Join Scott, Michael, Foote, and Logan as they discuss difficulty in video games. What does it mean? What are the trends? What makes a game difficult, and what makes a game unfair. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Feb 10, 2022
1 hr 7 min

Join Logan, Scott, and Michael as they discuss what their comfort games are. Yeah, that is what they are actually talking about. They also discuss the reasons behind the picks, but good lord, this episode is rambley, so listen at your own peril. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Feb 3, 2022
32 min

Join Logan, Scott, and Foote as they discuss how Microsoft unhinged its jaw and swallowed the whole of Activision for the low low price of $68 billion dollars. I know, what are these peasant numbers. Anyhoodles, join the fellas as they discuss what this means for the gaming industry and how they think it will affect the future. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Jan 27, 2022
36 min

Join Logan, Scott, and Michael as they discuss games that they would like to see remade, or given another go but with improvements to really draw out what they found special about them. It is a short one, so buckle, like, halfway, you should be fine. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Jan 20, 2022
25 min

Join Logan, Scott, Michael, and Foote as they discuss the lengths of games. How long should it be? Are games better long or short? Is there an optimal length? Etc? Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Jan 13, 2022
49 min

Join Scott and Logan this week as they reflect on the year of 2021, offering their own picks and awards for the best game of 2021. They also go off on a complete tangent about the trends in the gaming sector for the last year, so, yeah, there is that as well. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Jan 6, 2022
1 hr 10 min

Join Scott, Foote, and Logan as they do the last episode of the 2021 year. Man, it has been an year, hasn't it? Jebus. Anyways, join the fellas as they talk about their most anticipated games for the year of 2022, or at least the games that have been announced. For one last time during the year of 2021, you get to hear us ramble about bullshit. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Dec 30, 2021
1 hr 2 min

Tis the season to join Scott and Logan as we complain about stuff again, except this time it is a bit more festive! Or something like that. Join them as they talk about the ins and outs of seasonal events, how to do them well, and examples of both good and bad ones. It sure is Christmassy around here. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Dec 23, 2021
59 min

Join Scott, Michael, and Logan as we discuss the an underappreciated aspect of games, the soundtrack. Listen to us as we prattle on about how important they are and the reasoning on why, nowadays, it seems we get less and less that are of quality. What a strange sentence. Anyways, thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Dec 16, 2021
49 min

Join Scott and Logan on an episode where we take a peak behind the curtain of the creative process that these strapping young fellows follow. Or maybe it will just turn into a Logan help session, but hey! Who knows? I do, but I won’t say. Thanks for listening. Enjoy!
Dec 9, 2021
1 hr 24 min
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