Clinical Appraisal Podcast

Clinical Appraisal

Ian A. Lane
Translating nursing research from the bench to the bedside!
Spontaneous pneumothorax: To intervene or not
In this episode, Ian reviews a new 2020 paper on interventional versus conservative management for primary spontaneous pneumothorax in adult patients.
Sep 22, 2020
15 min
Range of motion exercises for ICU delirium
In this episode, Ian reviews a Turkish study on ICU patients which sought to learn whether ROM exercises could prevent or reduce incidence of delirium in a subgroup of NIMV ICU patients over 65 years of age, or decrease the duration of delirium in this same sample of patients, should they develop it during their stint on the unit.
Sep 17, 2020
45 min
NP triage in outpatient spinal surgery
In this episode, Ian discusses an article from the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, published back in 2018, on a prospective case review of 100 patients, where the NPs were evaluated on their ability to properly triage surgical cases to the consulting surgeons.
Sep 14, 2020
37 min
Harmful misinterpretations of new CDC data on COVID-19 mortality risk
In this brief episode, Ian discusses the latest CDC reports of a "mere 6% of COVID-19 deaths due to SARS-CoV-2 infection alone" and describes how that misinterpretation is harmful and inappropriate.
Sep 2, 2020
16 min
Your influence on the social landscape
In this episode, Ian presents another mathematical thought experiment, but framed again around developing optimism and, potentially, fighting against depressive tendencies to consider oneself a meaningless island amidst the chaotic landscape of the social relationships around them. Considering social cognition from the network standpoint, Ian encourages his listeners to consider themselves more like nodes in a network of neurons than as islands or drops in a bucket, which has little to no impact.
Sep 2, 2020
15 min
Qualitative versus quantitative research in nursing
In this episode, Ian details the differences between qualitative research and quantitative research in nursing and other health sciences and discusses the value of qualitative work in particular, which is often eschewed by quantitatively-oriented researchers.
Sep 1, 2020
45 min
Music therapy for disorders of consciousness
In this episode, Ian discusses a recently published research study in the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, purporting to show that music therapy in the inpatient setting can aid patients with disorders of consciousness, intricately detailing the strengths and weaknesses as he understands them. He believes this to be an important contribution to the field of neuroscience nursing and hopes others will follow the authors' sentiment that more work ought to be conducted on this question.
Aug 27, 2020
47 min
Increasing optimism (and thus compassion) with math!
In this more philosophical episode,  Ian uses combinatoric probability to describe the often infinite combinations of discrete items possible across various contexts and how, knowing this, may enhance compassion through the acknowledgement of one's own limited conclusions.
Aug 25, 2020
22 min
Managing behavior change expectations in disordered personality
In this episode, Ian uses a thought experiment coupled with some limited data on BPD to explore the question of whether someone with a Cluster B "personality disorder" is capable of lasting, meaningful behavior change. Implications of this not being the case are explored, superficially.
Aug 23, 2020
39 min