Comrade & Kaiser Movie Review Podcast

Comrade & Kaiser Movie Review

Benjamin Doty
Do you like movies? Great! How about communism and/or fascism? No? Well, then this podcast is not for you. However, why not hear a Russian communist debate the virtues of Kevin Costner's Waterworld or Ernie Hudson's epic performance in Ghostbusters 2 with a German fascist? It's fun the whole family could possibly enjoy.
#4 The Searchers (1956)
How does a Russian communist and a German fascist get along while watching a racist western from the 1950s? Well, you can probably guess but here it is anyway!
Aug 24, 2020
27 min
#3 When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Can a communist and a fascist have a decent discussion on an iconic romantic comedy. Probably not.
Apr 21, 2020
27 min
#2 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
How does a superhero from the 1940s pair with a modern day Russian communist and German fascist? Download and find out!
Apr 5, 2020
21 min
#1 Footloose (1984)
Comrade Melankoff and self proclaimed Kaiser Gruber III discuss the virtues and faults of communism, fascism and 1984's teen dance classic, Footloose.
Mar 23, 2020
25 min