About: Candid conversations about creating tranquility in a thunderstorm. The world today, being as loud and opinionated as ever, drives us to self isolation as the only known method that satisfying the basic human requirement to function properly. Switching to survival mode barely holding on by a thread, because of which most of us are unable to even think about thriving. As our challenges evolve so must we and we will do so by going back to the basics, to level up each time we are faced with a problem and become a collective made of strong humane individuals living a truly meaningful life.Mission: Chrysalism was created for those who truly believe that living life is not about just existing but looking back and realizing how far you have come to be who you are today. It hopes to construct a safe space for you to have those uncomfortable conversations, make mistakes, and learn from them while building a community that caters to becoming a better person than the day before and striving for progress over perfection. Covering a wide range of topics related to fear vs faith, anxiety and depression, procrastination, digging deeper into mental disorders, toxic relationships, childhood trauma. Learn how to overcome them and even use them as tools to build a non-judgmental environment that nourishes you internally by asking the right questions and actively searching for the answers while pursuing peace and rising up to your full potential. Meet the host: Christine Alwyn is a medical graduate and a part time English tutor, passionate about spirituality and helping curious minds discover their full potential in all aspects of their lives. She loves to share what she's learnt and strives to attain balance between knowing and doing. Chrysalism helped Christine discover her true purpose and she wishes to use this new found insight into herself to grow and reach the hearts and minds of her listeners as a source of warmth, love and laughter as she embarks on this journey to help build your Chrysalism.Motto: Become the kindness and peace your world needs.