004 | Get Off The Hamster Wheel | Jonathan Backstory
28 minutes Posted Dec 27, 2016 at 9:18 am.
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004 | In Today’s Podcast we cover: Interviewing Jonathan to hear his story August 2013 Jonathan graduated from Pharmacy School with $168,000 student loan debt

How did he get to that point? ‘Followed the rules’ to get his pharmacy degree but came out owing $1,000 per month in interest You don’t have as much money as you think: the impact of taxes

How many years of work he gave up to pursue advanced degree and then pay down the debt just to get back to $0 net worth Would there have been a more efficient way to earn a $100k+ income?

How Brad saved 90% of his income the first 2 years living at home and how it set him up for life Jonathan paid off his $168k of student loan debt in 3.5 years (!)

What it takes: Incredible focus & intensity Create metrics to track to make paying down debt a fun game He looked at every single monthly expense to see if they could save money

They were able to cut their cost of living from $60k per year to $38k per year Is there a need for an emergency fund?

Differences in financial personality types When loans are paid off where does he go from here? Plans for 2017: emergency fund, create blog and podcast, create new streams of income