Church Grammar
Church Grammar
Brandon D. Smith
via Podcasts
Too much banter at the beginning of each podcast
Your topics are generally very good and helpful, but I really could do without 10 minutes of gratuitous banter and discussion of your favorite sports teams, etc., that goes on for way too long at the beginning of episodes. There’s nothing wrong with having a few minutes of friendly conversation to introduce your guest and orient your audience to the day’s topic, but the rest is unnecessary and probably a turn-off for at least a portion of your potential audience that is otherwise interested in the theological content. I do appreciate what you’re doing with the latter.
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Great Podcast
Brandon asks excellent questions and is a very good interviewer. He has an inviting posture that creates good dialogue even when the guests disagree on an issue. Also thanks for introducing me to nobigdyl.
Fantastic interviews for Bible nerds/scholars
I have so much fun listening to this podcast. Brandon is a great interviewer and his guests are top notch. Can’t wait to hear more episodes of this podcast.
Great, thoughtful discussions
Interview format shows can be a bit dicey, but Brandon's does a great job of keeping the conversation a conversation; not too formal, with a decent about of good-natured mockery along the way.
Engaging and Cordial
It's so refreshing to hear a podcast where conversations--even between people who might not agree on every theological jot and tittle--maintain a friendly atmosphere without shying away from tough topics. I've enjoyed the opening episodes immensely, and I look forward to many more to come!
Great stuff so far! Can’t wait for more episodes to drop. I like the variety of topics and guests, by the way.
5 stars
Enjoyed the first ep; looking forward to more!
Because I’m the host.
Brandon D. Smith