Chorus & Kin Podcast

Chorus & Kin

Chorus & Kin
A pop culture and entertainment podcast where two brothers get together every week and talk about the things they love watching.
Episode 10 - Two Front Row Tickets to Armageddon, Please
God tried to smite our podcast but hit a transformer instead. Robb and Tommy dive into the first three episodes of the Amazon Prime limited series: Good Omens. Robb looks up words so you don't have to. Tommy talks Terry Pratchett's last wish and devils in suits.
Jun 13, 2019
43 min
Episode 9 - What Is Dead May Never Die
Robb and Tommy say goodbye to Game of Thrones, talking through the finale, how we view the show as a whole, and celebrating its best moments. They talk Drogon's IQ, Bran the Broken, why Sansa is the best, and just how good Peter Dinklage is.
May 25, 2019
1 hr 14 min