we begin a new series introducing some of the topics from God's Torah that are not well understood by most Christians. Today, we discuss the Biblical foundation and the Biblical reason for observing and honoring Shabbat.  Recorded April 4, 2024.
Apr 5
6 min
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