Cocaine & Rhinestones: The History of Country Music
Cocaine & Rhinestones: The History of Country Music
Tyler Mahan Coe
via Podcasts
I’m tardy to the party but loving this podcast!
Last night at a taping of a Dolly Parton upcoming TV show, a gentleman and I struck up a conversation and he recommended this podcast. 2 episodes in and I’m HOOKED! Keep it up Tyler!
So Glad It’s Back!
Love the format, topic choices and delivery. So interesting and very well researched. Great delivery. Thanks for the podcast!
old time greats
an episode about the great "Hank Snow "please .
Excellent. 5-stars!
Excellent all around. Best podcast I’ve ever heard on our classic country music & ⭐️ stars! Keep up the great work. 😊👍
Fro-Joseph K.
Best Music Podcast. Period. Unless Peter Guralnick has a podcast I don’t know about.
Seriously. Of ANY genre. Coe spills the Tea. All over those nice white doilies of “official” Country Music History. This is ESSENTIAL listening for history buffs, of music, or of American culture. Whatever that means to you.
Cocain and Rhinestones
Amused by the negative reviews. Maybe this is a podcast for people not really into podcasts, because I am not into podcasts but listen to all these episodes over and over again. I tell anyone who will listen to me to listen to this. Pardon my digression, but my favorite philosophy professor would go on for weeks creating context for the reading material. It wasn’t a “this is how you pass the quiz” substitute for reading the material, but it deepened my appreciation for what was in the books.
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Buzz Fugazi
Great story telling.
I’m a big fan of REAL country music. The behind the scenes takes are funny and disturbing. Coes story telling is great and mysterious enough to keep you thinking about the real story.
Just Phenomenal
Listen to this series! If you have any interest in music -- country or not -- you will see all the connections between rock, country, blues et al. Well done! Thank you for your dedication to telling these stories. ❤️
We need you back!!!!
Please come back with more phenomenal history on our country music artists!! You are a wonderful and thorough host!
Wow, both seasons were phenomenal. I learned so much about the music and the country singers that I grew up listening to. I can’t wait for season three.
Thank you Tyler
Unexpectedly in Depth
I wasn’t sure after the first episode but I always give podcasts 3-4 episodes to find their feet. This one found its feet by the middle of its second episode. Host seems super invested in the stories and he’s more relaxed than the first episode. Plus, this stuff is interesting! Looking forward To more episodes!
greeeaaat fun
Downgrading my five stars to two
It is with great sadness, but the wait for the second series was not worth it. And I fear it’s just going to go downhill from here. I hope Tyler gets some help because I think he needs to be extracted at times from his research and just start producing content. Hopefully this doesn’t come off as too negative but I guess it probably does and I apologize.
A labor of love
Cocaine and Rhinestones is a labor of love for the Host, Tyler Mayan Coe, and one can tell by the painstaking research and anecdotes he provides for key things in the history of country music. Eminently listenable for walks and jogs, long drives, or any other activities. Afterwards listening, the compulsion to download the songs and albums to get a better idea of the story told on the cast. One of my new faves in my Podcast library!
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Wern to the ER
Tyler you’re amazing
I just found this podcast and I really love it. Tyler I think you are very emotionally intelligent in your story telling. I’m on season one and I love to hear you grow as you go. Thank you.
Is 3 years between each release of seasons???
C’mon Tyler we all chomping at the bit! I sure hope you’re recording multiple seasons and just a waiting to release them all. 2 years in between does not inspire patrion
One episode in and I love it
Only wish I had found it sooner. I love the deep story, and I’m excited to see how the host settles into the narration, because I really like the after comments. I thought I knew a lot about the history of county music and these stories are so deep. I can’t wait to hear more.
We’ve only listened to a few, but love this show! Wish we discovered it sooner!
Much more than music
This podcast is a superb look not just at the music and the artists but at the social history of the times in which the music was made. That might sound like it could be dry but Tyler Coe makes it all come alive with his commentary. Highly recommended. He combines deep knowledge of the music with the context to make each episode a riveting story. Even if you don’t know who any of these musicians are, you’ll find you love the stories (and then are probably motivated to listen to more of the music).
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Andy M in TX
Bring it back
Hey Tyler big fan of the show and man do I miss it as do many others! There’s a ton of stories I’d like to see you cover! I know it ain’t cheap to do but I bet myself and your other loyal listeners could help out with some donations. Thanks buddy! From a real country fan fa
George strait is the king
Great Podcast
Fantastic historical review of country music performers. Tyler must put in a lot of work for these stories. I appreciate his work and zeal for country music history. Well done
Texian 1836
Cocaine and Rhinestones
If you love roots country and 40s 59’s 60’s country… listen to All of this podcast and support it with $
I can’t stop listening!!
This podcast is amazing. Coe covers so much ground and does it effortlessly. You can tell he has done his research and is passionate about the subject. Don’t miss it!
Simply The Best
Forget country music, if you just enjoy popular music and well researched history about it, then you need this podcast in your life. Mr Coe knows the stories behind the music and often he has first hand knowledge of many of the personalities who created it. Cocaine and Rhinestones is engaging, informative, accurate and often highly entertaining! Subscribe today!
PD Puddin Pork
History of what??
Claims to be a podcast on the history of country music, but almost every episode includes 20 minutes of rambling on a random subject. What is up with that? I would consider paying money if I didn’t have that crap in the front.
Well researched and entertaining!
