Clickbait Update Podcast Podcast

Clickbait Update Podcast

Justin and Samm
Clcickbait Update is a podcast where we online the internet, and click on all the things at the bottom of the page so you don't have to. Join the brother and sister team of Justin and Samm as they dive into clickbait list after clickbait list in search of... I don't know... Something!
Who Should Replace Meghan McCain On The View?
Oh! Hello again! I'm sorry this is coming out a little later than I would have wanted, for multiple reasons, and then made even more late because my post processing app of choice decided to not work for a few days... Not sure what that was about. Anyways! This sure is an episode of this show! It may be the most clickbait focused we've ever been and we didn't even mean for it to be that... Enjoy! Email us: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate
Sep 28, 2021
1 hr 13 min
What Would James Hetfield Do?
Sincerest apologies that this is so late! But hello again! We have returned with a weird little episode for you to listen to. We don't cover any lists, but we sure do talk a lot! There's some country music talk, there's some local Circle K drama, and local podcast commercials being great! So check it out if you've got nothing better to do! Email us: [email protected] Tweet us: @clickbaitupdate
Sep 10, 2021
1 hr 37 min
NSYNC Or Backstreet?
Oh! Hello again! Sorry this episode is a bit late, my job is trying to kill me and I... Just didn't want to edit because of it. Sorry bout that. But hey! We did an episode about boy bands that people forgot about! Only one list this time... Because we wasted too much time talking about other stuff... Still it's a pretty decent episode I think, so enjoy! Email: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List: The top 10 forgotten boy bands Quiz: Which NSYNC Member Are You Based On Your '90s Preferences?
Aug 3, 2021
1 hr 43 min
What If You Were Made Of Chips?
Oh Hello! I'm sorry, but despite the title of this podcast there's very little talk about chips. It's actually an entire episode about country music... No I'm not kidding. We seriously did that. Also there's no quiz, because we decided bearded dragons wearing costumes were more important... To be fair, they probably are... Enjoy? Email: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: Here Are The Top 40 Country Songs For June 2021! List 2: 20 BEARDED DRAGON COSTUMES EVERY OWNER WILL WANT
Jul 19, 2021
1 hr 51 min
What Happens If The Trix Rabbit Actually Eats Trix?
Oh! Hello again! Welcome to another episode of the podcast! It sure is a show you can listen to! On this episode we talk about Monopoly variants and Cereal Mascots. So listen to it with your ears! Email: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: The 15 Most Unnecessary Versions Of Monopoly In Human History List 2: 15 Cereal Mascots Breakfast Wouldn’t Be the Same Without Quiz: Are You Secretly A Swarm Of Bees?
Jun 21, 2021
1 hr 34 min
Matchbox 20 Monster Truck?
Oh! Hello again! On this episode we talk about monster trucks and Robot Wars. We also talk about Rob Thomas and Matchbox 20 a lot for absolutely no reason. Also, fair warning at some point Samm spoils the movie Cruella. We give a good amount of warning before it happens, but it does happen... I just left it in. Enjoy! Email: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: Great Monster Trucks We Love List 2: Ranked: The 25 best robots from Robot Wars Quiz: Pretend To Live The Cottagecore Life And We'll Tell You Which Barbie Movie You'd Absolutely Love
Jun 6, 2021
1 hr 25 min
Smokers Need To Be More Positive?
Oh hello again! On this episode we take a look at dumb celebrity quotes and bad names for dogs... Honestly that's really it. I could say more, but why? Just listen to it. Email: [email protected] Twiter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: 30 Dumb Quotes Celebrities Would Like You To Forget List 2: 23 People On Some Of The Worst Dog Names They’ve Ever Heard Quiz: Find Out The Zodiac Sign You'll Marry Someday By Creating A Classic Ice Cream Sundae
May 23, 2021
1 hr 27 min
Who Is The Dan Miller Experience?
Oh! Hello again! On this episode we talk about people who legally changed their names and how to make a meditation room with ZERO space. We also probably talk about other stuff, but you'll have to listen to find out what it is! Enjoy! Email the show: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: 15 Legal Name Changes That Will Make You Laugh List 2: Here’s How to Create a Meditation Room (Even If You Have Zero Space) Quiz: Eat Lunch At My House And I'll Let You Know If Your Crush Is Into You Or Not
May 9, 2021
1 hr 25 min
Rake Chat
What's the word Rake Nation!? Welcome to Rake Chat! This is the show where we gather all your rake news into a nice pile for you to dive right into! Join us as we take about what makes a good rake, how the experts test rakes and the best rakes on the market today! Email the show: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: List 2: List 3:[matchtype]=b&google_params[network]=g&google_params[device]=m&google_params[creative]=477116355283&google_params[keyword]=&google_params[adposition]=&google_params[adgroupid]=76772379734&google_params[campaignid]=6490998898&bs=&google_params[feeditemid]=&google_params[targetid]=dsa-19959388920&google_params[loc_interest_ms]=&google_params[loc_physical_ms]=9015560&google_params[devicemodel]=&google_params[target]=&new_api=true&dest=0&sys_id=0|254&gclid=CjwKCAjw9r-DBhBxEiwA9qYUpcMnYnLyyFRaZuPqYhv4srrwkMlddWU-JFiy6MOiA7JjS-BMvRmwDhoC82sQAvD_BwE
Apr 25, 2021
1 hr 9 min
Do You Scratch Your Ear With Your Tongue?
Oh! Hello again! On this episode we're talking about fast food horror stories and sword facts! There's also a lot of talk about rakes and a lovely email about an out of line turkey! Enjoy! Email the show: [email protected] Twitter: @clickbaitupdate List 1: Fast Food Horror Stories: You Won’t Believe What Was in This Restaurant’s Burgers List 2: 15 Lies About Swords You Probably Believe Because of Movies Quiz: We'll Tell You Where You Should Build Your Farm, But You Have To Adopt Some Cute Animals For It First
Apr 11, 2021
1 hr 47 min
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