Hi! I know it's been a bit and I've missed you. This episode is honest and reflective and full of rambling poetic thought tied together with a lot of feeling. It's also chaos. My dog is old. And blind. And diabetic. And breathes like she's just run a...
Apr 11, 2021
45 min

I shortened one of my episodes to act as a sample of the things I talk about on this podcast, the things I write and share, the emotion that explodes out of my experiences. Just an honest glimpse of real life.
Feb 22, 2021
8 min

I might sound crazy as fuck in this episode. I have endless streams of poetry coming out of me in rambling sentences. And I can't seem to stop it. It's like I'm vomiting up everything that got stuck in my creative space when I went through the trauma of...
Feb 22, 2021
27 min

Life has been crazy for a while now. I haven't had much time to read to present any new literature to you. But in this episode I talk about my more recent struggles as a widow... things I don't know how to do... dreams I've had about my husband... all...
Feb 8, 2021
28 min

This episode features a poem by Sylvia Plath called "Morning Song" and also one of my own poems entitled "The Song of Stars". I wrote it for my daughter a month or so ago when she was struggling to sleep one night. This episode is about the challenge...
Jan 24, 2021
22 min

In this section scrooge encounters the second of the three spirits as foretold to him by Jacob Marley. The spirit comes in the shape of a giant. The spirit of Christmas Present. The spirit takes scrooge to his employee Bob's house on Christmas Day where...
Jan 4, 2021
1 hr 1 min

Stave two. Scrooge encounters the first of the three spirits as foretold to him by his deceased partner Jacob Marley during his ghostly visitation in Stave 1. The first is the Spirit of Christmas Past. The Spirit takes Scrooge to visit the familiar...
Dec 21, 2020
50 min

I decided that for the rest of December I am going to read to you from "A Christmas Carol". I am reading the story to you in its entirety and in my best British accent because of course Charles Dickens was English and so wrote the story with a British...
Dec 14, 2020
54 min

In this episode we pick up the story from the moment Sylvia wakes up in the hospital after attempting to kill herself. We follow her transfer to a city hospital with a behavioral health ward, although that term is a new one and not one used in the book....
Dec 7, 2020
1 hr 32 min

Sylvia starts treatment with her family doctor. It begins with sleeping pills. She is told by her family doctor she needs to go to a psychiatrist. In this episode we read through her experiences and treatment with her first psychiatrist Dr. Gordon. It's...
Nov 30, 2020
37 min
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