Come Along for the Ride
Come Along for the Ride
Tracy Malone
It's Time for a Short Break
3 minutes Posted May 21, 2019 at 8:00 am.
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This is a quick message to let you know that the podcast will be taking a short break. Due to health reasons and a need to stop and restore my own health and also spend more time with my horses. The podcast will be taking a break from now until July.
This is a time for me to catch up with all my listeners in may ways. To spend the time working with my own horses who have not had the time due to my work schedule. To catch up with human people instead of working through the internet each day for connection. All of these things will go toward restoring my health and making me ready for the next phase of Eden River Equestrian.
All online purchases will be filled during this time so feel free to browse my site any time.
Thank you for your patience on this one. I know that you will all understand.
Much love to you all and I'll be back on the podcast airwaves in July.