I am really a country music fan yet I love this podcast. Well done!
Great show!
Awesome history of country music!
Great Podcast but….
U2 is easily the greatest band of all time.
When the Cows Come Home
I never enjoyed Country until I listened to this podcast. Great work indeed. I even wrote about No Show Jones in my sci-fi novel: When the Cows Come Home, (available on Amazon) and I didn’t realize the awesomeness of George at the time. These stories improved my life. Thanks.
I admire their hostility.
I wish it was more precise and protracted. Engineered. The ad-libbing makes me wonder if more ruthless justice were possible with more planning. A meaner world is possible. These bands are my enemies, and my enemies must be destroyed. Five stars.
Jebulon Pike
I love it
This is the first podcast that I’ve ever listened too. So much fun to learn more about the legends that I have been listening to for years. Highly recommended.
This is what peak podcast performance looks like
As far as I’m concerned, this is the gold standard of what podcasting is. It has changed my life, and its existence has truthfully made the world a better place. Nothing really more to be said.
The Mesomorphic Minotaur
Excellent Podcast
This has slowly become my favorite podcast. I have to admit that I didn’t really like Tyler’s voice at the start, but the substance was so interesting I kept listening. After two seasons, I like Tyler’s voice a lot. And I don’t know what in the world that other review is talking about “angry host”!? I think the Host sounds like a kind, honest, genuine, human being. Keep up the good work.
Larry Welk
Outstanding content
The content is outstanding and well-researched but the robot style presenting is unbearable.
Good podcast/Angry host
Really good and informative podcast. Unfortunately the host is a angry jack-weasel that prefers to belittle people using his FB page. Maybe his Dad didn’t love him enough as a child? Be better, man.
Thoroughly researched, well told, absolutely captivating
Once I started listening to this, It’s been difficult to function in my everyday life as I want to drop everything and listen to the next episode. Even if you aren’t a fan of country music, the stories told here are still extremely interesting and entertaining. And if you are a fan of country music, this is mandatory listening.
Incredible story telling
Has "Cocaine And Rhinestones" come to an end? Not a single new episode since 02/22. Have we come to the end of the podcast? Hope not. I'm "Jonesing here"... I need another fix...pronto!!
Well Crafted and Riveting Podcast
Clearly the amount of passion and work that goes into this is exceptional. Most podcasts (like most examples of any medium) just aren’t that much to write home about. This one is fantastic. It doesn’t matter if you like every band or artist covered (I don’t). It probably doesn’t even matter if you like country music. This is a quality and entertaining work of American history that comes across as academically rigorous without being pretentious. All the episodes hold up well to repeated listens and I can just about guarantee the listener will catch something they missed the first time. It meets the listener where they are; going deep enough for those with encyclopedic knowledge of the subject matter, being accessible enough to be a great jumping-on point for newcomers. Coe says he wants to do C&R for the rest of his life. If he keeps putting this kind of labor and love into it, I’ll want him to as well.
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I stumbled upon this podcast and … just, wow! I’m not a fan of country music these days, but I love the oldies. The stories of those old days in this podcast are so interesting and entertaining. And I love the Tyler! I’m so impressed with this podcast!
This is terrific series. Very well done.
Frank Benard 7
I’m addicted
All my other podcasts have certainly taken a backseat to this well researched and well written work. I sure hope there are more episodes in the works!
just a dude with half s brain
Cocaine and Rhinestones
One word seems so simple but……GREAT! This is one of the most thorough and best researched docs on the pop culture icon we call “Country Music”
Marty Hays
cocaine and rhinestones
Really well presented. Check it out
no cheap horses
What Happened To the George Jones POD Cast?
They have the titles about George & Tammy but there are some other stories playing about nobles and the rich.
Truly the greatest music podcast
If you have an interest in 20th century American music at all this is an absolute must listen.
Ty 🙅🏻‍♀️
Best History of Country Music Podcast
This podcast was the first podcast that I listen to and not deleted in my library. As a fan of country music myself, I appreciate the time and commitment Tyler put into this podcast for accurate information of the stories. If you want to know the REAL story of George Jones than that show on Showtime, listen to this podcast. I highly recommend this to any music fan, not just country music.
Can not imagine a better country music podcast
Wow, just wow. Just the liner notes for the episodes would be a better music podcast than many out there . Ironically, there’s a line in the Buck Owens / Don Rich episode where he’s describing the awesomeness of the “Buck Owens Ranch Show” where he says they didn’t understand how TV works and performed it live . Listening to his first season feels like this is awesome because he doesn’t realize some of his podcasts would be stretched into like 6-7 by a retail podcaster in 2020s, with countless ads if no subscription. Like Buck I expect Tyler will hit his business stride with what is a masterpiece of work in historical storytelling , mixed with musical awareness , cultural awareness , and the perspective of an old fashioned news paper columnist (who fights for their perspective like it’s being challenged by every reader) I’d also listen to Tyler interviewing country artists or musicians in general from any era, hope he’s able to get into that.
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Cocaine and rhinestones
I have listened to the entire series a couple of times….miss not having new stories… this work is marvelous and the story teller has such a recognizable voice…his relaxed and honest manner makes me want to listen AGAIN!! Transplanted Nashvillian
transplanted Nashvillian
I am in awe of the work that went in to this season’s program. This is the incredibly well executed. Some minor bumps starting out but as a whole this is a masterpiece.
The Old Mule
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