Bring the warmth to your womb space Connect your heart and your womb with warm love A meditation for all women/non binary to reconnect into the warmth of your Womb__________________________Ways you can work with me:www.alanatukuniu.comInsta: Maulu Spa
Dec 13, 2022
19 min

Stop trying to race and rush ahead to the next goal. In fact, stop moving the goalposts. Instead, set a fresh, new intention: Remind yourself that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. And then believe it. Surrender to being where you are. Even if it’s a raw, hurtful kind of place. Even if you feel sad to be there. Even if you want to fight your way out. Surrender to it because forcing, pushing and controlling it doesn’t make you any happier.____________________________If you ready to dive deeper into this work, you can work with me in my 1:1 Programme Connect & Clear , deets are on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.com You can also work with me in 1:1 Fertility Support Journey , Tending the Garden of your Womb.If you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/If you prefer reading , Love Letters from newsletter signup is available here https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1
Aug 15, 2022
10 min

One of the best ways to stay stuck is to hold on where you are...So often, moving forward is about letting go of the things that are weighing us downSo often letting go is easier when we can see the limiting beliefs that we are holding onto-that they are not actually serving us.What do you need to forgive yourself for?______________________________________________________________________________________If you ready to dive deeper into this work, you can work with me in my 1:1 Programme Connect & Clear , deets are on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.com You can also work with me in 1:1 Fertility Support Journey , Tending the Garden of your Womb.If you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/If you prefer reading , Love Letters from newsletter signup is available here https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1
Jun 13, 2022
6 min

Have you ever worried about being judged?It’s exhausting, isn’t it!Our perceptions of ourselves can be warped and so can our perceptions of what other people think of us.When you worry about what other people think, you step out of your power, you leak your own energy and disconnect from yourself The thing is…It doesn’t need to be this way…If you curious on what working with me looks like, you can check out my deets on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.comIf you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/Love Letters from newsletter signup is available here https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1
May 31, 2022
5 min

I live by ‘Done is better than perfect’ but it wasn’t always that way.It was when I practiced softening my expectations and my grip that things started to change for me and that started to look like,more ease and more joy.—————————————————If you curious on what working with me looks like, you can check out my deets on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.comIf you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/
May 24, 2022
4 min

Leaning in and practicing Trust for yourself———If you curious on what working with me looks like, you can check out my deets on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.comIf you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/
Apr 10, 2022
5 min

This year was the year I had to sit myself on my ass and remember to Take my Own advice. So today I would like to share the reminder with you tooThis episode includes 3 guiding questions for you to explore more deeply.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's time to take a longer break, this is the final episode for 2021, New episodes will be back in February 2022. If you curious on what working with me looks like, you can check out my deets on my website https://www.alanatukuniu.comIf you’d like to share what came up for you, you can DM my instagram @maulu_spa https://www.instagram.com/maulu_spa/
Dec 8, 2021
5 min

If you're feeling energised on an emotional level, life feels expansivewhen you're feeling trapped, stressed or overwhelmed, life can feel constrictiveThis episode is about finding your emotional energy leaks and calling your energy back to you----------------------------------Love letters from Lana Newsletter Signup: https://lanatukuniu.activehosted.com/f/1If you're curious to know what its like to work with me, Schedule in your Breakthrough Discovery Call: https://mauluspabooking.as.me/BreakthroughSessionInstagram: Maulu Spa
Nov 16, 2021
7 min

A practice where you move your focus inwards and noticing your energy flow.A practice that helps calm your nervous systemin a sitting position-on a chair on on the floor, making sure you are comfortable and supported as your body asks.Taking an inhale and on your exhale, you are making an 'mmm' soundLet me know how you go
Nov 8, 2021
5 min

Putting yourself first, which is another way to say show compassion to yourself, means we are also more easily able to show compassion to the people around usIt means we are less likely to snap and we are less likely to feel that exhausting tiredness-you know the tiredness which often stems from giving from a depleted cupThis weeks episode includes 3 guiding questions for you to explore through journalling , drawing or thought.-------------------------I am also in Sydney for at least 6-8 weeks or so and am taking in person bookings at Bondi Junction and NewtownIf you would like to deep dive and Reconnect to your inner power, message me and we can talk some more about the ways in which I can support you.www.alanatukuniu.com
Nov 2, 2021
4 min
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