Cinematic Sound Radio - Soundtracks From Films, TV and Video Games
Cinematic Sound Radio - Soundtracks From Films, TV and Video Games
Erik Woods
Cinematic Sound Radio - Soundtracks From Films, TV and Video Games
Erik Woods
For over 25 years Cinematic Sound Radio has been playing the very best music from film, TV and video games. We feature music from the golden age classic scores of the 30, 40 and 50s, the retro silver age scores from the 60s and 70s, all the way through to the 80s, 90s and the modern-day classics of the 21st century. When tuning in you'll hear interviews with composers, orchestrators, musicians, authors, soundtrack experts and industry insiders. We also do deeper dives into some of the best scores ever composed. And, of course, you'll hear LOTS of great music. We feature 10 unique shows exploring one of the most underappreciated art forms by people who are passionate about the art form. We hope you enjoy the programming as much as we do producing them.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 11 days
Latest episode
2 days ago
June 25
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